Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 190: Nuwa’s questioning, Hongjun’s purpose

Nuwa waved her hand and left Yujing Mountain with Liu Ming.

Liu Ming did not resist, because resisting was useless!

Since the saint wants you to do something, you can only do it, otherwise what else would you want to do?

Liu Ming even thought that if Nuwa was against him..., should he resist?

But before Liu Ming could recover from his imagination, Nuwa approached him.

"What you just said, do you know it yourself or did someone tell you?"

Nuwa asked directly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he knew that he was really talkative.

"Well, Saint Nuwa, please calm down. I thought about this myself!"

Liu Ming said.

Although he was telling the truth, Liu Ming knew that Nuwa would not believe it.

Sure enough, Nuwa snorted coldly.

"You think about it yourself. You are really powerful. You can even think of such confidential things. So tell me, what else is there!"

Nuwa pressed Liu Ming.

Liu Ming smiled bitterly, this really can't be said!

If he had said it all, Nuwa's eyes would have fallen to the ground in surprise.

"Well, Saint Nuwa, this is really what I thought of. Do you believe it?"

Liu Ming didn't know how to explain this matter.

But now he is unable to defend himself. He really knows it!

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming like this, and the doubts and doubts in her eyes did not diminish much.

Liu Ming looked at Nuwa calmly, some things really couldn't be explained clearly.

"That's all, this is your own secret, and I won't ask you any questions. Remember, trouble comes from your mouth, so you can take care of it yourself! Do you understand?"

Nuwa gave her final instructions.

Liu Ming nodded.

"You are the only one who can make me be so honest with others. I am free and measured with others. In addition, I really came up with this matter myself. If you don't believe me, I can't help it!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Nuwa nodded and said nothing.

Liu Ming said that he could be honest with her, which made Nuwa feel a little better.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back and plan some things. Please remember to be careful and remember the power of Heaven's will. Don't destroy it at will, lest you suffer disaster!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, she left.

Liu Ming sighed and headed towards the demon clan of the 33rd Heaven. At this time, Di Jun and the others should probably be anxious.

After Liu Ming and Nuwa left Zixiao Palace, Hongjun looked at the jade plate of creation in his hand and became thoughtful.

"Tao Ancestor, it's time for the disciples to go back. This time the Conferred God Tribulation is coming. Although the Heavenly Court has ceased to exist in name only, it will soon usher in a prosperous age. It's time for the disciples to go back and make preparations!"

Haotian said.

Hongjun nodded after hearing this.

"Heaven is under the control of the prehistoric order. Within the Three Realms, Heaven is in charge. If you are still unable to rectify the order after the Conferment of Gods this time, I am afraid that Heaven will not tolerate it. You understand!"

Hongjun's tone was a little harsher this time.

Haotian nodded hurriedly.

"Don't worry, Daozu. I will definitely live up to Daozu's trust this time!"

Haotian said firmly.

After the Conferment of Gods this time, I have three hundred and sixty-five righteous gods. This is not just relying on my own subordinates, but actually the manpower under my control. If I can't manage Honghuang well this time, it's because Hongjun doesn't. He said it was time for him to apologize to the Great Desolation.

Haotian and Yaochi left soon. Although the Heavenly Court has little prestige now, it still exists after all.

They still have to go back and wait for the righteous god of the gods to come to heaven to report.

After Hongjun was the only one left in Zixiao Palace, Hongjun looked at the jade dish of creation again.

"It's really strange! From the six great saints to the humble creatures in the ancient world, as long as a poor man wants to look at it, it is impossible not to see it. But why is it that the prince of the demon clan doesn't have any instructions on the jade plate of creation? !”

Hongjun muttered to himself.

After Liu Ming was brought back by him last time, Hongjun accidentally discovered that his jade plate of creation did not have any instructions.

After Liu Ming came this time, Hongjun deliberately took a breath from him and injected it into the jade dish of creation, but the result was the same.

This makes Hongjun, who is the spokesperson of Tiandao and the ancestor of the ancient Taoism, a little unbelievable.

This is the first practitioner who is not under his control!

Thinking again that Liu Ming didn't know how to obtain such skills as Chaos Slash, Hongjun became more and more curious and interested in Liu Ming.

"Haha, little guy, this time Pindao has included you in the Conferring God Tribulation. Pindao wants to see how you respond, and also see how you are able to escape the prying eyes of the Jade Disk of Creation!"

Hongjun said and laughed.

It turns out that Hongjun's purpose in involving Liu Ming in the Tribulation of the Gods was to further see everything about Liu Ming.

Because Hongjun couldn't see everything about Liu Ming on the jade plate of creation, Hongjun felt that he was not under his control for the first time.

This feeling made Hongjun a little uneasy and a little more and more curious.

So he found a reason to plot Liu Ming into it.

This time, Hongjun was confident that after experiencing everything in the Fengshen Tribulation, he would have enough time and methods to see clearly Liu Ming's true situation and thoughts.

Liu Ming wasn't very clear about Hongjun's intentions, and naturally he didn't know Hongjun's plans either.

Hongjun looked at the ancient land in the distance with an elusive smile on his lips.

Soon the door of Zixiao Palace was closed directly.

And after Yujing Mountain is filled with ethereal immortality, there is no trace of Zixiao Palace.

Thirty-third heaven.

Monster clan!

After Liu Ming came back, he went directly to Di Jun's hall.

At this moment, he could imagine that Di Jun was waiting for him anxiously.

Sure enough, when Di Jun saw Liu Ming coming back, he stood up and ran over.

"Father, I'm back!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

Di Jun nodded.

"Why did Taoist Hongjun keep you here? Is there another disaster? Or do they want you to do something again?"

Di Jun asked directly without waiting for Liu Ming to catch his breath.

Liu Ming naturally knew that this was Di Jun's concern for him.

"Father, don't worry, I'll talk to you slowly!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

Then he told what Hongjun told him.

As soon as Liu Ming finished speaking, the faces of Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun became a little ugly.

"You kid, could it be that some people still refused to let go of the demon clan, so they forced you, and in the end you took everything on yourself? Do you know that the Conferred God Measuring Tribulation is a matter for the Sanqing this time? You It’s too dangerous to be involved!”

Di Jun said anxiously.

Donghuang Taiyi on the side also looked a little worried.

Seeing how anxious the two of them were, Liu Ming shook his head.

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