Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 27: Increased strength, highlighted contradictions


In the Prince's Palace.

The happy Liu Ming came back and went into seclusion.

I didn’t expect that!

In order to divide the ancestral witches and allow Hou Tu to reincarnate in the six realms, he actually gave himself half of the merit.

This is a bit embarrassing!

Otherwise, with all his merits, Houtu might be able to comprehend the way of heaven and become a saint.

After Liu Ming directly refined all the merits, he crossed his legs and released the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

While meditating on Hongmeng Purple, he also uses merit to improve his strength.

It’s so enjoyable!

The Great Hall of the Emperor of Heaven.

The smile on Di Jun's lips could not be stopped no matter what.

Giving birth to a son is as bright as a willow tree, what more can a husband ask for?

"Emperor of Heaven, that's almost enough. Pay attention to your majesty!"

Donghuang Taiyi reminded.

"Haha, I can't help but be happy. By the way, how are Ji Meng and the others preparing!"

Di Jun asked.

"Everything is ready, the 365 demon clan armies have gathered together. And the Da Luo Jinxian among the 365 demon clan is also ready!"

Donghuang Taiyi said.

Everything is ready for the Monster Clan now.

As long as we set up the star formation next week, we are sure to win!

"One of the ancestral witches is missing. I'll see how the witch clan will set up the twelve heavenly gods and evil formations to fight against us!"

Di Jun smiled proudly.

Prince's Palace!

Liu Ming had already refined and absorbed all his merits at this moment.

The strength has also been directly upgraded to Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But he didn't end it, because for some reason, Hongmeng purple energy kept surrounding him.

Liu Ming finally understood the secret of the Dian Law, but the result immediately changed again.

The laws are constantly changing, and Liu Ming can't see them completely.

I only read about one at a time.

"What does this mean? Don't let yourself understand it? Don't let yourself understand it!"

Liu Ming became a little confused.

Gradually Liu Ming discovered some differences.

Every scene flashed through his mind like a movie.

Gradually Liu Ming showed a long-lost smile.



The luck of the entire Prince's Palace instantly increased infinitely.

And Liu Ming was spinning in the air at this moment.

The Hongmeng purple energy was also rotating with him.

As time passed, Liu Ming slowly landed.

He opened his eyes directly.

The realm has not increased!

The physical body also came directly to Taiyi Golden Immortal!

I am afraid that only Liu Ming knows the benefits.

"Haha, it's so mysterious!"

Liu Ming walked out of the hall directly.

Since Taotie followed Liu Ming to Heaven, Liu Ming had thrown him into his own house.

I was busy dealing with the witches and had no time to care about him.

"Good guy, just be lazy and get up!"

Liu Ming kicked Taotie directly in the butt.

"Ah, Master, you finally remembered me, I'm so miserable!"

Taotie's huge body headed directly towards Liu Ming.

"Is it hard? Why do you feel so comfortable to me? You eat and sleep, and you sleep and eat!"

Liu Ming stepped directly through the void and hid.

Nowadays, stepping through the void has become the technique that Liu Ming relies on the most.

So useful!

Now, in a single thought, it is no problem to move hundreds of miles instantly!

Even after using it frequently for more than a dozen times, there is no pressure.

"Master, I miss you!"

Taotie's scarlet tongue was revealed, making Liu Ming feel nauseated!


However, this guy Taotie is worthy of being one of the four ferocious beasts. In just a few days, his strength has actually returned to that of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Listen to me, keep a close watch, and don't eat this spiritual root, or I will stew you!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking coldly, he directly planted the Huangzhong plum!

The Demon Master's Hall.

Liu Ming looked and saw that no one was there.

"Where has the demon master gone?"

Liu Ming asked.

"To tell you what the prince is saying, the demon master has been busy with matters in heaven recently!"

Kunpeng's demon servant said hurriedly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he left directly!

Kunpeng is indeed very busy as Heaven prepares for war!

"This is the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment!"

Di Jun was a little shocked when he saw what Liu Ming took out.

Innate spiritual roots!

"That's right, Father, I planted Huangzhong plum in my yard, but it won't bear fruit for a while. I'll leave it to you to arrange the Enlightenment tea tree!"

Liu Ming threw it directly to Di Jun.

Tsk tsk!

My son is so generous, even though I don’t have so many good things!

"Then plant it in Nantianmen! All the monsters coming and going will be able to understand it!"

Di Jun quickly decided.

"Father, how are you preparing? We cannot take it lightly this time!"

Liu Ming said.

"Don't worry, the Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation is ready. Huh, I'm afraid the Wu Clan's Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation won't be used!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Liu Ming frowned.


"Father, without Hou Tu, there will still be a great witch on top, but the effect and power will be greatly reduced. Di Jiang is not someone who can be easily captured. Besides, I'm afraid Jie Yin and Zhunti won't stand idly by anymore this time!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun also put away his contempt.

"So, Jieyin and Zhunti will directly help the Wu clan?"

Donghuang Taiyi asked with a solemn expression.

"No, I don't think I will take action directly, but I should give the Witch Clan enough help!"

Liu Ming said.

The will of heaven will not allow saints to participate in it.

In addition, in order to reduce the risk of contamination, the two guys couldn't take action personally.

Kunpeng came back. After hearing that Liu Ming was looking for him, he couldn't help but sneer.

However, Kunpeng did not go to see Liu Ming, but returned directly to the main hall and stayed behind closed doors.

Witch clan!

After continuous practice, the entire Twelve Capital Gods Formation finally recovered.

Although it is a little different from when Hou Tu was there before, the power has weakened a lot.

But it was still a success!

"Let Hou Yi take Hou Tu's place when the time comes!"

Di Jiang said directly.

Hou Yi was secretly delighted, but Xing Tian had no objection.

Gonggong snorted coldly at Zhu Rong.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong heard it.

"What do you mean? Why are you always targeting me?"

Zhu Rong asked directly.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches, Zhu Rong has always had a hot temper.

Now Gonggong is vaguely tossing him with yin and yang every day, and he has already become popular.

"Since when did I target you? You are so selfish!"

Gonggong said disdainfully.

"You, good co-worker, tell me clearly how I have offended you. If it doesn't work, let's have a fight!"

Zhu Rong said that he was about to take action.

Gonggong's eyes were once again filled with murderous intent.

"Fight, fight, it's best if you don't fight to the death. What time has it been? The survival of the Wu clan is at stake!"

Di Jiang's face became increasingly ugly.

Hou Tu left and returned to reincarnation, and Zhu Rong and Gong Gong started fighting for some unknown reason.

A feeling of powerlessness suddenly surged into Di Jiang's heart.

Could it be that the Wu Clan is really going to decline in the hands of people like myself?

Now Dijiang has a clear feeling, as if everything is being led by others!

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger!

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