"Hey, that's all. Let Tu Xingsun go. From now on, you will be my General Xiqi, so you can pay for your crimes and make meritorious deeds!"

Jiang Ziya waved his hand and said.

When Tu Xingsun heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He felt grateful to Liu Ming for saving him just now. He was so grateful that he burst into tears!

When he was facing life and death, his master didn't say anything to him, but a stranger saved him. How could he not be moved?

"This disciple obeys his orders. From now on he will be under Master's command. Please rest assured, Master, this disciple will not make any mistakes again. He will obey Master's instructions in everything!"

Tu Xingsun hurriedly expressed his position.

The matter was finally over, and Tu Xingsun said a few words to Fear Liusun, and Fear Liusun also warned him not to be cruel in the future so that he could be more effective to Jiang Ziya.

Tu Xingsun listened carefully on the surface, but he was already a little dissatisfied in his heart.

He didn't care about himself when he was killed, so what's the use of this master?

At this moment, Tu Xingsun was very curious about Liu Ming's identity and wanted to know who rescued him.

And Yang Jian came to Tu Xingsun when there was no one around.

"The one who saved you just now was my master!"

Yang Jian said softly.

Upon hearing this, Tu Xingsun hurriedly asked Liu Ming's identity.

"The prince of the demon clan!"

Yang Jian said four words and left.

Tu Xingsun understood Liu Ming's identity as soon as he heard it.

The demon prince!


At this moment, Jiang Ziya also had a headache. How could he deceive Deng Jiugong?

"Ziya, since there is such a marriage, you can send a eloquent person to come forward and make a speech. I think it will succeed!"

Fear Liu Sun said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he thought this was a good idea.

Then he sent San Yi, the senior official of Xiqi, to go and give him some instructions before leaving.

San Yisheng came directly to Deng Jiugong's camp.

Deng Jiugong saw San Yisheng coming, and his men wanted to kill San Yisheng.

"Hey, the two sides are fighting, Bu Zhan is here, listen to what he has to say! After all, we are also soldiers of the Great Shang, how can we make people laugh, please come in!"

Deng Jiugong said.

Then San Yisheng told the story about Tu Xingsun and Deng Yuchan.

When Deng Jiugong heard that Tu Xingsun actually said this to save his own life, he couldn't help but be furious.

"Hmph! When did I say this? How can Tu Xingsun, a mere assistant general, be worthy of my daughter? It's simply wishful thinking!"

Deng Jiugong said dissatisfied.

"Haha, general, you must have said this, and Tu Xingsun remembered it in his heart. How can you not admit it now? This is a big blow to the general's prestige!"

San Yisheng said.

When Deng Jiugong heard this, he remembered what he had said to Tu Xingsun Qinggong.

But how can we take our mere drunken talk seriously?

At this moment, Deng Jiugong's subordinates said something in his ear.

Deng Jiugong's face became a little proud.

"Haha, this matter is not impossible, but my daughter has lost her mother since she was a child. If she wants to get married now, she must have you, Prime Minister Jiang Ziya of Xiqi, come to marry her in person. Otherwise, I won't be able to bear it! I don't know if Jiang Ziya has You have the courage. If you don’t have it, you are not sincere, so you can’t blame me!”

Deng Jiugong said directly with a smile.

When San Yisheng heard this, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I will go back and report this matter to the Prime Minister before making a decision!"

San Yisheng said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you for three days. If Jiang Ziya doesn't come, don't blame me. This is a breach of trust on your part. Naturally, my daughter will not marry that Tu Xingsun!"

After Deng Jiugong finished speaking. San Yisheng went back directly.

"What if Jiang Ziya dares to come?"

Deng Jiugong hurriedly asked his subordinates.

"General, if Jiang Ziya dares to come, we will ambush the troops and capture him. We can capture him effortlessly and send him back to Chaoge. It will be a great achievement!"

After his men finished speaking, Deng Jiugong smiled. This is really a good strategy!

Then the arrangements were made.

San Yisheng returned to Xiqi and told Deng Jiugong what he meant.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little angry. Why did this Tu Xingsun have to go deep into the enemy's camp to marry his wife? Didn't he think he died quickly enough?

Seeing that Jiang Ziya was a little unhappy, San Yisheng said no more. Anyway, his mission was completed.

"Junior brother, hehe, this is a good opportunity. If we do this, we can snatch Deng Yuchan from Tu Xingsun!"

Fearful Sun said with a smile.

And Jiang Ziya couldn't help but cast a glance.

Of course it's a good opportunity. Your apprentice has married a wife and you are proud. If you go there yourself, you will probably die. What kind of wishful thinking did Deng Jiugong have? How could Jiang Ziya not know?

"Senior brother, I'm afraid it will be extremely dangerous and difficult to go there this time!"

Jiang Ziya muttered.

"Haha, junior brother, it's not difficult. Then Deng Jiugong probably wants to capture you, but why don't you take advantage of his plan? Come here and I will explain it to you in detail!"

Fearful to stay Sun said something in Jiang Ziya's ear.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he realized that this was indeed a good opportunity!

Then arrangements were made, and Yang Jian, Nezha, Huang Tianhua and others accompanied them. Fearing Liu Sun also went together, and then mobilized several parties to ambush directly.

I think I can defeat Deng Jiugong this time!

After dispatching troops and generals, Jiang Ziya was ready to go to Deng Jiugong's camp.

Three days later, Jiang Ziya led everyone to Deng Jiugong's camp.

But this time, in order to deceive others and reassure Deng Jiugong, Jiang Ziya did not bring too many people, only more than fifty people.

And these fifty-odd people are incredible, all of them are powerful people.

Including Yang Jian, Nezha, Muzha, Huang Tianhua, Lei Zhenzi and others are all here. Wei Liusun also came with Jiang Ziya.

When Deng Jiugong got the news, he secretly ambushed hundreds of swordsmen, ready to capture Jiang Ziya at any time.

Everything is done in secret.

After Jiang Ziya arrived at Deng Jiugong's camp, Deng Jiugong also sent someone to greet him.

When the visitors saw that Jiang Ziya was only bringing a few dozen people, they relaxed. No matter how powerful a few dozen people were, there were hundreds of thousands of people in his own camp.

Then Jiang Ziya was invited into the camp.

Deng Jiugong saw Jiang Ziya coming and admired Jiang Ziya's courage.

But how did he know that Jiang Ziya didn't want to come either?

But now that we are here, there is nothing more to say.

"Haha, Jiang Ziya, Prime Minister Xiqi, you dare to come to my camp in person, I admire you!"

Deng Jiugong said directly with a smile.

"Haha, it's not according to General Deng's wishes. I'm here to marry Tu Xingsun. General Deng won't go back on his promise!"

Jiang Ziya said.

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