"You, you, you are so rude! I am trying to talk nice things to you, but you actually insult me!"

Qingxu Daodezhen pointed directly at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming looked at him coldly.

Insult him yourself? That's all minor, but I still want to kill him.

"Okay, old man Qingxu, you don't have to say anything superfluous. I'm just asking you, what do you think about the fact that you asked your disciple Huang Tianhua to kill my disciple!"

Liu Ming said directly.

Qingxu Daode Zhenjun couldn't help but change his face when he heard this.

"What did you say? I asked Huang Tianhua to kill your disciple, how is this possible!"

Qingxu Daodezhenjun directly denied it.

"No, hum, come on, old man Qingxu, I think you did it on purpose. You want to take this opportunity to retaliate against me. Let me tell you, you'd better come at me if you have something to do. Don't look at me. Now that you have descended to the human world to preside over the gods and calamities, if you pissed me off, I will still deal with you!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Qingxu Daodezhen's face became a little ugly, and he was actually taught a lesson by Liu Ming again.

"Prince of the Demon Clan, please don't bully others too much. All of our Yuxu Palace is here to measure the calamity, and I have no time to pay attention to you. Also, if we really want to seek revenge on you, do you think we will let a disciple take action? Why do you want to incriminate me? Do you really think that I, Yuxu Palace, am pure and easy to bully?"

Lord Qingxu Daode said directly to Liu Ming.

After Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that it was really not his instigation?

"Isn't it true that you gave Huang Tianhua instructions?"

Liu Ming looked at True Lord Qingxu Daode with some suspicion.

"No, Pindao has made it very clear to you, it's not me!"

Qingxu Daodezhen said directly.

"Hmph, don't care if it's you or not, just be careful in the future!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he left the void directly, leaving only Qingxu Daodezhenjun messy in the wind.

I am provoking someone!

We were fine in Kunlun Mountain, but then we sensed that Huang Tianhua was in some danger, and thought that the four generals of the Demon Family were powerful and that Huang Tianhua was defeated. Then when he came down and took a look, it turned out that it was Liu Ming who actually had murderous intentions towards Huang Tianhua.

In the end, good guy, he had already explained clearly that it was not his instructions. Huang Tianhua didn't have the guts to do so, so he was scolded anyway.

This made True Lord Qingxu Daode feel a little angry.

"Huang Tianhua, you are so useless. How could you let Liu Ming bully Pindao like this? You deserve to die!"

In the end, Qingxu Daodezhenjun, who had nowhere to vent, had no choice but to vent his anger on Huang Tianhua.

After Liu Ming returned to Xiqi, he suddenly saw Yang Jian and Huang Tianhua, and Nezha and others were talking and laughing.

"Master, you're back! Huang Tianhua just told me that he really regarded me as one of the four generals of the Demon Family. It was also his first time to face such a large battle, so he was naturally a little nervous. No. Dare you believe me!"

Yang Jian hurriedly explained to Liu Ming.

When Liu Ming heard this, it seemed that there was some truth in what he said.

"Is that really true?"

Liu Ming asked.

At this moment, Huang Tianhua also came over and looked at Liu Ming with an apologetic look on his face.

"If that's really the case, then it doesn't matter. Well, okay, let's just leave it at that!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he left.

Huang Tianhua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But he didn't know that his master had already been scolded by Liu Ming.

Needless to say more about this matter.

The news that the four generals of the Demon family were defeated and killed has spread back.

In the residence of Grand Master Chao Ge.

Wen Zhong felt happy when he saw the good news coming from the southeast.

The rebellions of Dongbohou and Nanbohou have been suppressed. Now, apart from the rebellion of these two parties, Chaoge still has some minor princes left who are not afraid of small quarrels.

"Hey, Chao Ge is finally a little more stable!"

Wen Zhong said with some emotion.

Just then, his subordinates came in and brought him a letter.

"Haha, it must be the time for the four generals of the Demon Family to triumph! It's been so long, Yu Qing Yu Li should have captured Xiqi!"

Wen Zhong smiled and opened the letter and read it.

But gradually, the smile that had just appeared on Wen Zhong's face had solidified, and instantly turned into a look of anger and shock.

At this moment, he felt that the letter in his hand was like a heavy weight.

It was so stressful that he couldn't breathe.

The four generals of the Demon family were actually defeated and killed.

Everyone in Chaoge knew how powerful the four generals of the Demon Family were, and now they were actually killed by Xiqi's people.

It was really unbelievable, and Wen Zhong's newly happy mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

"Damn Xiqi, damn Ji Fa, damn Jiang Ziya, how many talented people in my Chaoge have been ruined!"

Wen Zhong felt a fire in his heart at this moment.

First, Jiang Ziya designed Chao Lei and the others to surrender to Xiqi. Later, Zhang Guifang was defeated and killed. Not only did he also join the Four Saints of Kowloon Island he had invited, but the old general Lu Xiong had not yet played a role, so he was killed. killed. Now even the four generals of the Demon Family have been killed.

How can Wen Zhong sit in Chaoge now?

"Send the order. Immediately mobilize the army. I want to go to Xiqi in person! I want to meet everyone in Xiqi for a while!"

Wen Zhong said directly.

"Grand Master, the situation in Xiqi is a bit unsafe now. Grand Master should still stay in charge of Chaoge and just send one more person to go!"

The subordinate said hurriedly.

"Hmph, now that the southeast of Chaoge has been suppressed, the remaining small princes are just a mob and have nothing to fear. Now only Ke Xiqi is a big disaster. How can I tolerate him? You don't have to say it. I’ve made up my mind!”

After Wen Zhong finished speaking, he went directly to the palace to find King Zhou.

When King Zhou heard that Zhong was going to go on an expedition in person, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of joy and sorrow.

The happy thing is that Wen Zhong left, and he can be freer. Otherwise, when Wen Zhong stayed in Chaoge, he would not dare to indulge too much every day. Wen Zhong had reminded and warned him more than once.

Now Wen Zhong left, and King Zhou could finally take a breath.

Not talking about him these days, even Daji doesn't dare to do anything. Wen Zhong's status is a bit special. He is a disciple of Jiejiao, so he won't take Daji seriously. And Daji doesn't dare to show up easily, for fear of being exposed by Wen Zhong Discover your true identity.

What worries me is that after Wen Zhong left, King Zhou was afraid that the rebellion would rise again, and he would have no one to use, and the Shang dynasty would be broken.

"Grand Master, you must be careful when going to Xiqi this time. In addition, I still hope that the Grand Master can return as soon as possible. Dashang cannot live without the Grand Master!"

King Zhou gave an instruction.

Wen Zhong nodded and looked at King Zhou who was also a little dissatisfied. If King Zhou hadn't gone against his will and killed so many loyal ministers and good generals. Especially if Bigan, Shang Rong and others, as well as Huang Feihu, were here, he wouldn't have to do everything so personally!

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