Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 185: In the Zixiao Palace, the gods are conferred to measure calamity

Liu Ming looked at Nuwa's back and felt a little funny. He was so handsome and had no strength.

It actually made the sage Nuwa favor her!

After these things are resolved, why don't you have a good talk with Nuwa.

Liu Ming suddenly smiled evilly!


A stream of light fell from the sky and hit him directly.

Liu Ming looked up and saw who had taken action.

"I didn't expect that they have already left, but they are still caring about me. Gee, you are so tender!"

Just after Liu Ming finished speaking, he regretted it and hurriedly cut through the sky and returned to the thirty-third heaven.

Just as he left, a stream of light behind him dissipated without finding its target.

Ten days have passed!

Yujing Mountain.

The surrounding atmosphere seemed a bit solemn, and compared with the purity before where the immortal energy was flowing, it was a little more heavy.

In Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes, and Haotian and Yaochi were already standing on both sides!

Hongjun waved his hand and the door of Zixiao Palace opened.

"Come in, everyone!"

Hongjun's body was like a bell, penetrating directly outside the Zixiao Palace.

Suddenly two golden lights flashed in.

When they appeared, it was Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

"See Dao Ancestor!"

"See Dao Ancestor!"

The two of them saluted Hongjun.

Hongjun nodded and pointed to the seat below.

The two walked over and sat down.

Then two more golden lights came, namely Jie Yin and Zhunti.

After the two saluted, they also sat on their seats.

Immediately after three golden lights, Nuwa, Di Jun and Liu Ming arrived.

After saluting Hongjun, the three of them sat down.

Liu Ming looked around and couldn't help but feel a little confused. He didn't see the leader of Tongtian Cult!

The rightful owner hasn't come yet. It seems they came early.

But the real owner didn't come, so now they are probably waiting.

Liu Ming glanced at Hongjun, who had his eyes closed at the moment and didn't speak.

However, Liu Ming was a little surprised by Haotian and Yaochi beside Hongjun.

Why did these two people come here if they are not in heaven?

Later, Liu Ming thought about it and realized that the Heavenly Court now existed in name only.

In addition to the fact that this calamity was related to them, it made sense that they were called by Hongjun.

Now we are just waiting for the true master, Tongtian Cult Master.

After a long time, Liu Ming clearly saw Hongjun's brows furrowed. It was obvious that Hongjun was a little dissatisfied.

Although everyone was getting impatient waiting, no one spoke.

After all, it was Taoist Hongjun who summoned everyone this time, and Taoist Hongjun did not speak. Naturally, others dare not say more.

At this moment, everyone looked outside, and a golden light flashed.

The leader of Tongtian appeared.

Everyone looked at Master Tongtian with different expressions!

I saw the leader of Tongtian Cult walking over.

He put his hands on the ground and saluted Hongjun.

"Greetings to Dao Ancestor. This time, my disciples had some disputes among the disciples in the sect, so I came here after settling the matter. I came a little late. Please don't blame me, Dao Ancestor!"

After Master Tongtian finished speaking, he stood up and looked at Hongjun.

And Hongjun finally opened his eyes, and his eyes were as deep as a deep sea. He looked at the terrifying calm of the leader of Tongtian.


Hongjun just said one word.

Upon hearing this, Master Tongtian walked straight to his seat.

Located below Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun.

No one who came first took this seat. It was reserved for the leader of Tongtian Cult, and it was considered a fixed seat.

It was the first time for Liu Ming to sit in the Zixiao Palace with so many saints.

I felt a little nervous inside, as if a group of big guys were having a meeting, and I was just a lowly person.

It's not an exaggeration to feel like I'm on pins and needles.

However, Liu Ming did not come to join in the fun, but came here after being reminded by Nuwa, and he was also afraid that something might happen to the demon clan.

"We're all here, okay, I'm summoning you this time to talk about something!"

Hongjun spoke while Liu Ming was thinking wildly.

Liu Ming hurriedly cheered up and waited for Hongjun to speak.

Everyone else also sat up straight.

"You are all the leaders of all forces in the prehistoric times. This time, the way of heaven has given some instructions. Therefore, the poor Taoist has to obey the will of the way of heaven. The way of heaven has shown it. Today's way of teaching in the prehistoric times is in ruins. The emphasis on magic and the neglect of law has reached a point where it has to be changed. It’s reached the point!”

After Hongjun finished speaking, he glanced at everyone.

Liu Ming knew in his heart that this was about to start a calamity!

Emphasizing technique and despising law refers to the orthodox Three Purities of Taoism.

In fact, Liu Ming felt that the calamity this time was because Xuanmen was cleaning out some impure people under his sect.

Those left behind may be those who can adhere to the Taoism, or at least firmly support the Taoism of Xuanmen.

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone was deep in thought and said nothing.

"This time, the instructions of Heaven's Way have come, and Pindao is also following the instructions of Heaven's Way, so you only need to cooperate. First, to rectify the laws of Heaven's Way, and secondly, Heaven is now in name only, and the prehistoric era is about to collapse. You also know this. , Therefore, this time for the re-establishment of Heaven, there is also the promotion of Taoism, so Pindao obeys the will of Heaven and carries out the Great Tribulation of the Gods!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he paused!

He turned to look at everyone.

At this moment, except for Liu Ming, everyone else looked at Hongjun with wide eyes, trying to detect any intention from him.

Only Liu Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief. The God-Measurement Tribulation had begun!

It seemed that he had to take a closer look this time. Liu Ming did not intend to participate in the Conferred God Tribulation. He just wanted to make some calculations to prevent the Second Saint from the West from picking the peaches.

"This time of Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation is aimed at weeding out those who have shallow Xuanmen roots, emphasize skills over Dharma, and have shallow Taoism. Regardless of whether they are good or bad, they all went to serve in the Heavenly Court, were assigned to the Gods, and cultivated the Shinto! For Heavenly Court In charge of the order of the ancient world is also to protect the pure Taoism of my Taoism and spread it forever!"

Hongjun looked at everyone and said again.

This time I made it clear, anyone who is not a fool can understand it.

And this time the Conferred God Tribulation is aimed at Sanqing!

It's for the Taoism of Xuanmen, and the other is for heaven.

Everyone here is well aware of the current situation in Haotian's Heavenly Court.

But this time, I didn’t expect that with the help of Calamity Tribulation, Heaven would be included in it. In this way, the biggest benefit would be Haotian!

He got a lot of manpower, and the men and horses that Fengshen sent out to help him this time were different from those sent out before.

After becoming a god, I am afraid that I will be restricted by the Heavenly Court!

Haotian probably had to succumb to the thought of being able to make people in heaven become gods!

This is restricted and no longer free.

Liu Ming looked at Sanqing, trying to see something in their eyes, but at this moment Sanqing's expression was as usual.

As if it had nothing to do with them.

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