In the main hall of the Phoenix Clan!

Yuanfeng walked towards the throne of the clan leader step by step!

And Lingfeng's eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

You must know that he has been sitting there for thousands of years. Although he is only an acting patriarch, he has long regarded himself as the patriarch!

But as soon as Yuan Feng appeared, he had no choice but to give way!

"Lingfeng, what generation are you in?"

Yuan Feng asked casually.

"Fourth Generation!"

Lingfeng said.

"Well, the fourth generation? Haha, it turns out that one generation is not as good as the last. If that's the case, then there is no need to exist!"

After Yuanfeng finished speaking, before Lingfeng could react, he destroyed Lingfeng with one palm!

His soul and soul were destroyed, not even a chance for nirvana was left!



The entire Feng Clan main hall fell to their knees!

Especially the three elders who followed Lingfeng were trembling all over at this moment.

If the spirit phoenix is ​​destroyed, it will be destroyed!

"I, Yuan Feng, have been the master of the Feng Clan since the birth of the Phoenix Clan. How dare you have any different intentions? Haha, it's really ridiculous!"

Yuan Feng released his quasi-sage power that he had suppressed until now.

No one even dared to raise their heads!

"Clan Chief Yuanfeng, although I am an outsider, now that the first culprit has been punished and most of the others are being coerced, it is better to let them take the blame and perform meritorious service!"

Liu Ming stood up from beside Yuan Feng and said.

"Okay, you are kind to me. Now that you have spoken, I promise you! You all get up!"

Yuan Feng waved his hand, and the pressure disappeared instantly.

Everyone looked at Liu Ming with gratitude on their faces, especially the three elders, who were so grateful that they burst into tears!

Liu Ming saved their lives!

The border of the eternal volcano!

Liu Ming is leaving.

"Take care, don't worry, I will definitely fulfill what I promised you. From now on, the Dragon Clan will be under the supervision of my Phoenix Clan!"

Yuan Feng assured Liu Ming.

"Okay, then we have Clan Chief Lao Yuanfeng. I'm leaving. We'll see you later!"

After Liu Ming saluted, he took Taotie directly and left the Immortal Volcano.

"Send someone to wander around the wilderness and pay more attention to him. If there is any trouble, come and repay me quickly!"

Yuan Feng gave instructions to the subordinates beside him.

"Master, you are finally done, can you care about me?"

Taotie was in the sky, looking at Liu Ming's back and said angrily.

"I heard you were injured? How are you? Recover!"

Liu Ming didn't even raise his eyelids!

"I'm about to die. I, oh, thank you master for the drop of the Three Lights Divine Water!"

Taotie laughed instantly.

"If you waste three drops of my three-light divine water and can't restore Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, you don't have to live anymore!"

Taotie, who had been happy just now, suddenly turned pale.

The wild land!

Bai Ze couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the desert around him.

After being out for so long, I followed my original plan and searched for every plant and tree that belonged to my direction.

There was no trace of the prince.

I contacted the other three people before, but there was no news.

Where has this prince gone?

Suddenly, Bai Ze felt as if he was being spied on.

But this feeling passed quickly.

He didn't care either.

Witch clan territory!

Zhu Rong is sitting in the army of the Wu clan.

Di Jiang took Hou Tu to the Dragon Clan, and accepted Zhulong's invitation to discuss the matter of the Monster Clan.

"Lord Ancestral Witch, my subordinates just discovered Bai Ze, the Demon Commander of Heaven, a hundred miles to the east!"

A member of the Wu clan ran in and said anxiously.

White Pond!

Heaven is full of wisdom and stars!

"Haha, God help me, Shebishi, let's go and meet him!"

Zhu Rong said excitedly.

"I think it's better to forget it. Boss Dijiang is not here to prevent fraud!"

Shebishi is a little cautious!

"It's okay, let's go take a look. If there is an ambush, it won't be difficult for us to escape. If not, hehe, then Bai Ze can stay!"

Zhu Rong smiled very sinisterly.

When Shebishi heard this, he was right. After letting Zhu Jiuyin stay behind, the two of them headed east to kill.

And the tribesman just disappeared suddenly, and no one noticed.

In the wilderness, Bai Ze, who was looking for Liu Ming, was already a little tired.

"Hey, Prince, Prince, where are you?"

Bai Ze shook his head and prepared to return to heaven to resume his life.

"Haha, Bai Ze, it really is you!"

Suddenly, a roar of laughter in the sky made Bai Ze instantly alert.

"Zhu Rong, Shebishi, huh, the two great ancestral witches appeared together, it's inevitable that they look up to me too much!"

Bai Ze couldn't help but frown as he watched Zhu Rong and She Bishi surrounding him one after another.

"Bai Ze, I didn't expect you to be alone. Haha, why, your demon army didn't come with you?"

Zhu Rong looked like he was convinced by Bai Ze.

"Haha, I came down this time for a private matter and didn't bring anyone with me. You must have misunderstood!"

Bai Ze said with a smile.

Getting away now is the most important thing.

"Haha, do you think I will believe it? Didn't your Crown Prince Jinwu go back and complain to you? I think you were sent by Emperor Jun to attack the front station. The army will be here soon!"

Zhu Rong said coldly.

Bai Ze's face instantly turned gloomy. From Zhu Rong's words, it could be seen that the prince and the Wu clan had an encounter, but nothing happened to the prince.

Otherwise, Zhu Rong would not have said anything about going back to complain.

"I don't understand what you are saying. I just came down to deal with some personal matters. Brother Zhu Rong, please do it for your convenience!"

Bai Ze cupped his hands towards Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong glanced disdainfully and said it was useless to break the sky!

Suddenly, a white figure came straight towards Zhu Rong.


Zhu Rong's energy and blood surged, and the power of Bai Ze's palm nearly hit him.

"Shebishi, join forces to kill him!"

The furious Zhu Rong shouted and killed him directly.

Bai Ze succeeded with one move and ran away without stopping.

How long will it take if I don’t run now?

Zhu Rong is almost going crazy now. Liu Ming ran away like this, and Bai Ze ran away like this!

It was obvious that he was treating Zhu Rong as a fool, again and again!

Zhu Rong suddenly saw Bai Ze stop and felt happy, falling directly behind Bai Ze.

"You run! Why don't you run away!"

Bai Ze sighed, it wasn't that he didn't want to run, but that he couldn't run anymore!

There are already two people standing in front of me!

Wu Xuanming, the ancestor of the Wu clan, is here!

"The four great ancestral witches took great pains to deal with me, shouldn't I feel honored!"

Bai Ze didn't panic at all. He was wearing a white robe and looking at the four people around him with a smile.

"Baize is so handsome and handsome, but it's a pity that you can't leave today!"

Xuan Ming said calmly.

"You won't know until you fight whether you can leave or not!"

Bai Ze struck first and instantly shot out the power of law.

The four great ancestral witches did not hold back, and the true form of the ancestral witches appeared directly.

The five people immediately fought together.

Bai Ze soon felt the pressure!

The four ancestral witches joining forces are too overbearing!

Bai Ze can only go around and wander around!

Don't be careless!


Bai Ze was hit directly in the back by Shebi Zhi's punch, and his whole body flew forward.

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