Seeing the expression on his apprentice Tu Xingsun's face, Zhenliu Sun was a little surprised and asked hurriedly.

Tu Xingsun told the story about his encounter with Shen Gongbao.

When the fearful grandson heard this, his expression changed.

"There is no distinction between good and bad evil. This Shen Gongbao was expelled from Yuxu Palace and has taken refuge in Biyou Palace. This is a plot against you! You actually dare to steal the immortal rope from a poor Taoist and attack your fellow martial uncle, You really shouldn’t, Ziya, now that the matter is clear, tell me, what to do? It’s all up to you!”

After fearing Liu Sun's scolding, he said.

And Jiang Ziya also understood at this moment, it turned out that Shen Gongbao was responsible for everything!

But if Tu Xingsun was just dealing with himself, that's all. The key is that he also sneaked into Xiqi secretly and wanted to kill Ji Fa secretly. If Yang Jian hadn't discovered it in time, he would have succeeded.

Ji Fa is the future lord of the human world, and he is also the key to the current gods and calamities!

This status is very disrespectful. Now that Tu Xingsun offended Ji Fa, although he failed, he is afraid that Ji Fa is also a little dissatisfied with him.

Jiang Ziya understood the underlying meaning of fearing to stay in Sun's words, which was to let Tu Xingsun go.

"Hey, senior brother, if this matter is just because he took action against me, then I won't say anything more. After all, he is the son of senior brother, and he can also be regarded as my junior. But the problem now is that Martial King Ji Fa will Somewhat dissatisfied, Tu Xingsun secretly assassinated Ji Fa. Although he was unsuccessful, senior brother, you should know Ji Fa’s current identity!"

Jiang Ziya told him everything directly to Fear Liusun.

Fearful to stay Sun's face became solemn.

He understood what Jiang Ziya meant.

"Nie Zhan, you not only took action against your master uncle and hindered the plan of becoming a god, but you also dared to take action against the Lord of the human world. You are a serious sin! I am afraid that even Master, I will not be able to protect you. That's all, everything is fate. You, alas, son Ya, do whatever you want!"

The fear of leaving a grandson is also helpless at this moment!

When Tu Xingsun heard this, he was immediately frightened. This fear of Liusun meant that he would be dealt with by Jiang Ziya!

And Jiang Ziya also understood what he meant, he wanted to kill himself!

"Master, help! I didn't mean to go against Uncle Master and King Wu. Firstly, I was deceived by Shen Gongbao, and secondly, because Deng Jiugong said that as long as I kill Ji Fa and Uncle Master, then Marry his daughter Deng Yuchan to me, that’s why I had the idea of ​​assassination!”

Tu Xingsun said and glanced at Jiang Ziya.

"Uncle Master, although the disciple is at fault, it is not unsuccessful after all. You can't kill me directly. The crime will not lead to death!"

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Tu Xingsun, yes, you didn't succeed. If you succeeded, huh, let alone you, I'm afraid I will be punished directly by Master and Heaven. How dare you say that your crime is not worthy of death? Come on, give me I'll pull him down and put Tu Xingsun on the spot for rectification, and let his soul reincarnate!"

Jiang Ziya was not so easy to talk to, so he gave the order directly.

And because of Ji Fa, I can't say anything more, otherwise I will be contaminated by the world of mortals again. Last time I was cut off with three flowers on my head, it was the misfortune of the world of mortals. If I am contaminated this time, I'm afraid there will be consequences. It’s unimaginable.

Tu Xingsun was already frightened to the point of panic.

Jiang Ziya's face was gloomy and he didn't give him any chance. In an instant, warriors came and escorted Tu Xingsun.


Suddenly, Liu Ming appeared in the main hall.

"Prime Minister Jiang, the canonization of gods is something you preside over. Logically speaking, I shouldn't be involved. However, this matter of Tu Xingsun is a bit special, so I would like to ask Prime Minister Jiang to wait a moment!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming with some confusion. Liu Ming had never been involved, so why was it so strange today? In addition, Liu Ming also had a very good attitude, and Jiang Ziya couldn't refute Liu Ming's face.

"Taoist Master, please speak, Ziya, listen!"

Jiang Ziya said, he was waiting for Liu Ming to give him an explanation.

"Although this Tu Xingsun has some faults and should be killed logically, there is some truth in what he said. This Tu Xingsun is related to Deng Yuchan by marriage. This is a match made by God who has the virtue of good life, so we It’s not easy to destroy it, just leave him in Xiqi to obey orders, at least his marriage will be achieved, and from now on, it will be his own destiny!”

Liu Ming said.

Liu Ming didn't want to destroy this kind of marriage that God had expressly stated. It was a good thing, and it was a meritorious thing to be able to promote it.

Didn’t even the later Buddhists say that they would rather demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage?

It can be seen from this that this marriage is a matter of merit.

"Taoist Master, since the way of heaven has the virtue of good life, I am also willing to promote it. However, Deng Jiugong is now Xiqi's enemy. If Tu Xingsun gets married to his daughter, Tu Xingsun is my disciple of Yuxu Palace. This will I’m afraid it might be a little complicated!”

Jiang Ziya said worriedly.

"Haha, this matter is the easiest to handle. If nothing else, you can just drag Deng Jiugong directly to the Xiqi camp. This will promote good things, and secondly, it can also increase Xiqi's strength. Finally, it can be regarded as giving It’s a big blow to Chao Ge, so why not!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jiang Ziya understood. It seemed that the earthly grandson Liu Ming was going to be saved.

In addition, what Liu Ming said made sense, so Jiang Ziya had to give him face.

"But Taoist Master, this Tu Xingsun assassinated King Wu after all. If he were to be let go, King Wu would be a little displeased!"

Jiang Ziya said.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. It's not that the assassination was not successful. Besides, there is another powerful person Bao Xiqi. King Wu will not blame you. How can the master of great talent and great strategy be so worried about such a trivial matter? I will go to King Wu to talk to him. It will give me face!”

Liu Ming said again.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he knew that Ji Fa would not object if Liu Ming came forward. After all, Liu Ming was Ji Fa's sub-father and he still had status.

"Taoist Priest, how can you plan for Deng Jiugong to come and seek refuge with you?"

Jiang Ziya asked.

It would be best if Deng Jiugong could come. Deng Jiugong is still very powerful and his troops and formations are also strong.

For Xiqi, it is also a strong support.

"Haha, this is your Xiqi matter, and it is something that you, the prime minister, should consider. It is you who presides over the conferring of gods and calamities. I can't say more, but you must be able to come up with a solution. I say goodbye!"

Liu Ming turned around and left coolly.

Jiang Ziya only gave a wry smile. Good people let you do it, but in the end the trouble was left to yourself. This was a bit too much.

But he could only slander him in his heart.

Because he would never dare to say it!

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