Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 192 Kunpeng reminds us of the ban on religious cessation

Kunpeng said with a solemn expression.

Liu Ming, who didn't take it seriously at first, suddenly changed his expression after hearing Kunpeng's words.

After thinking for a while, his face darkened.

"It has been decided that the gods will measure the calamity. Do they dare?"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

He had this worry before, but after thinking about it carefully, he probably wouldn't.

The possibility is very small! But now after what Kunpeng said, Liu Ming realized that what he was thinking was a bit simplistic.

This is really possible!

If someone really plotted against me, it would be enough to just randomly remove someone from the list of gods and kill myself to add him.

Liu Ming's face instantly became very gloomy.

If Kunpeng hadn't reminded him, he might have forgotten about it.

"You finally said something valuable!"

Liu Ming looked at Kunpeng and said.

Kunpeng laughed.

He came just to remind Liu Ming.

Ever since Liu Ming had a heart-to-heart talk with him.

Kunpeng has become more and more aware that he no longer has any thoughts.

Now Liu Ming is really his master.

Only when Liu Ming continues to improve and possess everything can he get the benefits.

Liu Ming was able to turn the tide and bring the entire demon clan out of the whirlpool of calamity. Kunpeng admired this very much.

Although the current demon clan cannot live in seclusion, Kunpeng knows that the demon clan is gradually becoming stronger.

He also wanted to have his share of contribution when the demon clan won the final victory.

"Prince, be it the Three Pure Ones or the Two Saints of the West, you must remember not to be careless. Haha, although they are saints, their ruthlessness is beyond our imagination. Among those who have always been able to become saints, which one is easier to talk to is due to merit. Sanctification also comes from a calculation, you must be on guard against it!"

Kunpeng gave an instruction.

Naturally, we know very well about the six great saints Kunpeng.

After all, he and they all listened to Hongjun's three sermons together, but they just had the opportunity to become saints.

They are considered contemporaries, so I don't know what these people's methods are.

Now that the calamity is happening again and Liu Ming is involved, Kunpeng is naturally worried that Liu Ming will be careless.

"Well, you're right. Don't worry. I didn't take it lightly. I naturally know the virtues of these people. Now that you say this, I won't be careless again!"

Liu Ming said firmly.

When Kunpeng heard this, he felt relieved.

"By the way, Prince, I'm not lying when I just said congratulations to you. If you can achieve meritorious deeds during the Conferred God Tribulation this time, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to become a saint! I should have known that every time the Tribulation Tribulation comes, right? Destruction is opportunity!”

Kunpeng looked at Liu Ming and said again.

After hearing this, Liu Ming rolled his eyes at Kunpeng.

However, Kunpeng said that he also understood that in troubled times, some people would naturally be unlucky and some would receive huge benefits.

Liu Ming naturally knew this.

"Thank you so much! You'd better pray for me every day so that I can become a saint as soon as possible. If someone bullies you in the future, I can protect you, haha!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Kunpeng also burst out laughing.

The entire Prince's Palace suddenly became relaxed.

Golden Turtle Island!

It turns out that there are colorful and beautiful scenes everywhere around the island.

Immortal energy and spiritual energy flow alternately, making it look like a holy place of retreat.

But now it is a little depressed, and the atmosphere has become solemn.

The originally elegant atmosphere now seems to have solidified.

Biyou Palace!

The leader of Tongtian is back.

Without saying too many words, he returned directly to Biyou Palace and sat on his throne.

I could see that the whole body of the Tongtian Cult Master was filled with an evil spirit.

His face was extremely gloomy.

This trip to Zixiao Palace made him extremely angry and aggrieved.

But there is nothing we can do.

Because this was the will of Heaven, he thought that although Taoist Hongjun acted a little unfairly, the key was that his leader, Tongtian Cult, really couldn't say anything.

Because long ago, he had also sensed that this time the heavenly way was afraid that a disaster would befall their Xuanmen.

I just didn't expect it to be so fast, and I didn't expect that according to Hongjun's final intention, he was afraid that Jiejiao would really decline.

"No, whether it is Heavenly Dao or Dao Ancestor, I, Biyou Palace, cannot be bullied like this by you. Pindao cannot change his destiny and go against God's will. But if you want to take Pindao's things so easily, you can't. Impossible, hum, let’s see!”

After the Tongtian leader secretly thought to himself, he had already made up his mind not to resist, but also not to surrender.

Afterwards, Tongtian Cult Master directly waved his hand and summoned Duobao into his hall.

When Duobao arrived at the main hall, he saw his master's face looking very ugly.

He had some doubts in his heart. He naturally knew that Master Tongtian had returned from Zixiao Palace, but seeing the change in his face, he was afraid that things were not going well, or that there was some kind of trouble!

"Master, what do you want from your disciple?"

Duobao looked at Tongtian Cult Leader and asked.

Leader Tongtian looked at Duobao without speaking for a long time.

Duobao saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere and did not dare to ask any more questions.

After a long time, the leader of Tongtian Cult sighed.

"Duobao, I have given you the order of the poor Taoist. From now on, no one is allowed to go out on Jinli Island. Biyou Palace is closed. All Jiejiao disciples are practicing on Jinli Island. No one is allowed to step out of Jinli Island. You understand!"

Leader Tongtian looked at Duobao and said with a solemn tone.

When Duobao heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

This means that from now on, no one will be allowed in or out of the entire Golden Turtle Island!

And Biyou Palace was directly closed.

"Master, why is this happening? Why are we imprisoned here? Could something have happened?"

Duobao asked hurriedly.

And the cold light flashed in the eyes of Tongtian Cult Leader.

"For what? Well, for you to live, and for you to devote yourself to practicing the immortal way. Well, you don't have to ask any more questions. Just do as Pindao said. If anyone dares to go out privately, don't blame Pindao for not reminding you. Life and death are your own!”

Leader Tongtian spoke in a very serious tone. Although Duobao didn't understand when he heard it, he had no choice but to follow Leader Tongtian's wishes and hurried to Jinli Island to tell his junior brothers, sisters and others.

After watching Duobao leave, Master Tongtian stood up directly and looked up at the sky.

"Now that Pindao has closed the Golden Turtle Island and the Biyou Palace, even though you, Heavenly Dao, have calculated the calamity, and you have put everyone in Jiejiao on the list of gods, Pindao wants to see if he doesn't go to the prehistoric human race to walk. Teach the disciples how you can plot against them, hum!"

After muttering to himself, the Tongtian leader sneered and looked at the sky with a somewhat provocative look. He turned around and returned to Biyou Palace.

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