In addition, this vixen has its own mission, which is to carry out the will of heaven.

"By the way, Daji, don't you have two companions, why didn't you see them!"

Liu Ming asked.

I remember that Saint Nuwa summoned three fairies from Xuanyuan’s tomb!

Now there is only Daji.

This made Liu Ming a little strange.

"Your Highness, the two of them don't have the time now. They will naturally appear when the time comes. If Your Highness wants to see her, I will summon them right now!"

Daji said hurriedly.

Liu Ming waved his hand, and he just asked casually.

"Okay, Daji, you can go back!"

Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, Daji nodded.

She just met Liu Ming. I came here specifically to say hello, but I had to give Liu Ming face anyway. In addition, Liu Ming had a very good relationship with Saint Nuwa, which Daji knew well.

"Your Highness, then I will go back. If your Highness needs Xiaoyao for something in the future, just ask, Xiaoyao still has some strength in the Shang Dynasty!"

Daji said with a smile.

"Oh, I see!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Daji left directly.

Today, Daji is already a little in a state of ecstasy.

Sending her down would harm King Zhou and destroy the Shang Dynasty, but now Daji seemed not to be satisfied with this and started to make trouble.

Liu Ming didn't say anything, everything was God's will.

I'm afraid that if Daji continues like this, the consequences will be the same as history, she will be killed directly and there is no way she will be on the list of gods.

But Liu Ming has nothing to do with this matter.

"Master, you know this vixen!"

Yang Jian looked at Liu Ming and asked.

Regarding the matter of conferring gods and measuring calamities, Yang Jian only knows a rough idea now.

He knew the situation on the surface, but he didn't know the intricate relationships behind it.

Liu Ming also didn't explain it clearly to him.

Because although Yang Jian followed him this time, he was afraid that he would have to survive the tribulation of becoming a god later.

In the previous memory, he, Nezha and others had no physical bodies, were destroyed and became gods.

And this time it is estimated that the difference will not be too big.

After all, Heaven may have given instructions on their fate since Yang Jian was born.

Although I have changed some things, I still cannot change my destiny.

Just like Sun Wukong, although he is now apprenticed to Liu Ming, he still cannot escape the calamity that will follow due to some combination of circumstances.

It is precisely because of this incident. This gave Liu Ming a clear understanding of the way of heaven and providence.

Liu Ming nodded directly to Yang Jian.

"I am the prince of the demon clan, why is it strange that I know a few little demons!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

When Yang Jian heard it, what he said seemed to make sense!

The majestic prince of the demon tribe, this vixen is just trying to curry favor with you!

Jiang Ziya, who was hiding now, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky.

Then Jiang Ziya's expression became a little surprised.

Then a group of looming auspicious clouds appeared in the sky.

"Disciple, obey!"

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

When he raised his head, there was no sign of anything in the sky.

As if nothing had happened, Jiang Ziya sighed.

It seems that the master must have known that he had nothing to do now, so he sent a clone to guide him.

Jiang Ziya had no choice but to pack up his things and head towards the direction directed by Yuanshi Tianzun just now.

After just leaving his seclusion, Jiang Ziya was walking on the road.

Suddenly, several people in front looked back at him, and Jiang Ziya suddenly felt something was wrong.

There seems to be something wrong with these people!

They all have sinister features and do not look like good people.

In desperation, Jiang Ziya hurriedly turned around and prepared to leave.

"Old man, stop!"

Suddenly, these people shouted loudly and blocked Jiang Ziya's escape.

Jiang Ziya already knew that he had met a robber.

But after all, he had stayed in Kunlun Mountain and had seen strong winds and waves, so Jiang Ziya did not panic.

"What do you want! I am just an old man passing by here!"

Jiang Ziya said calmly.

It's a pity that he was immediately surrounded after he finished speaking.

"Hmph, I don't care who you are, this place is my territory, uncle, come on, hand it over!"

A man looked at Jiang Ziya arrogantly.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but hold his package tightly.

"Whatever you want, these are all useless things. As for money, haha, I don't have any!"

Jiang Ziya said.

This group of people was angered.

They walked over fiercely, and the first person immediately started to snatch Jiang Ziya's package.

How could Jiang Ziya give it to him? This was the only thing of value he had!

During the tug, Jiang Ziya was kicked to the ground.

He suddenly felt angry, stretched out his hand and struck out with a palm. As a result, before he could hit the person who hit the head, he was kicked to the ground again.

Jiang Ziya rubbed his back. He was a little helpless. Now he remembered that he didn't have any magic power!

With the help of the majestic immortal energy in Kunlun Mountain, I can still perform some tricks, but there is no such thing as immortal energy in the world.

I am just an ordinary old man now, no match for those people.

Seeing his things being robbed, Jiang Ziya was helpless, but he knew that there was nothing he could do.

Just grab it and grab it!

As a result, a group of people searched for a long time and found nothing of value, and they instantly became a little angry.

"You're playing tricks on me! You old guy, beat him to death!"

A group of people directly beat Jiang Ziya.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya, who had been beaten and curled up on the ground, was holding his head.

He was allowed to be beaten by them, and he had stayed in Yuxu Palace. Although he was older, he was still very resistant to beatings.

However, Jiang Ziya gradually became a little angry. After all, he was a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. How could the person who presided over the Conferring God Calamity be bullied by a group of gangsters?

Suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, didn't he have a magic weapon?

That divine whip is of no use to mortals.

But the Central Wuji apricot yellow flag is in hand!

After Jiang Ziya had a thought, he stretched out his hand and took the central Wuji apricot yellow flag in his hand.

There are words in his mouth.

The group of people who were kicking and beating Jiang Ziya suddenly saw a flash of golden light, and a monstrous force came directly from them.

They were all blown away in an instant.

Jiang Ziya saw that the group of people who beat him were no longer there, and he suddenly felt relieved.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya had been beaten with a bruised nose and face, and the Taoist robe on his body was also a bit tattered.

But he couldn't care about this and hurriedly picked up the package he had thrown on the ground.

After looking at the robbers lying on the ground, he did not deal with them but left directly.

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