"Okay, Ji Chang, you go down first. The courtiers are all in Jiujie Palace now. You can go and meet them. When the king makes the decree, you can return to Xiqi!"

King Zhou waved his hand and said.

When Ji Chang heard this, he still refused to let himself go back!

After leaving the harem, Ji Chang was walking forward when suddenly Fei Zhong chased him.

"Congratulations, Lord Marquis!"

Fei Zhong said.

"I wonder what Master Fei means by this? Why congratulations!"

Ji Chang asked in surprise.

"Haha, the Marquis will be able to return to Xiqi soon. This is not a happy event! Congratulations!"

Fei Zhong said.

When Ji Chang heard this, he became a little confused.

"Could it be that the king has already issued an order to let me go back?"

Ji Chang asked hurriedly.

Fei Zhong was suddenly speechless.

"Well, hurry up, hurry up, haha, Lord Marquis, please go to the Jiujie Palace to meet all the adults first!"

After Fei Zhong finished speaking, he left.

Ji Chang's expression suddenly changed. There was something strange about Fei Zhong!

No, I can't stay here for long. Since Fei Zhong has said it's almost time, why not take the opportunity and leave directly.

Otherwise, once King Zhou regrets that he will be unable to leave even if he wants to, he will never have the chance to leave in this life.

Having made up his mind, Ji Chang went directly to Jiujie Hall and met Bigan and others.

They chatted with each other about their experiences over the years.

In the palace at this moment, Liu Ming looked at Yang Jian and gave instructions.

"This Ji Chang will probably take the opportunity to leave. You secretly helped him to leave Chaoge!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Yang Jian nodded.

"Master. Why don't I just escort him back to Xiqi!"

Yang Jian said.

"No, for this matter you only need to escort him out of Chaoge. As for the rest of the way, someone will escort him there!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Yang Jian nodded directly and went out.

At this moment, Ji Chang was talking to everyone in the hall.

Wucheng King Huang Feihu pulled Ji Chang over.

"Jichang, you have left Youli now, why don't you return to Xiqi quickly? Why are you still here!"

Huang Feihu asked with some confusion.

"How can we leave without the king's will?"

Ji Chang said with some distress.

Wucheng King Huang Feihu suddenly snorted coldly.

"Hmph, if you wait for the king's decree, you will never go back in your life. The one in the harem, and the two bastards Fei Zhong and You Hun, none of them are good people. If you say this, you How else can you go back? If you ask me, you should leave quickly. Go back to Xiqi to see father and son, and husband and wife, that is what is important!"

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, Ji Chang felt a little excited. He originally wanted to go back.

"But now without the king's will, I'm afraid it's hard for me to go out! If nothing else, it's not easy to pass the five levels of Chaoge!"

Ji Chang said with some embarrassment.

"Now that this big merchant has become like this, what else can you expect? Go quickly. As for the checkpoint, you don't have to worry. I will find a way for you. I will give you the customs clearance documents and you can leave. Remember Come on, you must change your appearance and put on a disguise!”

After Huang Feihu finished speaking. Ji Chang nodded hurriedly.

"King Wu Cheng, your great kindness and virtue Ji Chang will never be forgotten!"

Ji Chang said excitedly.

King Wu Cheng waved his hand directly and took Ji Chang back.

Soon, Ji Chang set off in disguise, and Yang Jian came directly to him.

"According to Master's order, we escort the Marquis out of the city. The Master outside said that there is an opportunity for the Marquis, so there is no need for the Marquis to worry!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, Ji Chang hurriedly took him out.

Because of the customs clearance documents given by Wucheng King Huang Feihu, Jichang had a smooth life in the five passes of Chaoge. Some of them were in trouble and Yang Jian had already taken care of them.

"Master Marquis, take care along the way. Master said that you will be able to return to Xiqi safe and sound!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking. Ji Chang nodded.

"I know, please thank the Taoist Priest for me. If we are destined to meet in the future, we will definitely meet. Then I will thank the Taoist Priest and this brother for their kindness!"

After Ji Chang finished speaking, he left directly with Yang Jian watching.

And Yang Jian also returned to the palace to return to Liu Ming.

There was nothing to say all night. The next day, Fei Zhong and You Hun were suddenly dumbfounded. Ji Chang disappeared.

Originally, Ji Chang went to see Baiguan, but the two of them didn't pay attention, thinking that King Zhou might soon issue an order to let Ji Chang leave.

But after waiting all night, King Zhou still had no decree.

The two of them were going to find Ji Chang, but they couldn't find him no matter how hard they looked.

I sent someone to inquire and found that Ji Chang had left!

"No, go and tell the king that Ji Chang actually ran away!"

Fei Zhong said hurriedly.

Although they also wanted to release Ji Chang, the premise of everything was King Zhou's decree. Now Ji Chang actually ran away on his own. This is a huge event!

After the two told King Zhou, King Zhou couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"This Ji Chang is really brave, but since he is so anxious to go back, let's just let him go back. Hum, I hope he can fulfill the king's will, otherwise he will look good!"

Although King Zhou was a little angry, Ji Chang left without saying goodbye. But originally he was thinking of letting Ji Chang go, so he wasn't very angry.

"Your Majesty, something serious has happened!"

Suddenly, Daji came out from behind.

"Beauty, what do you mean? What's wrong!"

King Zhou asked with some confusion.

"Your Majesty, when Ji Chang leaves, it's like a roc returning to heaven or a dragon entering the sea. From now on, the sea and the sky are vast. Isn't this a bad thing? Your Majesty, you are confused! This Ji Chang left without saying goodbye just to cover up his ulterior motives. He We must rebel!"

Daji said with a bit of hatred for iron not becoming steel.

When King Zhou heard this, his expression changed, and he began to think about it secretly.


King Zhou threw his wine glass directly to the ground.

"Fei Zhong, You Hun, you two bastards caused me to let Ji Chang go. You really should be killed. Come here, send the order. Yin Pobai and Lei Kai quickly led three thousand flying cavalry to my general. Ji Chang is chasing you, go quickly!"

King Zhou gave the order directly.

After Daji reminded him, King Zhou finally figured it out. Ji Chang's promise to him was probably just to confuse him so that he could get away from Chaoge. Then he returned to Xiqi, where the sky is high and birds can fly, and the sea is broad and fish can fly. Swimming!

I am afraid that it is not Ji Chang who is waiting to lead the people to attack the rebellion, but Ji Chang himself will directly rebel!

Once Ji Chang rebels, the entire Dashang may be in danger.

The more I thought about King Zhou, the more anxious I became, and looking at Fei Zhong and You Hun became more murderous.

The two of them were so frightened that they hurriedly looked at Daji, hoping that Daji would protect them!

"Okay, Your Majesty, since Yin Pobai and Lei Kai have already chased him, Ji Chang must not be far away. We just wait and we will catch him in a while!"

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