The next day, Fei Zhong and You Hun met Queen Zhou, hoping to say something nice to Ji Chang so that King Zhou could let him go, and they would get more benefits.

"Your Majesty, that Ji Chang ate his own son. After all, he is also a deceiver. Where did he get his divination skills? Hehe, he just put money on his face!"

Fei Zhong looked at King Zhou and said.

You Hun on the side also accepted Fei Zhongde's intention.

"That's right, Your Majesty, this Ji Chang is really not worthy of us going to such great lengths to deal with him. This man is simply vulnerable!"

After You Hun finished speaking, King Zhou suddenly raised his head and glanced at the two of them.

"Huh? Why are you doing this? Could it be that Ji Chang told you something!"

King Zhou asked, and when the two of them heard this, they suddenly became frightened.

"Your Majesty, you are joking. That Ji Chang is imprisoned in Youli. How can we see him? Besides, this Ji Chang is a sinner of Dashang. How can we speak for him? But now it seems that this Ji Chang Chang is not a powerful person!"

Fei Zhong hurriedly defended himself.

After hearing this, King Zhou nodded.

"Well, to put it this way, this Ji Chang is indeed, as you said, not a powerful person. Haha, I am a little cautious!"

After King Zhou finished speaking, he laughed.

"Your Majesty, now that E Chongyu and Jiang Huanchu have been killed, their successors directly rebelled and were killed. However, Jichang was imprisoned for seven years, and Xiqi didn't react at all. It can be seen that Xiqi is also a group of people. You are a coward!"

You Hun added directly.

Now King Zhou finally listened.

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable. It seems that this Ji Chang really doesn't have much courage. Haha, in this case, I have been detaining him for a long time, which is a bit too much. This makes the world think that I am a coward. I'm afraid of trouble, even Ji Chang is so defensive!"

King Zhou himself laughed.

When Fei Zhong and You Hun heard this, it seemed that the time had come!

"Your Majesty. In this case, it is better to let him go. After all, detaining Ji Chang will make everyone in the world laugh at him, and it will also be a loss to the majesty of the king! Let Ji Chang go, I am afraid that Ji Chang will be grateful, and we will be too much. A loyal prince!"

Fei Zhong said.

"That's right, Your Majesty, if after putting Ji Chang back, we let him lead the troops to put down the rebellion, this wouldn't be a good thing that kills two birds with one stone!"

After You Hun finished speaking, King Zhou suddenly stood up.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! You are right. Now I am a little worried about dealing with the rebellions in the southeast. Now I can let Ji Chang go. This will consume Ji Chang's strength and put down the rebellion. Kill two birds with one stone! Haha , Okay, come, bring Ji Chang, I want to see him in person!"

After King Zhou finished speaking, Fei Zhong and You Hun felt much relieved.

They have already helped in this matter. It depends on how Ji Chang will deal with it after he comes. If Ji Chang does not know whether to live or die and seeks death to insult Dashang and King Zhou again, then it has nothing to do with the two of them. They have already exhausted their benevolence and righteousness.

If it wasn't for the sake of so much money and face, they wouldn't meddle in this business.

After King Zhou gave the order, he brought Ji Chang back from Youli.

For seven whole years, Ji Chang did not leave Youli, and now that he had entered Chaoge, he felt a little uncomfortable.

The last time I came here, I met King Zhou seven years ago. The four princes met King Zhou together, but unexpectedly two of them were killed. Nanbohou E Chongyu and Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu were killed, and he was imprisoned. .

The four major princes have been torn apart and no longer have the prestige they once had.

"Master Marquis, please, the king is waiting for you at Shouxian Palace!"

After the chamberlain finished speaking, he took Ji Chang directly to the harem.

Ji Chang looked at King Zhou and saluted hurriedly.

King Zhou glanced at Ji Chang and couldn't help but sneer.

After seven years of absence, the former Xibo Hou Jichang has lost his former high-spirited spirit. Now he is in a daze, listless, and looks a lot older.

"Xi Bohou, I haven't seen you for seven years, how nice of you!"

King Zhou asked.

"Your Majesty, I have been missing you every day and every night for the past seven years, thinking about your favor. Now I am so excited to see you!"

Ji Chang said directly.

If it had been before, Ji Chang would never have been so flattering to King Zhou, and would have given him a good scolding to wake him up.

But Ji Chang will not do this now, because he has a clearer goal, so now all the hypocrisy and coercion are working hard for his own goal.

"Haha, I miss you so much. By the way, the buns I sent you are quite delicious!"

King Zhou asked playfully.

When Ji Chang heard this, there was no change at all, and excitement appeared on his face.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious! Your Majesty, I haven't eaten such delicious food in so many years. Thank you so much, Your Majesty!"

Ji Chang said hurriedly.

When King Zhou saw that Ji Chang was not dissatisfied at all, his anger showed out, but he looked happy and intoxicated. This shows that he really didn't know that his son had been eaten by him!

It seems that Ji Chang’s divination is nonsense!

"Okay, Ji Chang, I called you here today just for one thing. You have been in Youli for seven years. I also think that you have been in Youli for such a long time, and it is time to let you go back, but... …”

King Zhou paused suddenly as he spoke. Ji Chang was excited when he heard that he was going to be let go, but as soon as King Zhou paused, Ji Chang became a little worried again.

"I ask you, how many people do you have in Xiqi's army? Are they capable of helping me put down the rebellion of Dongbohou and Nanbohou?"

King Zhou asked directly.

When Ji Chang heard this, his expression turned solemn.

This is not easy to answer! If he said he had the ability, King Zhou would be suspicious again, but if he said he had no ability, he would not believe it either.

"Your Majesty, if you deal with one person, you still have a chance of winning, but if you deal with both, it will be a bit difficult. This Xiqi is just a land of princes, and it is not enough to deal with the rebellion of two princes!"

Ji Chang said.

When King Zhou heard this, he nodded.

"Of course I know, but now I want you to promise that you, Xiqi, must help me solve both rebellions. Otherwise, I will kill you. Do you understand?"

After King Zhou finished speaking, Ji Chang nodded hurriedly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Xiqi will be responsible for the three armies and will definitely put down the rebellion, even if he fights to the last man!"

Ji Chang promised swornly.

When King Zhou heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

This is true! This Ji Chang seems to be very obedient!

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