After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, the Antarctic Immortal didn't know what to say.

"Master, do you want to send your disciples to go to the human world?"

After a long time, the Antarctic Immortal looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded.

"I'm afraid it won't work if I don't go down there. Hmm, this Demon Clan Prince is a destabilizing factor in the human world. We have some hatred towards the Demon Clan and this Demon Clan Prince. I'm afraid he will cause trouble for us. We'll go down this time. Tell Ziya to be on guard!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"Then who does Master think is suitable to go down?"

The Antarctic Immortal asked.

"Last time Yun Zhongzi went down, he had a big battle with the demon prince. There was no winner or loser. Although Yun Zhongzi was a little reluctant to use all his strength, he could still tell how powerful the demon prince was. If he went down ten thousand If you meet him and you are no match for him, you may be bullied, so let's let Guangchengzi and Chi Jingzhi go down, and they will take care of you. In addition, even if you face him, the demon prince, you will not fall behind!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, the Antarctic Immortal nodded.

Later, Yuanshi Tianzun called Guangchengzi and Chi Jingjing to give instructions, and the two headed towards the human world.

After a night of non-stop pursuit, Lei Kai and his troops arrived at the ruined temple where Yin Hong was hiding.

"General, we have been running all day. Now that we have this ruined temple, let the brothers rest for a while, even for a moment. In addition, the horse under the crotch also needs to rest. If the horse is run to death, we will There is no horse to ride!"

The men looked at Lei Kai and said.

Lei Kai nodded, after all, he was tired.

Then they entered the ruined temple. More than two hundred people squeezed in. Naturally, the ruined temple, which was not very big, was packed. In addition, Yin Hong, who was hiding here and sleeping, was easily discovered.

When Lei Kai looked at Yin Hong, all the fatigue and weakness in his body immediately disappeared.

"Haha, the emperor has paid off! Prince, prince, wake up!"

Lei Kai said to Yin Hong.

Yin Hong opened his eyes when he heard the sound. Looking at the dense crowd of people and horses around him, he suddenly sat up in shock.

Soon, after seeing Lei Kai, Yin Hong started to cry.

"This prince was still caught by you! Oh my god! Don't you open your eyes!"

Yin Hong burst into tears. He was certainly no stranger to Lei Kai, who was the general beside King Zhou.

Now that he is here, it is natural to take him back!

"Prince, there is no need to panic. This time we came out to take the prince back with the king's order! Don't worry, we will take you back safely!"

Lei Kai said hurriedly.

When Yin Hong saw that he could no longer run away, there was only one chance of death if he returned. He instantly felt despair.

"Leikai, this prince wants to ride a horse, not walk!"

Yin Hong said.

When Lei Kai heard this, he nodded immediately. Not to mention riding a horse, he could even carry it on his back. Only by finding the two princes could he and Yin Pobei save their lives!

So Lei Kai didn't let everyone rest, and directly led everyone to escort Yin Hong back to Chaoge.

On the other side, Yin Pobai was a little surprised when he saw Shang Rong's mansion, so he took people in.

As a result, I happened to see Yin Jiao and Shang Rong drinking in the yard.

It takes no effort at all!

Yin Pobai's mood was exactly the same as Lei Kai's.

"No, old prime minister, the thief is here and my life is at stake!"

When Yin Jiao saw Yin Pobai and others breaking in, their expressions suddenly changed.

Shang Rong looked at Yin Pobai coldly.

"Hmph, General Yin doesn't know how to kill enemies on the battlefield nowadays, but he is very active in capturing the prince!"

Shang Rong laughed coldly.

"Old Prime Minister, it turns out that this is your old man's place. Haha, I'm really a little offended. I thought it was some kind of ordinary people's place. I wanted to come in and ask for a drink!"

Yin Pobai said with a smile and looked at Shang Rong in surprise.

This old prime minister of three dynasties cannot afford to offend him!

Even King Zhou had to give some face.

"Are you asking for a drink of water? Okay, come here! Bring some water to General Yin, let General Yin and the soldiers drink it, and then leave!"

Shang Rong said directly.

"Hey, no need, Mr. Prime Minister. You must also know the purpose of our coming here. There is no other way. The king's will is here and we have to act like this. Please forgive me, Your Highness, please!"

How could Yin Pobai be in the mood to drink water at this moment?

After finally catching Yin Jiao, the top priority now is to take Yin Jiao back to Chaoge City.

Seeing that his warriors were about to take action, Shang Rong directly blocked Yin Jiao behind him.

"You Yinpopai, did I teach you this way back then? You don't care about serving the country and the people, but you actually listened to the fatuous king's orders to arrest His Highness the Crown Prince. Do you know what you are doing? You are confused. I am sure I really misjudged you, if you want to take His Royal Highness away, fine, just step over me!"

Shang Rong scolded loudly.

Yin Pobai had a look of helplessness on his face, but he calmed down in a moment and waved his hand. The warriors immediately surrounded Shang Rong and Yin Jiao.

"Old Prime Minister, Your Highness the Crown Prince, the King's will is here. It's not that I insist on making things difficult for you. It's really hard to disobey the King's order. Also, the King has said that if we can't find His Highness the Crown Prince, we will be tortured by the cannon when we go back. Now, I’m really helpless!”

Yin Pobai said with a wry smile.

After Shang Rong heard this, he suddenly felt helpless. He knew what Yin Pobai said today and wanted to take Yin Jiao away, otherwise he would die if he went back. Under such circumstances, Yin Pobai would not let Yin Jiao go.

"Old Prime Minister, get out of the way. I will follow them back. If I don't go back, General Yin will die. Haha, it's okay to trade my life for his. Anyway, I am the person my father must kill! Why bother? Implicate innocent people again!”

Yin Jiao pushed Shang Rong away and walked out.

Yin Pobai hurriedly saluted to Yin Jiao.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, I am really helpless. Please forgive me Your Highness the Crown Prince. Alas, I cannot participate in the affairs of the deep palace. I can only act on the orders of the King!"

Yin Pobai said.

Yin Jiao waved his hand.

"You're welcome. How can a dying person blame you? Let's go. Go back early and face your father earlier. I want to ask him how he could kill his mother so cruelly!"

After Yin Jiao finished speaking, he strode outside.

Yin Pobai led others to follow directly.

"Wait a moment!"

Shang Rong suddenly shouted loudly.

Yin Pobai looked at him in surprise.

"Humph, since you insist on His Highness the Crown Prince going back, okay, then wait a moment and I will accompany His Highness the Crown Prince back. I want to see who dares to kill His Highness the Crown Prince."

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