After leaving, Jiang Ziya strode towards the destination in rapid strides.

He is now a little scared and surprised. The fear is that he really has no strength, and some of the Taoist practices will be useless after leaving Kunlun Mountain.

The surprise was that for the first time he had a new understanding of the magic weapon given to him by his master, Yuanshi Tianzun. Among other things, the Central Wuji Xinghuang Flag allowed him to at least have a life-saving thing now, so that he would not be killed. People were beaten to death.

In fact, it was Jiang Ziya who was a little worried. After all, he was sent by Yuanshi Tianzun to preside over the Conferring God Tribulation. How could he die so easily? Heaven was also protecting him.

Jiang Ziya followed the instructions and came to a seaside.

He looked at the endless water around him with emotion.

The blue waves here are rippling and sparkling, and Jiang Ziya has calmed down after being frightened by the robber just now.

Start to enjoy the beautiful scenery here!

Just when Jiang Ziya was sitting on the shore and was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, the entire seawater began to sway non-stop.

As the shaking rhythm became faster and faster, a vortex had formed.

Unfortunately, Jiang Ziya, who was sitting on the shore and already immersed in the beautiful scenery around him, did not see it.

Just when the whirlpool was flowing rapidly, Jiang Ziya felt some movement and looked back at the sea. This glance didn't matter, it frightened him to the spot.

Just then, Jiang Ziya came to his senses after hearing a loud bang and hurriedly ran away.

However, huge waves of sea water hit him directly. Before Jiang Ziya could run far, he was knocked to the ground by the sea water from behind.

Jiang Ziya, who was still in shock, endured his pain and was about to run away when suddenly there was a voice behind him.

"Who are you and why do you stay here with me?"

Jiang Ziya looked back and was so frightened that he trembled all over.

He had not seen any demons and ghosts in Kunlun Mountain for decades. How could he not be afraid when a naked figure was talking to him in mid-air?

"Don't come over here. I am a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain. If you dare to hurt me, don't blame me for being rude!"

Jiang Ziya looked at the figure in the air and shouted loudly. At this moment, he was ready to use his central Wuji apricot yellow flag to protect himself.

Jiang Ziya was really frightened. He had just experienced a robbery by bandits and finally escaped, but now he encountered such a situation again.

How could Jiang Ziya not be afraid?

"Who do you think you are? You are so bold. You actually dare to pretend to be from Yuxu Palace. You old man is in danger of death. Yuxu Palace is a place for immortals. How can you be allowed to be so presumptuous!"

The figure in the sky looked at Jiang Ziya and shouted.

He has no fairy spirit at all, no realm at all, and his clothes are in tatters. He looks like a beggar wandering the world. It is really ridiculous to call himself a disciple of Yuxu Palace.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he suddenly felt worried. He didn't believe himself!

He thought about it and suddenly remembered that he once had a jade plate in Yuxu Palace, which was a proof of identity, and he hurriedly took out the jade plate.

"Hmph, you are so surprised. Apart from the people from Yuxu Palace, who else can have such and such things? Do you see clearly? I am the Yuanshi Tianzun disciple of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain!"

Jiang Ziya raised his jade plate and said hurriedly.

He was afraid that the figure didn't recognize him, or that he was deliberately causing trouble for him, so he was still nervously on guard.

What surprised him was that after seeing him take out his Jade Butterfly, the figure in the air had no intention of attacking him. Instead, he fell down and knelt in front of Jiang Ziya.

This made Jiang Ziya a little confused.

"Master, please save the wandering soul from this deep sea. For thousands of years, the wandering soul has been staying here. The former Yuanshi Tianzun of Yuxu Palace has given the order of the Qingxu Moral Lord. If the master passes by, he will definitely be able to let me out. . Please ask the mage to cast a spell to save me!"

The figure actually knelt on the ground, looked at Jiang Ziya, and said excitedly.

True Monarch Qingxu Daode told him, wasn't that his senior brother?

It seems that the previous guidance from Master Yuanshi Tianzun was for him!

Jiang Ziya felt a little relieved at this moment.

"Here, who are you and why have you been here for thousands of years? It stands to reason that in a thousand years, you have already transformed and even cultivated! But there is something wrong with you now! Why is this? Tell me Listen!”

Jiang Ziya asked bravely.

"Master Dare to teach you that I am Bai Jian, the commander-in-chief of Emperor Xuanyuan's army. I once fought against the demon Chi You and was unfortunately hit by a firearm. Therefore, I have not been able to survive this calamity for a thousand years. Please save me, Master!" When I come out, the Master’s kindness is as high as Mount Tai, and Bai Jing should serve the Master!”

Bai Jian hurriedly kowtowed to Jiang Ziya!

When Jiang Ziya heard that he had a name and a surname, and since he was the person enlightened by the True Monarch of Qingxu Morality, he must have done it for the purpose of becoming a god and measuring calamity for himself.

Jiang Ziya knew that this might be the time when his master helped him.

Since there is an opportunity, Jiang Ziya will naturally not miss it. The clone of Yuanshi Tianzun met him before and gave him a talisman and a magic weapon. I guess it was for this Baijian!

Jiang Ziya stretched out his hand, and the talisman exploded, and a violent thunderous sound was heard in the sky.

Then the entire sea area became turbulent.

Not long after, Bai Jian's face lit up with joy, and he immediately shook off the restraints that suppressed him. He had already left the endless sea and headed towards Jiang Ziya.

"Thank you Master, this disciple has been freed from this bondage and is now free. Please give me your instructions. I will obey the Master's orders!"

Bai Jian knelt beside Jiang Ziya and said.

Jiang Ziya didn't know what to do at this moment, because although Bai Jian was out of trouble now, where could he take him with him?

In addition, he is just a wandering soul now, and he cannot transform into a human being and walk around the world with him!

Just when Jiang Ziya was a little confused, he suddenly froze for a moment, and heard the message from his senior brother Qingxu Daode Zhenjun.

After hearing this, Jiang Ziya suddenly realized.

"Thank you, senior brother, for your teaching. Junior brother, I understand!"

Jiang Ziya bowed to the void!

At this moment, Bai Jian looked at Jiang Ziya expectantly, waiting for him to speak.

"Bai Jian, you have stayed here for thousands of years just because you were restrained after being attacked by firearms. Today, you met me, which can be regarded as your blessing. Just now, Senior Brother Qingxu Daodezhenjun has passed down the message , I want to put you on the list of gods, are you willing?"

Jiang Ziya looked at Bai Jian and asked.

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