Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 202 Liu Ming enters the palace, Fei You cries

After Fei Zhong arranged for Liu Ming and Yang Jian, he entered the palace hall to serve King Zhou.

Qian Dingzhu and Wan asked him to stay in the room and wait for them to come out and go back together.

After Fei Zhong and You Hun entered the harem, they went directly to find King Zhou.

King Zhou was playing with Daji at the moment.

"My King! I almost couldn't see you!"

Fei Zhong fell directly on the ground and cried.

When Youhun saw Fei Zhong acting like this, he understood.

"Your Majesty, the same is true for the villain! I'm afraid I won't have the chance to serve the King in the future! Please take care of yourself in the future. I'm afraid I won't be able to adapt without the two villains to serve you. Please choose a successor who can replace me and me as soon as possible. People!"

You Hun cried even more miserably than Fei Zhong, lying on the ground and roaring at the top of his lungs.

King Zhou, who was originally in a relatively happy mood with Daji, frowned at this moment.

"What are you two doing? Why are you doing this? What happened?"

After King Zhou finished speaking, Fei Zhong and You Hun looked at each other, with a glimmer of light in their eyes.

Obviously these two people are already making new plans.

"My lord, you don't know that the two of us almost lost sight of you. Today, outside the palace, someone actually ambushed the two of us. Although I don't know who did it, they did it viciously. They attacked both of us. The desire to kill."

Fei Zhong hurriedly said to King Zhou.

After hearing what he said, King Zhou frowned directly.

I saw King Zhou helping Daji up. He slowly walked up to the two of them.

"What are you talking about? Someone actually ambushed you two in the palace of Chaoge City. Humph, is this serious?"

King Zhou asked in disbelief.

Fei Zhong glanced at You Hun.

You Hun understood immediately.

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely true! It was indeed someone who ambushed the two of us, or more than a dozen killers, and chopped them to death. The two of us were originally going out to do things for the Majesty, but we didn't bring anything with us. He was a guard, but he was intercepted and killed as soon as he left the palace gate.

If it weren't for the help of two heroes, we would have no chance to talk to the king now. If the king doesn't believe it, go to the city gate guard and ask! They all saw it and sent people to rescue us two! "

You Hun directly explained the matter in detail.

When King Zhou heard this, he immediately believed it.

There is no doubt!

His whole body was instantly filled with a chilling aura.

"Okay, in broad daylight, under the clear sky, there are people outside my palace who dare to kill my king's people. There is simply no way for the king to do it. Do you two know who did it? Tell me, I will give it to you. Revenge!”

King Zhou said murderously.

Fei Zhong was speechless after hearing this. He didn't know who did this!

You Hun doesn’t know either!

There is no obvious flaw, and they seem to have offended too many people. Who knows which one it is?

Originally, You Hun was planning to expose Bigan, his most hated uncle, King Zhou.

But when he saw Fei Zhong shook his head, he gave up.

How could Na Bigan be brought down without any evidence, and Bigan might even bite him back because of this incident. They deliberately framed Zhongliang. By that time, they would be passive.

They also knew that few people in the entire dynasty would speak for them, and they might be killed for falsely accusing Bigan.

"Your Majesty, we don't know who this is, but the two warriors who saved us have extraordinary strength. I think they may be able to see something! After all, they are powerful!"

Fei Jun said suddenly.

When Youhun heard this, he nodded hastily.

"Yes, Your Majesty, he must know something! I think people like them who know Kung Fu will be able to identify the perpetrator!"

When King Zhou heard this, he nodded.

What the two of you said makes sense!

"Where are these two people? Bring me and ask them in person!"

After King Zhou finished speaking, Fei Zhong and You Hun showed joy in their eyes.

"Your Majesty, these two people were brought into the palace by me and me. Call them here now!"

After Fei Zhong finished speaking, he hurried out.

At this moment, Liu Ming and Yang Jian were staying here and did not go out. It was not that Liu Ming was obedient, but that Liu Ming had just looked at the fortune of the entire palace. If he had not chosen this place for the Conferred God Tribulation, I am afraid that there would still be other people in the Shang Dynasty. Hundreds of years of luck.

As a result, I was selected. I had no choice but to comply with God's will.

Coupled with the fact that he had offended and blasphemed Nuwa, the matter became even more out of hand.

In fact, Liu Ming knew that even if King Zhou was not a coward, others would find excuses to cause trouble for his dynasty. After all, all charges came from the Six Sages of Heaven.

At this moment, Fei Zhong walked in. When he looked at Liu Ming and Yang Jian, there was a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

"Haha, you two are really lucky this time. The king wants to see you. Haha, if my brothers hadn't recommended you to the king, you two might not be able to meet the king in this life. You should What a blessing!"

Fei Zhong looked at Liu Ming and Yang Jian and said.

Liu Ming didn't smile. Fei Zhong was preparing to win over the two of him!

But he didn't know their identities, otherwise they wouldn't scare him to death.

"Thank you very much, Doctor Fei. It must be your contribution that my master and apprentice were able to be summoned by King Zhou!"

Liu Ming responded lightly.

Fei Zhong looked at it and seemed a little unenthusiastic!

If the two of them can let the two of them meet the king, they will definitely be able to let the two of them be killed by the king.

Humph, I still seem a little confused now!

"By the way, the king is calling you this time. It must be to ask you two for clues about the murderer who ambushed us. Do you two understand? If we perform well this time, we will ask the king for credit, and maybe we can also give him a reward. The two of you share the same official position, so you need to think clearly!"

Fei Zhong looked at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming just nodded lightly.

"Doctor Fei, tell us and we will listen!"

When Fei Zhong heard what Liu Ming said, he felt a little relieved. It was okay, at least he could get on the road.

"If the king asks you this time, just say that judging from the murderer's skills and weapons, it seems that he is from Bigan's house. You two understand!"

Fei Zhong looked at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming was a little funny when he heard this.

This Fei Zhong is really a good at calculating others!

Surprisingly, this can all be related.

"Doctor Fei, I don't know who this Bigan is. I don't know what the symbol is on Bigan's house. I don't know how to petition King Zhou! Isn't this deception?"

Liu Ming shook his head.

When Fei Zhong heard this, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

"You two don't need to know so much. You do what I say, do you understand?"

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