Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 353: Wen Zhong went on an expedition and met four people

After Wen Zhong left the palace, he had already mobilized his troops.

Wen Zhong had just got on Mo Qilin under his crotch, when suddenly Mo Qilin became restless and almost threw Wen Zhong off.

The faces of the officials who came to see him off changed drastically when they saw it.

Someone hurriedly came forward to persuade.

"Grand Master, the army has not set out yet, but as the commander-in-chief, the Grand Master has dismounted. I'm afraid it is unlucky! I hope the Grand Master will not go!"

Wen Zhong laughed loudly after hearing this.

"I have been fighting all over the world in these years, and I have never been hindered from dispatching troops because of these small things. You don't have to make such a fuss. It must be that Mo Qilin is not used to it because he hasn't been on an expedition for a long time. Haha, okay, let's go out with the army!"

Wen Zhong waved his hand, jumped onto Mo Qilin and set off for the battle.

Not long after, Wen Zhong's hundreds of thousands of troops arrived in Mianchi County, and Chief Military Officer Zhang Kui hurriedly welcomed them out.

Wen Zhong asked directly without even getting off his mount.

"Let me ask you, where is this place closest to Xiqi!"

After Wen Zhong finished speaking, Zhang Kui pointed to the front.

"Grand Master, if you go from Qinglong Pass, you will save nearly a hundred miles!"

Upon hearing this, Wen Zhong directly ordered the army to move towards Qinglong Pass.

As a result, when heading to Qinglong Pass, we walked on a sheep intestine trail.

An army of hundreds of thousands could not march at a high speed. Only one person could walk on this trail. Suddenly the entire army stretched into a dense serpentine formation.

When Wen Zhong saw the current situation of his army, he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Although the distance is saved this time, it takes a lot of time. It is better to proceed directly from the fifth level.

Wen Zhong felt helpless and raised his head to look at the situation around him.

There were deep ditches and high fortresses everywhere, and tall mountains stood beside them, which surprised Wen Zhong.

"A place like this. It would be a good choice to stay here to repair!"

Wen Zhong sighed with emotion.

"Just keep going, I'll go up to the mountain and take a look!"

A somewhat bored Wen Zhong arranged for the army to advance, and Mo Qilin took to the air and climbed up the mountain.

And when Wen Zhong was looking at the scene around him, he didn't know that there was a pair of men and horses not far away looking at him.

"Someone is spying on us in front!"

After hearing the reports from his men, Deng Tianjun saw Wen Zhong, who was too conspicuous. He was wearing a red robe, and Mo Qilin sitting down was extraordinary.

"I'm going to meet this person!"

After Deng Tianjun finished speaking, he went out directly.

While Wen Zhong was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery, he suddenly felt someone coming. Looking back, he saw Deng Tianjun.

"Who are you? You dare to spy on my mountain? What do you want to do?"

Deng Tianjun asked Wen Zhong directly.

Wen Zhong took a look and realized that the person in front of him was very majestic and might be a powerful person. If he could be taken in and went to Xiqi together, he would be able to increase his chances of winning.

"Haha, I see that the scenery around me is pretty good, so I want to be able to practice Qing Dynasty again. Who are you?"

Wen Zhong asked.

When Deng Tianjun heard this, he sneered. This place was the territory of his brothers. He heard that it was impossible for Zhong to stay.

"You'd better leave quickly, you can't stay here, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

After Deng Tianjun finished speaking, Wen Zhong laughed so loudly!

Deng Tianjun saw that Wen Zhong didn't take him seriously, so he directly picked up his weapon and killed him.

Wen Zhong stretched out his hand, and five elements suddenly flashed, and a golden escape trapped Deng Tianjun.

Deng Tianjun was trapped, and his men hurried back to notify Zhang Tianjun and Tao Tianjun. When the two heard that someone was bullying their brother, they killed him directly.

As a result, before they had time to see clearly who was coming, Wen Zhong used Water Escape and Wood Escape to trap the two of them.

Now their troops didn't dare to move, and the news spread back to Xin Huan's ears.

When he heard that all three of his brothers had been subdued, he became furious.

"Who are you? If you don't let my three brothers go, I will cut you into pieces!"

Xin Huan looked at Wen Zhong who looked calm and scolded.

But Wen Zhong laughed.

When Xin Huan saw it, he said nothing and took action directly. A pair of arms grew out of his ribs and hit Wen Zhong with the sledgehammer in his hand.

Wen Zhong drew out his golden whip to fight, and the two fought for more than ten rounds. Wen Zhong became more and more surprised, this man was so powerful.

And Wen Zhong was even more happy. With such a helper, there was no need to worry about Xiqi being immortal.

Wen Zhong unexpectedly found that his Five Elements Escape Technique could not trap the person in front of him. He raised his golden whip and pointed at the mountain nearby, summoning the Yellow Turban Warriors to come out.

"Lift this mountain for me and hold that man down!"

Wen Zhong said directly.

The yellow scarf warrior lifted the mountain to cover Xin Huan and threw it down.

There was no way he could escape from such a huge mountain, and he was directly pressed down.

Seeing that he had been subdued, Xin Huan couldn't help but feel a little afraid.

"Ah, please be kind to the immortal and let me go!"

Wen Zhong walked over with a smile.

"You don't recognize me? Haha, I am Wen Zhong, Grand Master of the Great Shang Dynasty. Now I am passing by you with my troops. I didn't realize that there are still people like you here. Let me ask you, do you want to live or die?"

After Wen Zhong finished speaking, Xin Huan shouted hurriedly.

"I didn't know that Grand Master was here. I offended you. Of course I want to live. I want to live. Please Grand Master, please let me go!"

After Xin Huan finished speaking, Wen Zhong laughed, and he was probably able to conquer him now.

"You can live if you want. I'm going to conquer Xiqi. Are you willing to go with me? If you can make contributions, I can give you a way to live, and even let you enjoy glory and wealth!"

After Wen Zhong finished speaking, Xin Huan nodded hurriedly.

"I am willing to follow the Grand Master!"

After Xin Huan finished speaking, Wen Zhong summoned the Yellow Turban Warriors again to move the mountain.

"Grand Master. I still have three brothers. Please release the Grand Master together. We four brothers will follow the Grand Master to Xiqi together! Serve for the Grand Master!"

After Xin Huan finished speaking, he looked at Wen Zhong expectantly.

Wen Zhong laughed loudly, waved his hand, removed his Five Elements Escape Technique, and released Deng Tianjun, Zhang Tianjun, and Tao Tianjun.

When the three of them saw that they had regained their freedom and Wen Zhong was right in front of them, they were furious.

"Several brothers worked together to capture this old man. He actually dared to take action against our brothers. It's really abominable. Take action!"

Zhang Tianjun said.

When Deng Tianjun and Tao Tianjun heard this, they became a little angry. Wen Zhong actually suppressed them. How long will it take if this revenge is not avenged?

The three of them fought towards Wen Zhong, each using their own skills from their hometown.

Xin Huan, who was on the side, looked at the three people who came out, but he still hadn't reacted.

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