Yang Jian saw that the white elephant in the form of Mo Li Shou's flower fox marten was coming to kill him, so he ducked out of the way and was immediately eaten by the flower fox marten.

Yang Jian disappeared instantly.

The four generals of the Demon Family were also a little stunned.

Before he could give full play to his strength, Yang Jian was eaten by the fox and marten.

This somewhat puzzled them.

Logically speaking, someone who can be sent by Jiang Ziya to provoke him shouldn't be so weak, right?

But the current situation forced them to believe that they were indeed eaten!

"Brothers, I'm afraid this person is also helpless by Jiang Ziya. He was just sent out to make up for his loss. Haha, I, the flower fox and marten, really ate him up. There is no way it's fake!"

Moli Shou said while looking at the three of them.

After listening to Mo Lishou's words, everyone else nodded.

It seems that this is indeed the case.

Then the four generals of the Demon Family returned to their own camp.

Jiang Ziya was waiting for the good news about Yang Jian, but what happened was that Yang Jian was eaten by the magic fox and marten.

"You saw clearly what you said!"

Jiang Ziya looked at the visitor and asked hurriedly.

And the man nodded.

"Prime Minister, it is absolutely true. I have indeed seen it clearly. This Yang Jian was eaten by the fox marten! Now he is probably the food in the belly of the fox marten!"

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but change his expression. Yang Jian, who studied under Liu Ming, the prince of the demon clan, was so easily eaten when he went to deal with the four generals of the demon clan?

Jiang Ziya became a little irritated. Firstly, it was because Yang Jian was eaten so easily. It was a bit incredible. Secondly, Yang Jian was Liu Ming's disciple. Logically speaking, he was not one of the people in the Conferred God Tribulation. Now because he helped him Being eaten by the four generals of the Demon Family, I couldn’t explain it to Liu Ming!

Just when Jiang Ziya didn't know what to do, Liu Ming suddenly appeared in Jiang Ziya's house.

"Tao, oh no, Your Highness, the news just came that your disciple Yang Jian was actually eaten by the flower fox and marten of Mo Lishou, the fourth general of the Demon family! This, what should we do?"

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

Liu Ming laughed after hearing this.

Jiang Ziya was a little puzzled for a moment. How could his disciple still laugh after being eaten?

"Don't worry, if Yang Jian is killed so easily, there is no need to follow him and practice!"

Liu Ming waved his hand.

Jiang Ziya nodded upon hearing this.

Since Liu Ming, as Yang Jian's master, had already made plans, he was naturally relieved.

"Your Highness, this man cannot be resurrected. Your disciple has been eaten by the fox and marten, and it must be difficult to resurrect him. Is there any other strange magic?"

Jiang Ziya asked curiously.

"Haha, Yang Jian has been practicing for a long time, and he is very skilled. The four generals of the Demon Family are not a problem. Even if he cannot deal with them, he will not die so easily. Yang Jian has practiced thirty-six Tiangang spells. In addition, he is also for I understand the seventy-two changes of Disha. Naturally, I have the ability to come out on my own, so you can rest assured and wait!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he left directly.

Jiang Ziya listened to Liu Ming's words and waited for Yang Jian to come back.

It is said that Yang Jian is already in the belly of the Huahu Marten, so he will naturally not be killed.

At this moment, Yang Jian has turned into a shape as big as a mosquito.

At this moment, the four generals of the Demon Family had nothing to do but drink.

"By the way, brothers, today the flower fox and marten swallowed the one sent by Jiang Ziya. It was so simple. I wonder if we can let the flower fox and marten go to Xiqi and directly swallow Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa. Okay, in this way, we can return to the court and pay homage to the Grand Master!"

Moli Shou said suddenly.

When Mo Liqing and others heard it, they also felt that it made sense.

This is indeed a good idea!

After the four people discussed it, Mo Lishou directly released his flower fox and marten.

"My dear, go to Xiqi and swallow up Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa. That will be a great achievement!"

After Mo Lishou finished speaking, he directly released the flower fox marten and headed towards Xiqi.

At this moment, Hua Hu Diao was only thinking about Mo Li Shou's instructions, and had no idea that Yang Jian existed in his belly.

When they were about to reach Xiqi, Yang Jian suddenly erupted from the belly of the flower fox marten, directly tearing the flower fox marten into two halves.

"Hmph, no matter how powerful you are, you can't escape my grasp. You still want to swallow King Wu and Jiang Ziya. You should be killed by me now!"

Yang Jian secretly said something and then flew directly back to Jiang Ziya's house.

Jiang Ziya was also a little shocked when he saw Yang Jian suddenly appeared.

There really are people who can be eaten and come out again!

"No wonder His Highness the Crown Prince said you would be able to come out! Haha!"

Jiang Ziya said with a slight smile.

"How can a mere fox and marten swallow me up? By the way, Prime Minister Jiang, the four generals of the Demon Family were just about to use the fox and marten to come out and come directly to Xiqi to swallow you and King Wu. Finally, I was flying over Xiqi. Directly break out of its body and kill the flower fox marten!"

After Yang Jian finished speaking, Jiang Ziya was a little scared. If it weren't for Yang Jian, I'm afraid the flower fox and marten would take action in Xiqi!

Fortunately, Yang Jian took action in time.

"Now that the flower fox marten is dead, I am going to use my magic to transform into the flower fox marten and go to the fourth general of the Demon Family. Maybe I will hear some news when I come back!"

Yang Jian said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, a glint suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Haha, you still have such means, but just hearing some news is probably not enough. If you turn into that flower fox and marten and steal all the treasures of the four generals of the Demon family, I think we will be able to subdue these four people. , without the magic weapon, the four of them are just ordinary people!"

Jiang Ziya said.

When Yang Jian heard this, he nodded immediately. This was a good idea.

Yang Jian transformed into a fox and a marten and came to the camp of the four generals of the Demon Family.

Moli Shou saw the flower fox marten coming back. He stepped forward to take a look and found that nothing had been eaten. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

After the four of them got drunk, they lay down and fell asleep.

And Yang Jian turned into a flower fox and marten and has been waiting.

He was waiting for the four of them to fall asleep before preparing to take action.

Not long after, the four of them were snoring loudly, and Yang Jian knew that the opportunity had come.

He transformed directly and walked to the magic weapon of the four people. He had just taken the Hunyuan Umbrella, and accidentally the hook on it fell off, making a series of noises.

This noise immediately alarmed Magic Red!

After he got up and took a look, he found the magic weapons scattered on the ground and walked over.

"It turns out the hook fell off!"

Moli Hongzui looked at the magic weapons with hazy eyes and took them all away.

There are no more magic weapons that can be stolen now, they are all taken away by the magic gift red.

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