Yin Pobai saw that Shang Rong wanted to go with him, so he had no choice but to wait for him to pack up and hit the road together.

At that fork in the road, Yin Jiao looked at the intersection and was a little reluctant to be found, but after all, his brother ran out.

It can be considered a blessing.

But before he could be happy for a moment, there was a sound of horse hoofbeats. Yin Jiao looked up and saw who else was sitting on the horse if not his brother?

"elder brother!"

"younger brother!"

When the two met, they hugged each other and started crying.

Unexpectedly, neither of the two brothers ran away this time.

They were all caught!

Yin Pobai and Lei Kai showed a hint of joy in their eyes.

What they were thankful for was that their lives were saved.

"Hey, what a sin! What a sin!"

Shang Rong looked at the two brothers. The two princes of Dashang suddenly felt a little angry.

"Look at the good deeds of the two of you. Ah, these two good princes have been caught by you now. It is uncertain whether they will live or die when they return home. You are really good ministers of the great merchant!"

Shang Rong looked at the two of them and cursed.

Fortunately for Yin Pobai, he had benefited from Shang Rong after all.

But Lei Kai doesn't have such a good temper. Even though you are a veteran of three dynasties, you have retired and returned home.

In addition, this Lei Kai was very close to Daji, so he was regarded as one of Daji's people.

Naturally, I won't be afraid of Shang Rong.

"Old Xiangguo, it doesn't hurt to stand and talk! If not for this, my two brothers' lives would be in danger. If you have the ability, Prime Minister Shang will go to Chaoge to persuade the king to let the two princes go. What kind of prestige will he show in front of me and me? Humph, it’s really interesting!”

After Lei Kai finished speaking, Shang Rong was furious.

"Okay, stop talking. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Let's go quickly. We'll talk about it when we get back to Chaoge!"

After Yin Pobai finished speaking, he directly ordered the hundreds of men and horses to march towards Chaoge.

When chasing, they naturally rush forward in a hurry, but there is no need to be so anxious when going back, so everyone moves forward leisurely along the way.

In Chaoge City.

Liu Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Yang Jian asked.

"Haha, people are really here! Two strong quasi-sage powers are coming. It seems that Yuxu Palace has really sent them two. With such a high profile, is it possible that others don't know that they are coming? In this case, I Go meet them, you stay!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared directly outside.

After he arrived in the void, he looked around and headed directly towards the direction he sensed.

Soon, Liu Ming became a little confused. This place was very familiar. This was Xiqi!

Are you here in Xiqi?

What are Guangchengzi and Akejie doing?

They will definitely be looking for Jiang Ziya after they arrive, that is to say?

Suddenly, Liu Ming laughed, Jiang Ziya turned out to be in Xiqi!

No wonder I couldn't find him.

It's quite hidden.

Liu Ming sensed that the whole Xiqi no longer smelled of Guangchengzi and Akejie.

Presumably the two of them have descended to the human world and covered their auras!

However, Liu Ming was confident that he could find them.

At this moment, in a secluded place in Xiqi, Jiang Ziya had just made tea and was about to taste it when he suddenly looked up and saw two rays of immortal energy coming from him.

He stood up hastily.

"Haha, you are so happy!"

Guang Chengzi looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

And the red sperm on the side also appeared.

"Ah, Ziya has met two senior brothers!"

Jiang Ziya hurriedly saluted the two of them.

"Haha, no wonder Master asked us two to come down to remind you, Junior Brother Ziya, you are really at ease in this world!"

Guang Chengzi said and sat down.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he suddenly became a little stunned.

When did I feel free and at ease?

This is not waiting for opportunities to come in the world!

"No, senior brother Guangchengzi, Ziya has always been working hard and has never slacked off!"

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi didn't speak, they just looked at him.

Jiang Ziya knew immediately that there must be some misunderstanding!

"Two senior brothers, Ziya has been looking for opportunities since he came to this world! But now the Great Shang Qi has not been exhausted, and there is no response from the land of Xiqi. Isn't this waiting? Ziya is not I don’t want to get involved, but the situation is a bit confusing now, and you all know Ziya’s strength, so I don’t dare!”

Jiang Ziya smiled bitterly.

"I don't dare to hide it from the two senior brothers. Last time, I followed the master's order to find Bai Jian, the Yellow Emperor's commander-in-chief. Ziya encountered a group of bandits. If he had not used the central Wuji apricot yellow flag in the end, I am afraid that Now Ziya has been killed by a robber. From then on, Ziya will never dare to go out easily!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzhi nodded helplessly.

I'm afraid what Jiang Ziya said is the truth.

This is why he is so cautious and does not dare to take action.

His strength is indeed a flaw!

"Junior brother Ziya, we both understand what you said, but now the master is very dissatisfied. You must not be very clear about the reason. I just want to tell you. You should know it yourself, otherwise this matter will There’s some trouble!”

After Guang Chengzi finished speaking, Jiang Ziya hurriedly sat up straight.

He knew that there must be some misunderstanding in this matter, otherwise Yuanshi Tianzun would not be so dissatisfied with him.

"Hey, it's a long story. You are practicing in Kunlun Mountain, so you must know about the Monster Clan. And the Monster Clan has a prince, but you have heard of it!"

Guang Chengzi asked.

The demon prince?

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he nodded.

How could you not have heard of it? This demon clan prince was a famous figure in the ancient times!

Although Jiang Ziya has never encountered him, and his strength does not allow him to travel in the wilderness, he does know the deeds of Liu Ming, the prince of the demon clan.

He almost killed the Ran Deng Taoist, and he also led the demon clan to join forces with the Nuwa saint to fight against the four great saints!

These things, one after another, no matter what they are mentioned about, they are all awesome characters!

"Two senior brothers, we naturally know this demon clan prince. Although we have never met him, we have heard that he is not easy to mess with, and he is very powerful!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he became a little confused as to what this had to do with him.

Why did you suddenly mention the demon clan prince? Does it have anything to do with him?

"Well, it's good that you know. To be honest, the Master only found out about this matter later after Senior Brother Yun Zhongzi came down to investigate. In the human world today, not only are you here, but the Demon Clan Prince is also here!"

After Guang Chengzi finished speaking, the tea cup Jiang Ziya had just picked up fell directly to the ground, and he became a little dumbfounded.

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