Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 203: Meeting King Zhou and showing off his power

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but frown, but he soon relaxed his brows.

"Haha, okay, then let's follow Doctor Fei!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at Yang Jian and gave him a wink.

Yang Jian instantly understood that this was asking Yang Jian to act according to Liu Ming's wishes and act according to the situation.

After Fei Zhong got a positive answer from Liu Ming, he led the two of them towards the palace.

"Your Majesty, these two warriors have been brought!"

Fei Zhong entered the palace and said to King Zhou.

King Zhou raised his head and glanced at Liu Ming and Yang Jian. The power in his eyes was also quite powerful.

At this moment, Daji, who was lying in King Zhou's arms, also raised her head slightly, wanting to see who had saved Fei Zhong and the others.

As a result, as soon as Daji raised his head, he was immediately stunned.

Her whole body couldn't help but tremble, and she and Liu Ming looked at each other.

Liu Ming just stopped looking at him.

King Zhou felt something strange about Daji and hugged her tightly.

"What's going on? Beauty, did these two people collide with you?"

King Zhou asked angrily.

When Daji heard this, he shook his head hastily.

She didn't dare to say that Liu Ming and the two had collided with her!

Otherwise, your life is at risk!

"Your Majesty, I'm a little tired. It's been so long. Who wouldn't be tired after staying here? Your Majesty ended up here early. Let's go back and have a drink!"

Daji said.

When King Zhou heard this, he felt a little itchy.

But seeing that Fei Zhong and the others were all there, after all, one of his confidants had just been assassinated, so it would be inappropriate for him to drink with Daji if he didn't care.

I will still count on these two people to do things for me in the future.

King Zhou patted Daji on the shoulder.

"Beauty, wait a moment, I will finish processing it soon and I will accompany you!"

King Zhou said with a smile, and Daji nodded obediently.

At this moment, Liu Ming also saw the living King Zhou.

He looked at King Zhou and found that King Zhou still had a somewhat imperial air.

Apart from anything else, the luck in his body is somewhat similar to that of the Emperor's Ziwei Star Light.

It seems that this human emperor is still receiving the blessing of heaven at this moment.

It's not yet time to be abandoned by Heaven. It is estimated that when Emperor Zhou shows signs of success, the Ziwei star on his body will shift. By then, King Zhou will probably be a prodigal abandoned by Heaven!

"You two are Liu Liao, Fei Zhong and You Hun. Humph, you are so brave. You don't kneel down when you see me!"

King Zhou suddenly looked at Liu Ming and Yang Jian and scolded them.

His tone was a little angry, and his whole person exuded bursts of strong murderous aura.

This directly angered Yang Jian, but when he saw that Liu Ming had no instructions, he did not take any further action and endured it.

Liu Ming looked at King Zhou and suddenly felt that he was somewhat similar to Emperor Haotian. They were both the same kind of people. As an emperor, he felt invincible.

This is really asking for death!

But now Liu Ming doesn't intend to meet him in the same way, after all, he is still the emperor of the world. You can't just kill someone. This is something that God cannot tolerate.

Besides, after killing King Zhou, you still made a god!

If this divine calamity was destroyed in his own hands, not to mention himself, the entire demon clan would be implicated.

Now we can only comply with God's will and follow the will of God!

Seeing Liu Ming's lack of movement, Fei Zhong felt anxious, and he kicked Liu Ming's knee directly.

He wanted to kick Liu Ming to the ground and salute King Zhou.

But just as he kicked his raised leg, Liu Ming suddenly opened his eyes.


Fei Zhong fell backwards and fell onto his back.

Fei Zhong was already a little confused by the fall.

He was in pain all over and didn't know why he suddenly fell.

When King Zhou saw it, he was furious. These two people seemed to be dissatisfied with him!

That means just kill him.


Daji on the side suddenly burst into laughter, and the laughter was so loud that the entire hall was filled with Daji's laughter.

At this time, King Zhou, who was a little angry, instantly lost any anger.

Looking at Daji who was laughing heartily, King Zhou walked over directly.

"Beauty, you haven't been so happy for a long time! Haha, why is that!"

King Zhou asked.

Daji pointed at Fei Zhong beside him.

"Your Majesty, Doctor Fei is so funny, he really looks like a turtle!"

Daji was a little out of breath as she spoke.

King Zhou turned around and saw that they were really similar. King Zhou also laughed instantly.

Fei Zhong, who was left in pain, slowly got up, and You Hun quickly helped him up.

King Zhou looked a little embarrassed when he looked at the two of them.

After all, he is his confidant, so it is inappropriate to ridicule him like this.

But Daji didn't care about this, she still smiled happily.

This made Fei Zhong even more embarrassed, and he looked at Liu Ming still standing upright with Yang Jian.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in my heart.

"Your Majesty, these two people don't know the rules, which made your Majesty angry. You two are guilty. You two. Why don't you kneel down!"

Fei Zhong shouted directly at Liu Ming and the others.

I saw Liuzhou shaking his Taoist robe.

"Haha, Your Majesty, I'm sorry, the two of us have just come down from the mountain. People from outside the country are not bound by the red tape, so it is inconvenient for the two of us to salute. Please invite Your Majesty Haihan!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

King Zhou, who had been relaxed because of Daji's smile, became angry again.

Someone from outside the country?

Humph, who in the entire Shang Dynasty would dare to disobey him or not salute him.

What an outsider, this is disrespectful!

"Bold, are you two contemptuous of me? Come here, take it down for me, pull it out, and chop it down!"

King Zhou was furious and called the guards outside the door.

Yang Jian on the side looked at it and snorted. He suddenly exerted force on his feet and heard a few clicks.

All the guards who had just ran in stopped.

Because the floor of the hall has cracked and cracked.

The whole hall shook.

"Erlang, don't be rash. Your Majesty, my apprentice has a bad temper. Last time he was on the mountain, he broke a mountain into pieces. Hey, I don't know if this palace is solid or not!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at King Zhou and smiled playfully.

Not only King Zhou, but also Fei Zhong and You Hun were dumbfounded.

They no longer cared about etiquette at this moment, and all looked at the cracks in the ground.

This is the strongest stone. There was actually a gap as wide as a finger.

King Zhou's throat began to rumble.

He became a little scared.

"Your Majesty, these two seem to be capable people. We can't offend them. They are also capable! If you don't kneel down, don't kneel down! In order to avoid angering them, we might as well treat them well and still do things for the king! "

Daji took the opportunity to say something.

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