After Daji finished speaking, King Zhou took action immediately.

Liu Ming couldn't help but feel a little funny when he learned that he could no longer stay in the palace.

This King Zhou really comes up with whatever he wants!

If you don't let yourself stay, that's fine. He happens to be going to Xiqi. Now it's time for Jiang Ziya and Ji Chang to meet, and it's time for him to take action.

Liu Ming took Yang Jian and left the palace directly.

He knew that Daji dismissed him because she thought he was in the way, and then she could do whatever she wanted.

However, Liu Ming didn't care too much.

At this moment in Xiqi, Jiang Ziya came to the river early again.

He had a feeling that he would be able to gain something today.

After Ji Chang returned to Xiqi, although San Yisheng had persuaded him several times, Ji Chang still did not want to rebel.

He kept running around Xiqi just to see if there had been any changes in Xiqi in the past few years since he had been away.

Seeing that Boyikao and Ji Fa did not change their strategies, the people of Xiqi still lived happily, and Xiqi's soldiers and horses were strong. Ji Chang had an idea and felt relieved.

On this day, he brought his entourage to the place where Jiang Ziya was fishing.

It had already passed, but Ji Chang suddenly looked back at Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya had already discovered Ji Chang and directly pulled up his fishing rod without a hook.

Just then a fish came up with the fishing rod. Jiang Ziya was startled and he hurriedly threw the fish into the water.

This surprised Ji Chang.

"Stop, go over and take a look!"

Ji Chang said directly.

After Ji Chang walked over, he saw Jiang Ziya sitting upright, staring at the fish pond.

"Haha, man, why don't you have a hook when fishing? How can you catch a fish like this!"

Ji Chang looked at Jiang Ziya in surprise and asked.

Jiang Ziya didn't even look back and directly threw the fishing rod down again.

"Haha, fishing is about exercising patience, not for the fish in the water, so it's okay if you don't have a fishhook!"

Jiang Ziya said.

When Ji Chang heard this, he became even more confused.

Fishing without a hook is just a waste of time and nonsense.

"By the way, I just saw you catch a fish, why did you let it go?"

Ji Chang asked again.

"Haha, it is still a life after all, and I am not fishing for the sake of fishing. So I had to put it back into the water. As the saying goes, those who are willing will take the bait, and those who are unwilling, of course, don't force it!"

Jiang Zi Ya Fairy's demeanor made Ji Chang feel even more mysterious.

"Master. It's time to go back!"

Ji Chang's guard said, this Jiang Ziya is just a fool, why bother to say anything to him.

After hearing this, Ji Chang nodded.

Jiang Ziya was a little panicked now, wasn't he? He had waited for so long and finally got to Ji Chang. If Ji Chang left now, he might have lost his last chance!

"The world is a little dark now. The Ziwei star has moved. Hey, that's all. Fishing is useless. It's time for a powerful and wise king to be born. Let's go, Wuji!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he asked Wu Ji to leave.

When Ji Chang heard this, he frowned.


Ji Chang shouted.

"You just said that the Ziwei star has shifted. What does that mean? Do you know how to divine astrology?"

Ji Chang asked.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he felt proud in his heart.

"That's right, I have been studying astrology and divination all my life, so naturally I have some experience!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Ji Chang felt a little excited.

He understands Fuxi's gossip very well, and since Jiang Ziya also understands it, he is a member of the same group!

"Can you go back with me and let the two of us have a good chat? To be honest, I am also more interested in divination and gossip!"

Ji Chang said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he smiled inwardly. He finally got Ji Chang's idea!

It’s not easy!

"Okay, since you sincerely invite me, let me come with you!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Ji Chang nodded.

"I am Xibo Hou Jichang, I don't know what you call me!"

Ji Chang asked.

"It turns out to be Mr. Hou! No wonder he has such an expression. Hahaha, I am Jiang Ziya! He practices cultivation from Kunlun Mountain!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Ji Chang's expression changed, "Practice in Kunlun Mountain?"

Is this a fairy?

He knew that the master of his 100th son Lei Zhenzi, Yun Zhongzi, came from Kunlun Mountain!

"You and Yun Zhongzi know each other!"

Ji Chang asked hurriedly.

"Yun Zhongzi? The Marquis actually knows about Yun Zhongzi, haha, of course, he is my senior brother, but my senior brother has boundless magic power, I am not as good as him!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Ji Chang became excited instantly.

Which of the immortals from Kunlun Mountain is useless? It must be because Jiang Ziya himself is a little humble.

Then Ji Chang took Jiang Ziya back to his Xibohou Mansion.

The two chatted happily, and Ji Chang gradually discovered that Jiang Ziya had some abilities and wanted him to be in his Xiqihou Mansion.

Jiang Ziya also had this intention, and the two hit it off immediately.

Ji Chang directly named Jiang Ziya the prime minister of Xiqi.

As soon as the news came out, many people felt a little strange and confused.

How come an unknown figure became the prime minister of Xiqi?

But since this was decided by Ji Chang himself, everyone had no choice but to accept it.

In fact, outsiders didn't know that after Jiang Ziya and Ji Chang discussed the strategy on how to overthrow Dashang, Ji Chang had already decided to let Jiang Ziya assist him.

Because Ji Chang also had such thoughts in his heart.

After Jiang Ziya was made Prime Minister of Xiqi, news spread throughout the great merchants.

After the news reached Chaoge, King Zhou was furious. Although Jiang Ziya had some talents, he actually didn't listen to him and didn't build a deer platform for him. Later, he unexpectedly ran away to Xiqi.

But when Ji Chang returned to Xiqi, he actually appointed Jiang Ziya as prime minister. What was he doing? King Zhou knew without even thinking that Ji Chang was going to rebel!

"Hmph, if these two people are together, nothing good will happen. If I had known, I would have killed them all. I regret it!"

King Zhou shook his head with regret.

At this moment, Bigan and others were a little confused. Although Jiang Ziya had some abilities, if he could be so valued by Ji Chang, he must have something special about him!

"This Jiang Ziya has become Ji Chang's prime minister. Haha, Ji Chang seems to be revitalizing Xiqi!"

Bigan said with some emotion.

"Is it just about revitalizing Xiqi? I'm afraid it's more than that!"

Wucheng King Huang Feihu said with glistening eyes,

When Bigan heard this, his eyes suddenly became clear. He understood what Huang Feihu meant.

"Ji Changnai is the Marquis of Xibo, and he has always been loyal and loyal, okay?"

After Bigan asked, he didn't have any affirmation in his heart.

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