Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 186: Hongjun talks about calamity, Haotian plots against the demon clan

Hongjun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader and sighed.

"Yuanshi, the twelve golden immortals under your sect have been suffering from disasters in the world of mortals recently, and have been punished with death and punishment, so they have to undergo a calamity. Do you understand!"

Hongjun said.

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly showed a hint of cold light in his eyes, but it quickly passed away.

He looked at Hongjun and nodded.

"Your Majesty, now that the gods have been entrusted with the calamity, those with profound Taoist teachings will be regarded as immortals. The second one will be the gods in heaven. The third one will be reincarnated and become human beings. As the leader of the human religion, you should also enter the calamity. , save everyone!"

Hongjun looked at Taishang Laojun and said.

Taishang Laojun was not as affectionate and complicated as Yuanshi Tianzun, so he nodded directly.

Liu Ming was also a little excited at this moment, because although he participated in the Lich Tribulation last time, he had passively accepted it after all.

Even if he wanted to avoid it, he couldn't.

As for the inside story and the mediation behind it, he had no idea at all.

It's different now, I'm really listening!

And after listening to the conversation between Hongjun and Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Liu Ming knew that the next one was the true master, the leader of Tongtian!

Sure enough, Hongjun pointed at the leader of Tongtian Cult.

"Tongtian, there are many disciples in Biyou Palace. They are taught without distinction, and they emphasize skills but not laws. This is the root of the way of heaven! Tongtian, you, Biyou Palace, are the root of this calamity. Do you understand!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Master Tongtian's expression suddenly changed.

He looked up at Daozu Hongjun with a burst of dissatisfaction and anger.

"Dare to ask, Ancestor, if I, the disciple of Biyou Palace, have any faults? If not, then why do we have to go through this unreasonable calamity! Are we bullying Biyou Palace? Or are we dealing with Pindao?"

How could Tongtian Cult Leader just give up and look directly at Hongjun and said.

When Hongjun heard this, he was not angry at all.

"Tongtian, how is your Biyou Palace? You know it well. Jiejiao was established by intercepting the destiny of heaven. Do you know that since it contains a cause, it means there is a result. What's more, the disciples of Biyou Palace There are a few people who practice according to the Taoism. This time, the way of heaven is for the sake of the Taoism. What if you, Biyou Palace, are not included in it? Not going through calamity is disobedience to the way of heaven, and that is the punishment of heaven!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, the face of Tongtian Cult Master had turned a little gloomy.

He was staring at Hongjun at the moment, and Hongjun was also looking at him.

After a long time, the leader of Tongtian Cult saluted Hongjun.

"Disciple understands!"

Hongjun nodded.

After Tongtian Cult Leader's recognition, Liu Ming let out a long sigh.

There is no room for Tongtian Cult Leader to disagree, because Hongjun has already said, either calamity or punishment from heaven, you choose it yourself!

The calamity is fine, but the punishment from heaven is fatal.

Under the thunder, I am afraid that not many people in the entire Biyou Palace can withstand it.

"Since the Conferring God Tribulation has been decided, Heaven needs 365 divine positions, so the practitioners of this Tribulation should choose one of them to fill these 365 positions!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, everyone came back to their senses.

This is a powerful addition to Haotian!

Now Heavenly Court is afraid that after the calamity is over, it will become the controller of the true prehistoric order!

The two Western Saints, Nuwa, Di Jun and Liu Ming were looking at Sanqing at the moment.

Now they seem to be staying out of it.

The Second Sage of the West was thinking about what benefits he could get from this calamity, but Nuwa really didn't care.

But now that Hongjun mentioned the three hundred and sixty-five divine positions, Liu Ming felt a little bad for some reason.

Suddenly, Liu Ming watched Haotian walk out.

"Reporting to the Taoist Patriarch, the Heavenly Court entrusted 365 divine positions. The disciples thought that although there were many disciples of the Sanqing Dynasty, there was still a force that had gone through several wars and had rich experience. It could add some elites to the Heavenly Court, and also Please Daozu agree!"

After Haotian finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at Liu Ming.

At this moment, Liu Ming was furious. The moment Haotian came out, he had already understood what Nuwa meant by warning him.

What a Haotian, he must drag the demon tribe into the water!

Huh, the demon clan has just survived the calamity of the Lich. This time, there was nothing wrong with the demon clan, but he, Haotian, was so shameless and insisted on plotting against the demon clan. If he had known, he would have killed him in heaven. .

"Who are you talking about?"

Hongjun suddenly asked.

"The Dao Ancestor is the demon clan. First of all, the demon clan has been in charge of the prehistoric times for many years and has already had experience in controlling order. Secondly, after going through the calamity, the demon clan must be more mature and can be of great help to the heaven. !”

After Haotian finished speaking, Hongjun actually nodded slightly.

Liu Ming had calmed down at this moment.

He already understood that Haotian had already told Hongjun a long time ago that the two of them were not playing a double act now!

At this moment, the Three Purities and the Two Saints of the West were looking at Di Jun.

Nuwa's face turned serious.

Di Jun stood up.

"Tao Ancestor, my disciples don't understand. This is for the sake of Taoism. Our demon tribe is not orthodox to Taoism, why are we included in it!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Hongjun looked at Haotian.

Haotian naturally understood what Hongjun meant.

"Di Jun, this is because your demon clan is now very useful to the heaven, so as the saying goes, those who can do more work, I hope you can understand!"

After Haotian finished speaking, Di Jun became a little angry.

Liu Ming looked at Haotian's sinister face, and couldn't help but feel something in his heart. This Haotian must be irritating his father!

Don't be fooled!


"Emperor Father, since Emperor Haotian thinks so highly of the demon race, why don't we be as beautiful as adults!"

Di Jun was about to say something when he was interrupted by Liu Ming.

He looked at Liu Ming in surprise, and Liu Ming gave Di Jun a reassuring look.

As soon as Liu Ming said this, not only Di Jun, but everyone looked at him curiously.

We even saw ridicule and ridicule in their eyes.

They all felt that Liu Ming was a fool. During the calamity, he tried to get in before others could hide.

Even Hongjun showed a trace of doubt.

Hongjun didn't say anything about Haotian's plan to plot against the demon clan.

He just wants to see how the demon clan chooses, and it is not a bad thing for Hongjun that the demon clan is forced to participate.

After all, there are monsters involved. Sanqing may reduce some resistance here.

But Hongjun didn't expect Liu Ming to be so cheerful.

"Di Jun, can what he said represent the meaning of your demon clan?"

Hongjun asked.

After all, Di Jun is the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan. If Liu Ming can't represent the Demon Clan, he's just talking nonsense. Di Jun says he can't represent it. This isn't a waste of time!

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