There was an old man fishing by a river in Xiqi.

There was a young man dressed as a woodcutter accompanying him.

If you look closely, you will see that the fishing rod in the old fishing man's hand has no hook at all.

"Master, let's go and go back. I'm afraid I won't come today!"

The woodcutter said listlessly.

"Wuji, you can't be like this. Fishing is a matter of patience. If you are anxious, you will naturally not be able to gain anything!"

The old man said with some dissatisfaction.

When Wu Ji heard this, he couldn't help but curled his lips.

I know fishing very well and I have fished before, but this is the first time I have seen fishing without even a hook!

What kind of fish is this? Isn’t this a waste of time?

The old man saw Wu Ji's expression clearly, and he shook his head.

"Young man, you have no patience, haha!"

Just after the old man finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed. When he looked up, he saw two people in front of him.

"Jiang Ziya, you are fishing, haha! You are quite leisurely!"

Liu Ming said angrily.

"Oh, it turns out to be His Highness the Crown Prince. I have met the Crown Prince, but I didn't know that the Crown Prince was coming, so I was a bit disappointed to welcome him from afar!"

The old fishing man was none other than Jiang Ziya, who was thinking of finding another way to meet Ji Chang by chance.

"Okay, Jiang Ziya, you don't have to be so polite!"

Liu Ming glanced at Jiang Ziya and saw that there really was no fishhook!

It seems that Jiang Ziya is really interesting!

"Master, this old man doesn't even have a fishing hook, how can he catch a fish?"

Yang Jian couldn't help it anymore and asked directly.

Liu Ming laughed.

"Jiang Ziya, please explain to him!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jiang Ziya stood up proudly.

"This is exactly what the willing person takes the bait! The unwilling person, haha, I don't even force it!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Yang Jian scratched his head.

"Master. Jiang Ziya probably won't be able to catch one fish for a whole year when he fishes like this. I'm afraid he'll be bored, so let's pass the time!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, Liu Ming laughed. Naturally, Yang Jian did not understand Jiang Ziya's routine.

"Okay, Jiang Ziya, I know you are waiting for Ji Chang. After Ji Chang comes back this time, the whole structure of Dashang will definitely change. If you really wait for Ji Chang, I tell you, you can urge Ji Chang Make up your mind early to fight against business!”

Liu Ming looked directly at Jiang Ziya and said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he immediately understood what Liu Ming meant.

"Prince, don't worry, I will do it. However, Prince, the master has said that it is better to let everything take its course. Why should we interfere and advance!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming with some confusion in his eyes.

"You are right. We should let nature take its course. Since you want to let nature take its course, that's fine. You can fish here. I calculated with my fingers that Ji Chang will come in ten years. I wonder if you can still do it. Live to be ten years from now, haha!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he took Yang Jian and left directly.

Jiang Ziya was dumbfounded. What Liu Ming just said was not false, and he was threatening him!

With Liu Ming's ability, he can indeed change things about Ji Chang.

Ten years later, it is estimated that the Tribulation of the Gods will be over long ago, and I am still catching a shitty fish!

It hasn't even started yet, but the demon clan prince is already dictating to himself. If the Conferring God Tribulation really comes, who will be the one to preside over the Conferring God Tribulation!

Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming's disappearing figure with some confusion.

It’s a little difficult and a little troublesome!

"Master, who are these two people! Why are you so rude!"

Wu Ji looked at Liu Ming and Yang Jian and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, you can't afford to offend these two people, and I can't afford to offend them either. That's all, go back. I was disturbed by them today, so there is no need to fish anymore. Come back tomorrow!"

Jiang Ziya packed up his things and went back.

Liu Ming and Yang Jian returned directly to Chaoge City after strolling around Xiqi.

King Zhou saw Liu Ming coming back and hurriedly summoned him.

"What happened? Ji Chang has been killed now, huh?"

King Zhou asked hurriedly.

"Your Majesty, this time Pindao went to Xiqi, but Xiqi was heavily guarded and it was difficult to attack, so he came back!"

Liu Ming said directly.

When King Zhou heard this, he suddenly became angry.

"Okay, are you deceiving me? You promised me to kill Ji Chang, but now you have failed. Tell me, should I have you burned?"

King Zhou scolded Liu Ming directly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he said, "I'll go, this King Zhou seems to be very swollen now!"

How dare you yell at yourself? If you don't give him some color, he will already be the boss and the second child!

Liu Ming stretched out his hand and flicked it, sending a powerful force towards King Zhou.

But just when the power was released, Liu Ming suddenly took a step back. He looked up and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He had forgotten that he could not take action against King Zhou. No, Heaven had stopped him again and issued the punishment just now.

The power of Liu Ming's attack had disappeared without a trace.

Can't I scare you if I can't hit you?

Liu Ming stamped his foot, and the entire harem hall trembled, and all the stone slabs in the ground shattered.

"Your Majesty, what did you just say you were going to do? Was it to burn me with a cannon?"

Liu Ming looked at King Zhou coldly.

King Zhou immediately sat down on the chair.

It’s so scary!

"Pindao said that he wanted to go to Xiqi to have a look, but he didn't say that he would definitely succeed. Besides, you let Ji Chang escape on your own, and you asked Pindao to kill him for you. Huh, who are you? Ah! Xin Zhou, don’t be so shameless!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Only the back of King Zhou was left, a back that was getting further and further away.

King Zhou was tense all over at this moment, holding the table firmly with his palms.

"Okay, what a Taoist priest, he actually dares to call me by his name, okay, I, I..."

King Zhou paused as he spoke. He never dared to say what he wanted to do to Liu Ming again.

The broken stone slabs on the ground reminded him that Liu Ming was not to be messed with.

King Zhou simply didn't know that Liu Ming could only scare him, not attack him!

Daji stood next to King Zhou with a pale face, but she didn't say anything.

She didn't dare to say anything.

The angry Liu Ming was afraid that he wanted to kill them, so he just waved his hand and killed them without any hesitation.

"Your Majesty, this Taoist priest is not easy to provoke. We should not provoke him in the future. Besides, this Taoist priest is doing nothing in the palace now. Why don't you, Your Majesty, drive him out of the palace? Out of sight and out of mind!"

Daji looked at King Zhou and said.

When King Zhou heard this, he nodded directly!

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