Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 302 Lei Zhenzi rescues his father from the mountain

After Daji finished speaking, he glanced at Fei and Zhong.

The meaning in his eyes was already very clear.

The two knew that Daji was asking them to express their opinions to her.

The two people now dared not to agree, so they nodded directly.

"Your Majesty, although these two adults have some faults, the main reason is that Ji Chang was too treacherous and actually used his loyal face to deceive the king. This person really deserves to be killed. Fei, You and the two of them are too. If you were cheated, let’s spare them!”

After Daji finished speaking, King Zhou glared at the two of them fiercely, but his murderous intent was gone, which showed that he had spared them.

This made Fei Zhong and You Hun feel grateful.

Others don't know, but they themselves know it. They accepted Xiqi's benefits to let Ji Chang come out of Youli.

So much so that Ji Chang actually ran away secretly.

The two of them also scolded Ji Chang in their hearts.

It is said that after Ji Chang left secretly, he did not dare to stop at all and ran wildly along the way.

Yin Pobai and Lei Kai got King Zhou's order and went directly to Huang Feihu to mobilize three thousand cavalry. Originally, Huang Feihu didn't want to give it to him, but they suffered the loss last time and learned smarter this time. They directly took it from Zhou. Wang suppresses Huang Feihu.

Helplessly, the three thousand flying cavalry were dispatched directly by the two of them.

The two men led 3,000 troops and pursued them without any pause.

At this moment on Kunlun Mountain, Yun Zhongzi suddenly opened his eyes.

"We had an appointment with that Ji Chang, and he would send Lei Zhenzi there when he was in trouble. Now it's time! It's time to leave!"

After Yun Zhongzi finished speaking in a low voice, he left Kunlun Mountain and headed towards Zhongnan Mountain, his dojo.

After Lei Zhenzi was taken away by Yun Zhongzi, he stayed here to practice.

Now there is some success.

On this day, while he was practicing in the mountains, he suddenly saw a group of auspicious clouds flying towards him. When he looked closely, he saw that the neutron in the cloud was coming.

"Master, you are here!"

Lei Zhenzi ran over in a hurry.

"Haha, how is your practice going now?"

Yun Zhongzi looked at him and asked.

"Master, I have finished practicing all the spells you taught me! You can see and demonstrate them too!"

Lei Zhenzi demonstrated all the spells he practiced.

Yun Zhongzi nodded after reading it.

"Well, it seems that you have learned it. When you come here, I made an agreement with your father. When he is in trouble, I will send you back and let you help him. Now let's do the math. , he happens to be in trouble, it’s time for you to go down the mountain!”

Yun Zhongzi said, while Lei Zhenzi showed a trace of doubt on his face.

He didn't know when he had a father. He had been practicing with Yun Zhongzi since he could remember.

"Master, who is my father!"

Lei Zhenzi asked.

"Your father is Jichang, the great Shang Xibohou, and you are his hundredth son. When you came to the world with the thunder, you happened to meet Jichang, and he adopted you as his son. Now that he is in trouble, you You should help him, go ahead and find a weapon you can find there, then go down!"

After Yun Zhongzi finished speaking, Lei Zhenzi ran over directly, but he didn't know what a weapon was, and he couldn't find anything after searching for it. Finally, he accidentally saw two ripe fruits. Lei Zhenzi was curious and ate them. .

As a result, something surprising happened to him, because two wings grew out of his back.

As soon as the two wings came out, his entire face changed.

Lei Zhenzi was shocked and hurried to Yun Zhongzi.

When Yun Zhongzi saw it, he was also a little confused. He had never seen this kind of situation before. Yun Zhongzi studied it for a long time and still had no clue.

It can only be thought that Lei Zhenzi himself has this opportunity.

"Come, come here. Since you can't find this weapon yourself, I will give it to you!"

Yun Zhongzi reached out and took out one of his spiritual treasure golden sticks.

After Lei Zhenzi reached out to catch it, he waved it twice, and he immediately felt majestic.

"What a powerful weapon, thank you so much, Master!"

Lei Zhenzi said excitedly.

After holding the weapon, Yun Zhongzi looked at Lei Zhenzi, smiled, and pointed his finger.

"Go ahead. Follow my guidance. That's where your father is in danger. You can help him! However, although you can go, you need to remember not to hurt anyone, especially Shang Zhou. General, you only need to persuade, not kill, understand? Escort your father through the five levels, and then you can come back and continue practicing!"

After Yun Zhongzi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and Lei Zhenzi followed his guidance and headed towards the human world.

Ji Chang has been running away for a long time, but after all, Ji Chang is old, and the horses under him have also run away all the way, so the slow progress is a bit slow.

After Lei Zhenzi suddenly appeared, he looked around and didn't know where to look for Ji Chang.

He looked around and saw a man and a horse moving forward slowly.

Lei Zhenzi felt excited and hurriedly ran over.

"I dare you to ask, but you are my father Ji Chang!"

Lei Zhenzi asked directly. Ji Chang, who was originally frightened, stopped hurriedly when he heard someone asking him.

"Who are you? I am Ji Chang, but I don't have a son like you!"

Ji Chang said doubtfully.

When Lei Zhenzi heard that he was Ji Chang, he came to him.

"Father still remembers the child he adopted in Yanshan seven years ago. I am Lei Zhenzi, your hundredth son!"

Lei Zhenzi said quickly.

When Ji Chang heard this, he thought, Lei Zhenzi?

I remembered it instantly.

"I haven't seen you for seven years, and you are so old now. Great! Haha, I wonder if you have something to do here this time? Let's go back to Xiqi with my father!"

Ji Chang said hurriedly.

Upon hearing this, Lei Zhenzi shook his head.

"After master's order, I came down to rescue my father from the fifth pass. I will wait until my father is safe and sound. I will go back and practice with master again. I will come to see my father after I have mastered the magic!"

After Lei Zhenzi finished speaking, Ji Chang had no choice but to nod.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves behind him was getting closer and closer.

Apparently the pursuers have arrived.

Ji Chang looked behind nervously.

"Father, don't be nervous, the child will take care of them!"

Lei Zhenzi said.

"Don't hurt anyone. These people are here under the king's orders. You can't hurt their lives!"

After Ji Chang finished speaking, Lei Zhenzi nodded. Yun Zhongzi has also given him instructions, so of course he knows it!

Yin Pobai and Lei Kai quickly arrived here with three thousand flying cavalry. They found Ji Chang, felt happy in their hearts, and finally hurriedly and slowly caught up with Ji Chang.

Now that I have taken Ji Chang, I can go back and report to King Zhou!

"Ji Chang, where are you going? Stay here!"

Yin Pobai shouted and walked towards Ji Chang.

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