Bai Ze spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. Zhu Rong and the others immediately surrounded him.

And the border of the Wu clan!

Taotie fell directly from the sky and placed Liu Ming firmly on the ground.

Liu Ming, who was planning to go back, thought of coming to the Wu Clan to ask for some interest before leaving.

He almost died at the hands of Zhu Rong. Although he couldn't deal with the ancestral witches, it didn't seem difficult to kill a few elites of the witch clan, even the great witches.

Liu Ming felt that anything that could consume the Wu clan was meaningful.

"Master, there seem to be a few people from the Witch Clan over there. Do you want to kill them or not? I will eat them!"

Taotie licked his tongue.

Liu Ming took a look and saw three Wu clan members in the Xuanxian realm.


Liu Ming waved his hand, showing no interest at all.

"I think Bai Ze from the demon tribe will definitely die this time!"

"That's natural, the four great ancestral witches are all out!"

The three of them were on their way when they suddenly saw Taotie with its mouth wide open!

"Come here!"

The gluttonous mouth swallowed it directly.


Liu Ming turned into a gust of wind and directly saved the three people from Taotie's mouth.

"What did you just say?"

Liu Ming pinched one of them and asked sternly.

"I, ahem, I said, what are you talking about!"


Liu Ming's face turned cold and he crushed him!

"Tell me, what happened to Bai Ze?"

Liu Ming turned to look at the other one!

"Bai, Bai Ze, dead, dead!"

The man from the witch clan said tremblingly.


It exploded again!

"You can live if you tell me clearly!"

Only the last person left!

"The ancestral witch has gone to deal with Tianting Baize, so he will definitely die this time. Our four great ancestral witches have all mobilized and headed to the land a hundred miles east!"

Liu Ming flew directly to the east.

Taotie opened his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

The master said you could live, but I didn’t agree!

Taotie swallowed the man in one gulp and followed Liu Ming to find Bai Ze.

At this moment, thousands of miles away, on a plain!

Several figures stood up out of thin air, surrounding Bai Ze!

Blood overflowed from Bai Ze's mouth, and his white robe was stained red with blood.

"Bai Ze, I ask you again, surrender or die!"

Xuan Ming asked coldly.

"I, Bai Ze, the demon commander in heaven, would rather die than surrender!"

Just as Bai Ze finished speaking, he was knocked to the ground by a burst of flame from Zhu Rong.

"Then I'll kill you!"

Zhu Rong took a step forward!

【Baize is detected in distress! 】

【Choose one……】

"I choose to save Bai Ze!"

Liu Ming didn't wait for the system to finish speaking, didn't pay attention to any rewards, and went directly towards Bai Ze.

"Great Sun Fire Spear, kill me!"

The spear in Liu Ming's hand was instantly released and he headed towards Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong, who was about to take action, suddenly stopped, turned around and knocked away Liu Ming's spear.

"Haha, brothers, this is the Golden Crow!"

Zhu Rong took a closer look, who else could it be if it wasn't Liu Ming?

When the other three ancestral witches heard this, they realized that the Golden Crow himself came to the door?

"Prince, leave quickly! You shouldn't show up, leave!"

Bai Ze watched Liu Ming struggling to get up.

"Open your mouth!"

Liu Ming directly flicked a drop of Sanguang Divine Water into Bai Ze's mouth.

Bai Ze instantly felt that his injuries were recovering rapidly.

It really is a holy medicine for healing, so overbearing!

"Bai Ze, let's find a way to leave!"

Liu Ming looked coldly at the four people who had transformed into the true form of the ancestral witch.

This time it’s a bit tricky, I’m afraid it’s hard to escape!

"Haha, it's really unexpected that Jinwu came to our door. Take action. We must not let him escape this time!"

Shebishi also became a little excited.

Taotie really wants to leave here. This owner is unreliable, no, very outrageous!

These are four quasi-sages!

He was nothing more than this at his peak!

"Prince, I'll cover you, you go. I've regained some strength now. In addition, I've notified Yingzhao, Shang Yang, and Gui Che who are nearby. They should be arriving soon!"

Bai Ze protected Liu Ming behind him.

oh? There are reinforcements!

Liu Ming's eyes showed a hint of excitement for a moment.

That’s so scary!

"No, I won't leave. Let's wait for the reinforcements to arrive together. It's best to kill one or two of them!"

Just after Liu Ming finished speaking, he stabbed Zhu Rong with the sun-fire spear, and then slapped Xuan Ming with his palm!

Bang, bang!

After two loud noises, Liu Ming returned to Bai Ze.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

It was too overbearing to forcefully receive a blow from two quasi-saint ancestral witches!

"Prince, what are you doing?"

Bai Ze was working hard to recover, but Liu Ming's operation just now made him confused.

"My body has been upgraded to the level of a golden immortal. I want to see if I can withstand a beating!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

It's okay, much stronger than before, but it's still not enough to carry the Quasi-Sage.


Xuan Ming felt that the four of them were insulted. A little golden fairy used the four of them for experiments.

The true forms of the four great ancestral witches headed directly toward Liu Ming, blocking out the sky and the sun.

Liu Ming didn't dare to be careless and threw Taotie directly in front of him.

It's too late for Taotie to leave!

All the attacks of the four great ancestral witches hit him!

In an instant, Taotie collapsed on the ground motionless.

The power of law in Bai Ze's hand directly pulled Liu Mingbao in front of him.

Then the powerful force of the four great ancestral witches hit Bai Ze directly. Bai Ze couldn't hold on anymore and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


"court death!"

"Be bold!"

Three loud shouts were heard, and the four ancestral witches' alliance was immediately broken.

Yingzhao, Shang Yang, and Gui Che finally arrived.

"Prince, Bai Ze, are you okay?"

Yingzhao asked.

"It's okay, you guys came in time!"

Bai Ze waved his hand.

With the help of the Three Lights Divine Water, as long as he is immortal, this injury will recover sooner or later.

"Four great witches?"

Zhu Rong looked at his three companions with questioning intentions.

"Hmph, you actually dare to bully my demon commander, you ancestral witches can die!"

Yingzhao said and was ready to take action!

"When did the Demon Commander of the Demon Clan become so arrogant!"

Di Jiang suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Rong and the other four.

Liu Ming's expression changed drastically. Now that Di Jiang appeared, his plan might be ruined.

"Bai Ze, prepare to retreat! We are outmatched, and besides, this place is too close to the Witch Clan!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

Bai Ze nodded. He came down this time just to look for Liu Ming. Now that he has found it, why bother with extraneous matters.

"Di Jiang, see you later!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, the four of them protected Liu Ming in the middle and disappeared directly into five streams of light.

"Master, wait for me!"

Taotie, who pretended to be dead, chased him out. This Liu Ming was so cruel!

"Boss, why don't you keep them!"

Zhu Rong asked unwillingly.

"There's no room left, look, over there!"

Di Jiang pointed to the right side of the sky!

A looming Donghuang Bell is gradually enlarging!

Donghuang Taiyi is here!

Including the four great demon commanders, no, it is very likely to be the top ten demon commanders!

The Wu clan is bound to attack with its entire army!

"Damn, what a great opportunity! How damn!"

Zhu Rong said through gritted teeth.

"Let's make more plans. This time we will discuss matters with the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan is in some trouble now and I'm afraid they won't be able to help us!"

Di Jiang shook his head and could only watch Liu Ming and the others leave.

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