Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 28: Nuwa asks for guilt, Liu Ming responds

Thirty-third heaven.

Demon Clan Heaven.

In the palace.

Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi and Liu Ming are discussing the battle.

Suddenly, auspicious clouds descended from heaven.

Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi hurriedly greeted him.

"Welcome to Saint Nuwa!"

Nuwa's eyes flashed across Liu Ming's body.

Only the two queens, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, were left.

Nuwa spoke.

"Has my brother ever committed any crime in the Monster Clan?"

As soon as Nuwa opened her mouth, the expressions of Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi changed drastically.

The troops are called upon to investigate!

Nuwa was the supreme leader of the demon clan, but later Emperor Jun and Donghuang established the Heavenly Palace.

Nuwa wanted to avoid suspicion because she didn't want the two of them to suspect that she was greedy for the power of the demon clan. Secondly, as a saint, Nuwa didn't bother to care!

That's why we drifted away from the demon clan.

But Fuxi is her brother!

The bones are broken but the tendons are still attached!

"Sage Nuwa, please listen to my explanation on this matter!"

Di Jun said urgently.

"No need, brother told me very clearly!"

Nuwa waved her hand.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked embarrassed.

"Emperor Jun, Donghuang, you two have not understood the secrets of heaven, how do you know that your brother has the cause and effect of reincarnation!"

As soon as Nuwa opened her mouth, Di and Jun didn't know how to respond.

"This is……"

"I said it!"

Liu Ming walked in step by step.

Nuwa's face was filled with frost!

An unnoticed power swept over Liu Ming directly.

Liu Ming walked over step by step as if nothing was wrong.

Nuwa raised her eyebrows, ignoring the power of the saint?

Liu Ming's face was calm at the moment, but he was really excited inside.

The law comprehended in Hongmeng Ziqi is really powerful.

My heart is as calm as water, and it is really calm!

This is because if you are not afraid, you will naturally move forward bravely!

"How presumptuous! I haven't met Saint Nuwa yet!"

Di Jun said hurriedly.

Liu Ming bowed to Nuwa.

If you pretend to be cool, you may not get any good results if you offend Nuwa.

"Little Taiyi Golden Immortal, you are so boastful!"

As soon as Nuwa said this, it was as if several heavy hammers were hitting Liu Ming non-stop.

Liu Ming's face instantly turned a little pale, his breath was rolling, and it was difficult to suppress it!

There was nothing he could do. Now that he was afraid, he naturally couldn't calm down and had no courage to move forward.

Nuwa has hidden murderous intentions!

Under the saints, all are ants!

"You two stand down, I have something to ask him!"

Nuwa waved her hand and imprisoned Liu Ming to her side.

"Sage Nuwa, I am an ignorant child, so I still hope..."

"Step back, I know he is your son. Otherwise, just because a little Taiyi Golden Immortal dared to do this, he would have been wiped out by ashes!"

Nuwa waved her hand again, and Dijun and Donghuang were directly isolated from the outside.

"It's menopause!"

Liu Ming slandered in his heart.

Why is he so cold, as cold as frost, and his beautiful face is ruined?

"Tell me, how do you learn about your brother's secret!"

Liu Ming pointed to the sky!

"The secret must not be revealed!"


Liu Ming flew out directly.


Facing Nuwa's questioning, Liu Ming felt miserable!

I can't tell you that I came from time travel and know astronomy and geography!

"Be tough!"

Nuwa was completely furious.

"Stop, stop, I'm not being harsh, I'm telling you, tell me!"

Liu Ming hurriedly begged for mercy!

"It sounds like God's will. In fact, I still have some sense of the way of heaven. Don't look like this. Let me tell you, I have sensed that a great meritorious deed has come to you recently!"

Nuwa's expression became a little strange.

This was indeed the case, but she had sensed it more and more clearly in the past few days.

Could it be that this kid really has this innate ability?

"If you really have this ability, then you can tell me how the war between witches and witches that is about to begin will end?"

Nuwa asked again.

"The demon clan will win!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Nuwa sneered.

"Sage Nuwa doesn't believe it? It's no wonder. After all, you think this matter will definitely hurt both sides in the end, and the lich will fall. This is in line with the way of heaven. No, it is the will of some people, right?"

Liu Ming actually relaxed himself at this moment.


Nuwa looked at Liu Ming again, he seemed to know a lot!

"Sage Nuwa, although I can't bear Fuxi's reincarnation, this is the true will of heaven and cannot be violated. Even if there is no reincarnation this time, the time will still come when the time comes, and there is no way to escape!"

Liu Ming started brainwashing Nuwa!

"Besides, this time I can make some contribution to the demon clan, why not? It can be regarded as a karma, which will naturally be good for him in the future!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, although Nuwa's face was still frosty, she actually fell silent.

"Some people want the demon clan to be destroyed and the world to be turbulent, but I don't want to!"

Liu Ming's stubbornness made Nuwa look at him formally for the first time.

"If I'm not wrong, Hou Tu's matter must be related to you!"

Nuwa suddenly asked.

"That's right, you can say I was the one who made it happen!"

Liu Ming admitted directly.

"You are doing it for your brother's reincarnation, and you are also trying to divide the ancestral witches. What a plan!"

Nuwa made it clear!

Liu Ming nodded.

In fact, this is all a secret. Liu Ming doesn't want to appear in front of the boss prematurely.

But it’s not okay not to say it now.

Otherwise, Nuwa would not reincarnate Fuxi.

Now I am afraid that Fuxi has been left in the Wa Palace.

My own plan is full of links!

There can be no mistakes!

"You are competing with Heaven for luck!"

As soon as Nuwa opened her mouth, a cold light flashed in Liu Ming's heart, but it quickly disappeared.

"Haha, Saint Nuwa is joking, the whole world is controlled by the will of heaven, you are trying to make me punished by heaven!"

Nuwa stared at Liu Ming for a long time.

Liu Ming also stared at Nuwa motionless.

It's so beautiful, don't tell me, those eyes are blinking and the nose is high!

"Have you seen enough?"

"No, no, Saint Nuwa, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Liu Ming quickly came to his senses.

"The Hongmeng Purple Qi is on you!"

Liu Ming nodded.

"It seems that Dijun and Donghuang have great expectations for you!"

Nuwa said.

"I can't help it, who made me so good!"

Nuwa's face turned cold again.

"If something goes wrong this time, brother, you should know the consequences!"

Nuwa turned her back to Liu Ming and prepared to leave.

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong. After all, as long as Saint Nuwa protects his soul, he will be fine!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Nuwa's murderous aura reappeared.

"How dare you use me!"

"No, it's not for use, but for Fuxi. After all, Saint Nuwa takes action, so it's much safer!"

Nuwa turned around and left.

"So lovely!"

Liu Ming whispered.


In an instant, the whole person hit the heavenly hall directly.

Nuwa, who was flying in the air, showed a trace of doubt on her face.

Such a frivolous person originally had murderous intentions, but for some reason he finally withdrew his strength!

Since becoming a saint, my mood has never been so fluctuating!

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