When Yang Jian saw it, he knew that this could only be done, so he took the Hunyuan Umbrella directly to Xiqi Jiang Ziya's place, and returned to Mo Lishou again.

The next day after Mo Li Hong and others woke up, they each looked for their own magic weapons.

Only Mo Li Hong found that his Hunyuan Umbrella was missing.

He searched for it for a long time but didn't find it, so he became anxious.

"Whoever sees my Hunyuan Umbrella, hand it over to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Magic Li Hong roared directly at the entire camp.

After searching around, I couldn't find it. Yang Jian had already taken him back to Xiqi. Where could I find the magic gift red!

Mo Lihong, who had lost his Hunyuan Umbrella, was already a little depressed. He had no fighting spirit.

At this moment on Kunlun Mountain, Lord Qingxu Daodezhen called Huang Tianhua directly and passed the two-handled hammer and jade unicorn to Huang Tianhua.

Then he gave the fire dragon mark to Huang Tianhua.

Let Huang Tianhua go down and assist Jiang Ziya.

After hearing this, Huang Tianhua went directly to Xiqi Land.

After meeting Jiang Ziya, Huang Tianhua met Huang Feihu directly.

The father and son were particularly excited to see each other.

As a result, they were so excited that Huang Tianhua and Huang Feihu drank and ate meat. They were so happy!

Huang Tianhua somewhat forgot that as a Taoist disciple, he could not break the precepts.

The next day, he directly challenged Jiang Ziya to fight, requesting to be dispatched to directly surrender the four generals of the Demon family.

Jiang Ziya gave him instructions and let him out.

As soon as Huang Tianhua went out, he directly called the formation at the camp of the four generals of the Demon Family.

After Mo Li Qing and the others came out, they saw another young man and couldn't help but look down upon him.

And Huang Tianhua killed him directly.

Mo Liqing stabbed him directly with his sword. Huang Tianhua was also very powerful and forced Mo Li Qing back a few steps.

In anger, Moli Qing threw the white jade diamond bracelet in his hand.

Huang Tianhua was unprepared and was hit directly in the back of the heart, falling to the ground immediately.

Mo Lihong took the opportunity to kill Huang Tianhua directly, but Nezha fell from the sky, and the fire-tip spear in his hand instantly stabbed out.

Mo Liqing looked at it and threw out the white jade diamond bracelet in his hand again. Nezha looked at it and couldn't help but sneered in his heart and threw out his own universe circle.

The two collided and directly shattered Mo Liqing's white jade diamond bracelet.

Mo Liqing's expression changed drastically, and Nezha took the opportunity to take Huang Tianhua's body directly back to Xiqi.

Mo Lihai had just played his pipa, but Nezha had already run away, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed!

After Nezha came back from rescuing Huang Tianhua, Jiang Ziya couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Huang Feihu on the side was already heartbroken. His son finally saw him, but he was beaten to death.

And at this moment, a cloud of white mist suddenly fell from the sky.

A boy came down in front of everyone.

"Master asked me to take Senior Brother back, please come!"

After the boy finished speaking, he waved his hand and took Huang Tianhua away.

After returning to True Lord Qingxu Daode, True Lord Qingxu Daode directly fed Huang Tianhua a pill and he woke up.

"Master, my disciple has embarrassed you!"

Huang Tianhua said directly.

"Hmph, you really embarrassed me. You actually ate meat and changed your clothes. Are you trying to break up with the Taoist sect? Are you really looking for death? You are also very talented. Plus Jiang Ziya needs you, otherwise you are a poor Taoist. I will definitely destroy you and drive you out of Taoism!"

Qingxu Daodezhen said with some dissatisfaction.

When Huang Tianhua heard this, he suddenly became scared.

It would be a bit embarrassing if he was expelled from Kunlun Mountain by the True Lord Qingxu Daode.

He hurriedly admitted his mistake to True Lord Qingxu Daode and was spared punishment.

"Today, the four generals of the Demon Family repeatedly wounded and killed my Kunlun Mountain disciples. Humph, they didn't save any face for Yuxu Palace. Even though the four of them are from there, they can't be so unscrupulous. Master has already I've spoken, Huang Tianhua, you can take care of those four people when you go down today!"

Qingxu Daodezhen said directly.

When Huang Tianhua heard that Yuanshi Tianzun had spoken, he couldn't help but feel excited. This time he would definitely be able to deal with the four generals of the Demon Family.

"This is a heart-saving nail, a rare magic weapon. You take it down to Xiqi and deal with the four generals of the Demon Family! Remember not to violate the precepts this time, otherwise I will not let you go!"

After two sentences of instructions from the True Monarch Qingxu Daode. Huang Tianhua left Kunlun Mountain directly and went down to Xiqi.

When Jiang Ziya and others saw that Huang Tianhua was back, they couldn't help but be a little surprised.

It was really strange that he was dead and now he was resurrected.

Especially Huang Feihu, his sadness has now turned into joy.

"Everyone, wait for me. I'm going to take care of the four generals of the Demon Family!"

Huang Tianhua said confidently.

"Be really careful. The four generals of the Demon Family are difficult to deal with. Don't be brave!"

Huang Feihu said hurriedly.

"Father, don't worry, this time the master has given me a powerful magic weapon, which will definitely be able to deal with four people!"

After Huang Tianhua finished speaking, Huang Feihu felt relieved.

After arriving at the camp of the four generals of the Demon Family, Huang Tianhua gave a loud shout.

The four of them went out again, and they were shocked when they saw that it was Huang Tianhua.

"Why is that kid still alive if he has not been killed? It seems that Xiqi has expert help, brothers, be careful!"

Moli Qing reminded.

In fact, he didn't need to say it, the other three didn't dare to be careless.

As soon as Mo Li Qing took action, he killed him with the Qingfeng Sword in his hand, but Huang Tianhua turned around and ran away when he saw it.

Moli Qing took a look and chased after him.

Just when Mo Liqing was about to catch up with Huang Tianhua. Huang Tianhua took out his heart-saving nail from his arms.

This heart-saving nail was seven and a half inches long, and Huang Tianhua immediately turned around and shot out with a strong murderous aura.

Mo Liqing could only see flowers in front of her eyes and a pain in her heart.

The heart-saving nail passed directly through Mo Li Qing's heart.

Mo Liqing yelled and fell to the ground immediately.

Moli Hong, who was following closely behind, saw Moli Qing's own brother falling to the ground, and couldn't help but be shocked.

And Huang Tianhua didn't give him a chance, and shot out the Heart Nail that had already flown back.

The unsuspecting Moli Hong was shot in the chest and fell directly from the air to the ground.

As soon as he took action, he killed two people. Huang Tianhua's confidence suddenly increased and he sneered when he looked at the sea of ​​magic gifts.

"You bastard, what kind of magic weapon did you use to kill my two brothers?"

The pipa in Molihai's hand was played directly by him.

When Huang Tianhua saw it, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He couldn't let this sea of ​​magic gifts use the pipa! Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to suppress it, and then the heart-saving nail would show its power again and shoot out instantly.

Mo Lihai was just playing the pipa on his own, and did not pay attention to the flying heart nail. He was also shot directly. The pipa fell, and he fell to the ground and died.

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