Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 193 Two Saints Talk Together, Old Man Yuxu

Leader Tongtian's plan is very simple. As long as his Biyou Palace disciples don't go out, even Hongjun will have nothing to do!

You can't come to Biyou Palace to rob people because of some bullshit Conferred God List!

If that's the case, it's not a matter of following the way of heaven and evolving to calamity, but of deliberately targeting his Tongtian cult leader and forcibly destroying his Biyou Palace.

When that time comes, don't blame him for being ruthless.

Tongtian's calculations are profound, but he forgot one thing. As long as it is a calamity under the will of Heaven, you can't avoid it yourself, because Heaven will let you take the initiative, and the executor of Heaven's will will not If I let you hide like this, I will try my best to lure you out!

While Tongtian was making calculations, there was a lively atmosphere in Yuxu Palace far away in Kunlun Mountain.

"Haha, Junior Brother Yuanshi, this time the Conferred God Tribulation rises, I didn't expect it to look like this. It's really interesting!"

Taishang Laojun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and said.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt a little happy in his heart at this moment.

If nothing else, letting him preside over the Great Tribulation of the Gods this time is a recognition of his Yuxu Palace.

Because once he presides over the Conferred God Measurement Tribulation, Yuanshi Tianzun can do some of the things easily.

Being able to calculate everything is a good thing!

Who makes him, the leader of Tongtian Cult, be so arrogant?

He actually doesn't even take himself seriously anymore.

Jie Jiao intercepted the vitality and destiny of Tiandao, and has gradually grown stronger. This does not matter, but Tongtian actually used his own increase in power to become somewhat disdainful of the small group Sanqing.

This time, I was afraid that even Heaven could no longer stand it, so I sent down the calamity.

"Hmph, senior brother, he really deserves it this time. He thinks that he has become powerful, his strength has increased, and his power has become stronger, but he doesn't know that all of this is harmful to him, not nothing. It’s a good thing, now everyone is displeased with him!”

Yuanshi Tianzun said excitedly.

Taishang Laojun glanced at him but said nothing.

In fact, it seems that this divine calamity measure has no impact on Taishang Laojun, so he naturally does not have as many emotions as Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader.

Although the Shangtang Dynasty of the human race was selected for this calamity, for the human race, the change of dynasties is the most normal thing.

It has no impact on the luck taught by others!

On the contrary, if the calamity is over, other religions may still flourish!

"Haha, Junior Brother Yuanshi, you are right, Tongtian is indeed a little too much! Of course there is nothing to say about this, but this calamity is to cleanse the impure people from my Xuanmen, so it is still a big deal! "

Taishang Laojun reminded Yuanshi Tianzun tactfully.

Because he knew that Yuanshi Tianzun had already obtained Hongjun's Shang Fang Sword at this moment, and he was afraid that he would not show any mercy to those in the Jie Cult.

However, if Yuanshi Tianzun is merciless, the leader of Tongtian will definitely be dissatisfied and even angry, and the final outcome may be out of control.

Hongjun doesn't want to see this, nor does Taishang Laojun, because if the two of them fight to the death, it will definitely cause the greatest damage to the human race.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Taishang Laojun in surprise. Regarding what Taishang Laojun said, he just thought about it for a moment and understood.

"Haha, don't worry, senior brother. The poor Taoist will not hold any personal grudges against Junior Brother Tongtian. Calamity is calamity. Under the guidance of Heaven, we can just act step by step. How can we change Heaven's will at will!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he finally dispelled Taishang Laojun's doubts.

Naturally, Taishang Laojun also pointed it out. He just reminded some things. I think Yuanshi Tianzun should be able to understand it himself.

"By the way, Junior Brother Yuanshi, who are you going to send to preside over this Conferred God Measurement Tribulation? After all, as a saint, you cannot participate in the Measurement Tribulation. You must also know this!"

Taishang Laojun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun laughed after hearing this.

"To be honest, senior brother, I have already thought about this calamity. Most of my disciples are not suitable, but only one is suitable!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Taishang Laojun did not ask further questions, presumably Yuanshi Tianzun already had a candidate.

On Kunlun Mountain, not far from Yuxu Palace, there was an old man looking around in confusion.

There was no immortal energy emanating from his whole body.

This is very abnormal for a sacred place like Kunlun Mountain.

Thinking about the entire Yuxu Palace, not to mention the Antarctic Immortal, Yun Zhongzi, and the Twelve Golden Immortals, even the ordinary disciples are the lowest Xuan Immortal and Golden Immortal.

But at this moment, this old man actually doesn't have any immortality, which is a bit unusual.

Moreover, his appearance is already a bit old. If anyone takes a serious look, his lifespan is about to be exhausted.

In ancient times, no matter which one it was, its lifespan was millions of years, and some even exceeded the limit of lifespan.

But there are still people in Kunlun Mountain who are actually trapped by Shouyuan.

This is even more strange.

The old man was in a daze, but suddenly he looked up and looked into the distance.

The figure of Yuanshi Tianzun appeared directly in front of him.

"Disciple has met Master!"

The old man stood up quickly and said.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at him and nodded.

"Ziya, it's been so long now, do you have any thoughts?"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

When the old man heard this, he couldn't help but look a little guilty, and he shook his head.

"Hey, that's all. You went to my Kunlun Mountains decades ago, and Pindao brought you into the Yuxu Palace. But you haven't made any progress now. It's such a pity!"

Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head as he spoke. It was not that he was unwilling to teach the old man.

Decades ago, by chance, this old man went to the Kunlun Mountains. Yuanshi Tianzun saw that his luck was continuing, so he took him in and kept him in Yuxu Palace.

But for others, it would take at least ten years for others to become immortals. At worst, they could transcend mortal bodies and join the ranks of earthly immortals. It is not impossible for even those who are good at walking to become immortals.

But this old man didn't make any progress at all.

If it weren't for the abundant immortal energy in Yuxu Palace, I'm afraid this old man would have exhausted his longevity and returned to reincarnation.

This old man’s surname is Jiang and his given name is Ziya!

He is indeed a little stupid.

What Yuxu Palace does not lack is immortal energy, and what it does not lack is cultivation techniques.

Anyone else would have been afraid that he would have been transformed into an immortal.

But he suddenly made no progress at all.

Now even someone as powerful as Yuanshi Tianzun has no choice.

Because he is still a mortal after all, Yuanshi Tianzun is always anxious even if he has great abilities.

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