Wait until he reacts. Those three people had already reached Wen Zhong.

"No, stop quickly, three brothers, no, that's Grand Master Wen Zhong of Shang!"

Xin Huan knew how powerful Wen Zhong was, and coupled with Wen Zhong's status at the moment, he hurriedly shouted.

The three people who were ready to kill couldn't help but stop when they heard Xin Huan yelling.

Wen Zhong, on the other hand, looked confident and calm.

"Who do you think he is? Grand Master of the Great Shang, Wen Zhong?"

Deng Tianjun asked in surprise.

Xin Huan hurriedly ran over and stopped the three of them.

"That's right, it's Master Wen! Why don't you come and pay your respects quickly?"

After Xin Huan finished speaking, the three people hurriedly put away their weapons and paid homage to Wen Zhong.

During the conversation, Wen Zhongcai learned that these four people went up the mountain to release the strong bandits because of the rebellion of the princes, and these four people were indeed capable people.

These four people are Deng Zhong, Xin Huan, Zhang Jie and Tao Rong.

Now they have gathered nearly ten thousand people.

"The four of you are willing to follow me to conquer Xiqi, and you have made a great contribution to yourselves!"

Wen Zhong asked.

There was no reason for the four of them not to agree at this moment, and they all nodded in agreement.

Wen Zhong nodded with satisfaction upon hearing this.

Then the ten thousand people, some willing or unwilling, dispersed their money to those who left, and the remaining Wen Zhong took all of them into his own army and went to Xiqi to kill.

While marching, they passed by a place called Juelong Ridge, and Wen Zhong stopped immediately.

Deng Zhong and Xin Huan looked at Wen Zhong in surprise, wondering why they stopped suddenly.

"Hey, I studied art at Biyou Palace on Jinli Island for fifty years. I became a disciple of Our Lady of Jinling. She asked me to go to Biyou Palace and join Chaoge to achieve great success. I once said However, if I can’t see Juezi in this life, something bad will happen. Now that I have come to Juelong Ridge, I feel a little worried!”

Wen Zhong said.

When the four of them heard this, they felt a little funny.

However, they also understood the origin of Wen Zhong. He turned out to be the disciple of the Jinling Holy Mother, the four major disciples of the Tongtian Cult of Biyou Palace on Jinlu Island.

No wonder Wen Zhong is so powerful.

"Grand Master, how can this mere word affect the Grand Master? The Grand Master must be a little cautious. In addition, perhaps the Holy Mother of Gods meant something else, but the Grand Master had a wrong understanding. No one has ever done it because of a single word. I’m just scared, not to mention that the Grand Master is now the backbone of Dashang!”

Deng Zhong said with a smile.

When Wen Zhong heard this, he was relieved. He was indeed a little suspicious!

That's right, how could the great Grand Master Shang be frightened by just one word? If it were spread, it would probably attract ridicule from people all over the world.

"Haha, I'm a bit obsessed. Yes, you're right. How can a mere word trap me? Let's go and kill Xiqi. Come back victorious as soon as possible, and I'll grant you and the four of you glory and wealth!"

Wen Zhong patted his Mo Qilin and ran out. And the army behind them was also advancing very quickly.

Not long after, we arrived not far from Xiqi.

Wen Zhong directly ordered the camp to be set up.


Prime Minister's Mansion.

Jiang Ziya suddenly received the news that Wen Zhong was here.

"I didn't expect Wen Zhong to come in person this time. I'm afraid it might be a bit difficult to handle this time! Wen Zhong is famous and has fought countless times on the battlefield. It's hard to deal with him!"

Jiang Ziya sighed directly and ordered to summon the generals to prepare for the response.

And Liu Ming was also a little surprised when he heard that Wen Zhong was coming in his own house.

Wen Zhongdu came in person!

It seemed that Wen Zhong couldn't bear it anymore.

"Haha, let's go and have a look. By the way, you can stay at Jiang Ziya's place later. If you need your help, just help Jiang Ziya!"

Liu Ming looked at Yang Jian and said.

Originally, he thought about not letting Yang Jian participate, but now it seems that it can't be done. Heaven has already decided on Yang Jian's matter. The last time he took action against the four generals of the Demon Family has set a precedent, so he entered the Conferred God Calamity. Naturally There is no way to escape.

If you can't escape, then you have no choice but to join. God's decree cannot be violated!

When Yang Jian heard this, he nodded.

He also likes to have fun fighting with others.

Naturally, he didn’t understand Liu Ming’s thoughts.

"By the way, Master, this Wen Zhongnai is the grand master of Dashang. He came in person this time. Could it be that he invited some powerful people again! If he is the only one who comes, I'm afraid it will only take a few of us to take action. Wen Zhong has been captured, why are you afraid of him, he is just a mortal grand master!"

Yang Jian said with some disdain.

"Haha, you think it's simple! Wen Zhong is not as simple as you think. Wen Zhong is also very powerful. Although he is a great master of Shang, he also has another identity, that is, he is a disciple of Jie Jiao!"

Liu Ming said directly.

When Yang Jian heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Cut off the disciples? It turns out that Wen Zhong is still the leader of Tongtian Cult!

No wonder he is so successful!

"Wen Zhong himself also has some strength. He is the disciple of Jin Ling Shen Mu, the four major disciples of Tongtian Cult Leader of Biyou Palace. He was ordered to go to Dashang. He and Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao are all third-generation disciples. How can you say that he can Not great!"

Liu Ming said again.

"In addition, you may not know something. The four major disciples of Tongtian Cult Master are all powerful figures, such as Yuanshi Tianzun's Antarctic Immortal Weng and Yun Zhongzi, and the third generation disciples Wen Zhong and Zhao Gongming are similar to the Twelve Golden Immortals. , it can’t be said that it’s not awesome!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking this time, Yang Jian truly understood the power of Wen Zhong.

Naturally, I didn’t dare to look down on Wen Zhong.

If someone wanted to be comparable to the Twelve Golden Immortals, he would have known that he would be equivalent to Nezha and their master.

Regardless of his strength, his status is very high.

If Liu Ming knew that Yang Jian thought this way, he would definitely beat him up. The Twelve Golden Immortals are nothing.

He is the prince of the demon clan, Yang Jian is his apprentice, and his status is comparable to that of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

You can't belittle yourself as a human being.

After Liu Ming arranged for Yang Jian, he came to the void.

He also wanted to take a good look at the power of Wen Zhong, the famous third-generation disciple of Biyou Palace, Grand Master Wen!

Jiang Ziya ordered everyone and went straight out of Xiqi. Seeing Yang Jian coming, he became more confident and wanted to go and meet Wen Zhong for a while.

Wen Zhong, who had already set up camp, saw someone coming out of Xiqi, so he walked over with Deng Zhong and the others.

Wen Zhong held two whips in his hands, and Mo Qilin kept roaring under his crotch.

Jiang Ziya, not wanting to be outdone, took out his magic whip as well, and the appearance of his crotch was even more majestic.

"Xiqi Prime Minister Jiang Ziya has met the great merchant Wen Taishi!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Wen Zhong and said directly.

And Wen Zhong raised his head and glanced at Jiang Ziya.

"Hmph, it turns out you are that Jiang Ziya. Okay, great, I finally meet you!"

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