When everyone saw that Sanqing and Hongjun were no longer talking, they knew it was time to leave!

"Okay, everything has been told to you according to the will of heaven. You can do it for yourself. Remember, the will of heaven cannot be violated. Let's all go back! The gods will rise up in a short time to measure the calamity. Nuwa, as well as the demon Clan Crown Prince, you two stay!”

After Hongjun finished speaking, Liu Ming glanced at Di Jun and nodded.

After everyone left, Nuwa and Liu Ming stood in Zixiao Palace waiting for Hongjun to speak.

"Nuwa, you need to start this calamity, you understand!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Nuwa nodded.

Liu Ming was suddenly surprised.

Of course he knew something, but Nuwa, the God of Enemy Calamity, had never told him the problem. Now that Hongjun said it, she nodded without asking why.

This shows that Nuwa is very familiar with conferring gods and measuring calamities!

Darling, it turns out that I underestimated the power of the saint!

"Little guy, haha, I am not satisfied with you being involved in the calamity!"

Hongjun suddenly looked at Liu Ming and asked.

Liu Ming felt angry. He was not only dissatisfied, but also very dissatisfied and angry.

But you can’t show it!

"The Taoist ancestor must have a reason, but the disciple doesn't dare!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Hongjun laughed.

"Letting you go to the Conferring God Measuring Tribulation is also a kind of experience for you. In addition, in order to prevent any problems from executing the Conferring God Measuring Tribulation in Yuxu Palace, your participation in it can be regarded as supervision! This can also be regarded as adhering to the will of heaven. , you understand that now you are under the gaze of heaven."

Hongjun said.

Liu Ming smiled bitterly.


Yuanshi Tianzun said this was necessary, but he said it was not possible. Then, he was afraid that he would be slapped to death, and then he would be on the list of gods!

Hongjun seemed to see what Liu Ming was thinking.

"You may be a little worried, but there's no need for that! Firstly, saints are not allowed to take action easily during calamities, except at the last critical moment! Secondly, you need to be careful yourself!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Liu Ming looked at him with wide eyes.

It is good that a saint should not take action lightly.

But why should you be careful? In other words, you are really in danger!

And Hongjun's way to solve this danger for himself is to be careful.

Let me go, you are the ancestor of Taoism, the representative of heaven, and you actually let yourself be careful and then you are gone.

"Dao Ancestor, what should we do if the disciples supervise and discover that there is a problem with the Conferred God?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Haha, this is your decision. If there is something beyond your power, the poor will show up!"

What Hongjun said was a bit ambiguous.

Liu Ming couldn't help but frown. He really didn't know what Hongjun's purpose was in involving him in the Conferred God Tribulation!

"Do you have any doubts? Haha, for no other reason, it's just so that the Conferring God Calamity can be carried out in an orderly manner. Well, you will understand it yourself in the future!"

Hongjun added.

Liu Ming looked confused now. He knew that Hongjun would not reveal his heart to him.

It seems that I can only be more careful.

I'm afraid that I will have to face a lot of trouble during this divine calamity!

Apart from anything else, Tongtian is very angry now. In anger, he still supervises a fool!

Liu Ming was afraid that Master Tongtian would kill him in anger.

Regardless of whether he can control it or not, Hongjun said that his participation in the Conferment of Gods this time has been watched by Heaven.

If you can't follow the will of heaven. I'm afraid that Heaven will kill me first and then make me a god.

That’s so sad!


Liu Ming cursed secretly in his heart.

This guy is just a troublemaker. If he hadn't insisted on plotting the demon clan into it, he and the demon clan wouldn't have come to this discussion at all.

If no one is there, Hongjun must not force himself in!

After leaving Zixiao Palace, Nuwa looked at the taciturn Liu Ming.

"Are you still worried about the upcoming tribulation?"

Nuwa asked.

Liu Ming nodded and said nothing.

"Didn't you say that you were willing to bear the entire calamity on yourself? Why do you regret it now! It seems that you didn't mean what you said!"

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming and said with a smile.

After Liu Ming heard this, he glanced at Nuwa and gave her a blank look.

Nuwa was immediately angry, but soon she laughed.

"I said, Saint Nuwa, Empress Nuwa, can you stop making sarcastic remarks! I'm already so worried!"

Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, Nuwa laughed even harder.

"I said, you've gone too far! Is it so funny to watch the excitement? Don't tell me, you look really good when you smile!"

Liu Ming suddenly stared at Nuwa.

Upon hearing this, Nuwa hid her smile, and her face instantly returned to its former cold expression.

"Look, be careful, I'll beat you up!"

Nuwa threatened Liu Ming.

"Come on, beat me up! Now, I'm going to be a god to measure calamity. My life or death is uncertain, so it doesn't matter if you beat me up. Come on!"

Liu Ming walked directly to Nuwa.

"You, please stop, huh, what can a mere calamity do to you? Haven't you already survived the calamity of the Lich, and you have been in a state of ups and downs in it? You are so unhappy, why are you so worried this time!"

Nuwa said directly.

Liu Ming shook his head after hearing this.

"Hey, you don't understand. Last time, my opponents were only those brainless ancestral witches of the Wu clan. They only knew how to kill and rush here and there. But this time it's different. I faced Sanqing. Taishang Laojun is cunning and cunning, Yuanshi Tianzun is so insidious and cunning, and Tongtian is capricious and has a bad temper, no one is easy to mess with! In addition, this time, I think the two Westerners are also holding back their bad feelings!"

Liu Ming told Nuwa his worries.

After hearing this, Nuwa looked at Liu Ming with some interest.

"Haha, it's interesting that you understand the situation so accurately! Sanqing, you dare to say that, you're not afraid of them dealing with you! However, what you said is not wrong. You already have the knowledge about Fengshen. Now that you have judged the calamity, you must have nothing to fear!"

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming and said.

After hearing this, Liu Ming could only nod, and what else could he say.

"Okay, what's the use of talking so much? This is the end of the matter. It can only be like this. Oh, by the way, you seem to understand what Daozu just said to you. Saint Nuwa, is it possible that you are already ready? You’re a fox demon!”

Liu Ming suddenly said something.

As a result, just after he finished speaking, Liu Ming's expression changed and he wished he could slap himself.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Nuwa's expression changed, and a burst of magic enveloped him.

Seeing Nuwa being so nervous, Liu Ming could only helplessly smile bitterly.

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