After Liu Ming finished speaking, there was no sound in the sky.

"Informed by the way of heaven and the Taoist ancestors, the disciples were ordered to supervise the calamity. Now the disciples are still doubtful about Ma Yuan. However, since there is no such person on the list of gods, the disciples cannot take care of it. If anything big happens in the future, it will be because of this. The incident has arisen, please ask Heavenly Dao and Dao Ancestor to clarify, it has nothing to do with the disciple! I have tried my best, but I can't change the current situation."

Liu Ming shouted to the sky again.

Not long after that, the sky suddenly cleared up.


And then a voice that resounded throughout the world came down.

When Liu Ming heard it, he knew it was the voice of Taoist Hongjun.

When Zhunti heard this, he felt a little twitching in his heart, as Daozu actually passed on the message.

Zhunti glared at Liu Ming fiercely and did not dare to stay any longer. He swept Ma Yuan and headed towards Mount Sumeru in the west.

Liu Ming heard Daozu's voice, bowed and left back to Xiqi.

Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun also left in a panic at this moment.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face darkened, and with a wave of his hand, the entire Yuxu Palace suddenly trembled.

"You've gone too far to bully others. Humph, you actually dare to do this to Yuxu Palace and Pindao. Do you really think that you can do whatever you want with the blessing of Tao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

If Liu Ming were in front of him at this moment, he would probably kill Liu Ming at all costs.

Even if heaven punishes him, even if the monster clan takes revenge, he can't care about it. Now he can only vent his anger by killing Liu Ming.

This matter could have been kept quiet, but in the end Liu Ming made it known to everyone.

Although he changed the list of gods, he did not leave any loopholes, but in the end, Daozu's voice indirectly admitted that Liu Ming's statement was correct.

This is equivalent to a slap in the face!

In addition, I am afraid that Dao Ancestor will have other opinions. This matter cannot be hidden from others, not from Dao Ancestor Hongjun!

If it was done quietly, Dao Ancestor would not be embarrassed, but now that it has been brought to the surface, Dao Ancestor has to express his position.

The culprit of all this is Liu Ming.

"You really think you are something!"

Yuanshi Tianzun still couldn't calm down his anger.

"Master, calm down. Since this matter has already happened, it is useless to talk more. Now I think that the demon prince may have other plans!"

The Antarctic Immortal suddenly said.

Upon hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun motioned for him to continue.

"Master, I think that this demon prince has always been cunning. He will not cause such a big sensation just because of a little Ma Yuan for no reason. So I think everything is based on his last sentence, and also It’s on the exact word Dao Zu!”

After the Antarctic Immortal finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression suddenly changed.

"Okay! Poor Dao understands. He is testing us. Secondly, he is testing Daozu's intentions. Thirdly, he must have some plan. Daozu's accurate voice is giving him blessing. In the future If something really happened, he has reason to suspect that we secretly changed the list of gods."

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking with a gloomy face, he looked at the Antarctic Immortal.

"That's what I think of it! Master, link by link, the Dao Ancestor's guarantee that the demon clan prince has come to find a reason and support for the future!"

The Antarctic Immortal shook his head.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face gradually returned to calmness.

"What a demon prince, huh, I have underestimated it. That's all. Let's talk about this later. Go and tell Jiang Ziya that you must guard against him closely in the future and not allow him to participate in any calamity matters. Also, now this Xiqi’s progress is too slow!”

Yuanshi Tianzun said directly.

"Yes, Master, the current situation is that Yin Hong has not been able to find the person who killed him!"

The Antarctic Immortal said.

"Hmph, if you can't find it, stop looking. Go and ask one of the Twelve Golden Immortals to help Jiang Ziya kill Yin Hong!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Liu Ming's guess was indeed correct. He had been dragging himself out until now to find the person who killed Yin Hong.

Yuxu Palace did not want to kill his disciple himself.

Now it seems that no one is available, so I have to take action myself.


Although Jiang Ziya didn't know when at this moment, after listening to Yuanshi Tianzun's will conveyed by Taoist Cihang who came here, he understood that something must have happened, otherwise Yuanshi Tianzun would not let him guard against Liu Ming again.

And Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, who knew about this matter, dared not say anything more at this moment, because there were too many involved!

"I borrowed the Tai Chi diagram this time to come here. I think I can subdue Yin Hong. Ziya, let's act like this!"

Taoist Cihang said directly.

Jiang Ziya nodded.

The red sperm also sighed helplessly.

Jiang Ziya went to Yin Hong's camp and directly lured Yin Hong out to fight. After taking Yin Hong to a hilltop, Yin Hong's expression changed, because at this moment, the surrounding Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, Chi Jingjing, Cihang Taoist, and Jiang Ziya were all here. , and he didn't know that the place where he was standing was that the Tai Chi diagram had been wrapped.

"Masters and uncles, do you want to kill me?"

Yin Hong looked at Jiang Ziya and others around him and said.

"Nie Zhan, you still know that I want to kill you, huh, you actually violated your oath and went against the will of heaven. It is really not a pity to die!"

Taoist Cihang said directly.

And Yin Hong looked at Chi Jing and couldn't help but laugh.

"Master, do you think you can take me down now? You don't have the Yin-Yang Mirror and the Purple Immortal Clothes, how can you take me down!"

Yin Hong was still complacent.

In fact, Chi Jingzhi was still a little guilty at first, feeling that he had tricked Yin Hong, but now it seems that he may have overthought it, and Yin Hong is simply a bad person!

At heart he is the same person as his father, King Zhou.

Thinking of this, Chi Jing sneered.

But they are not good people either. Only they themselves know the purpose of bringing Yin Hong into Kunlun Mountain!

"Nie Zhan, you don't know it yet! You are trapped in the Tai Chi diagram now, but you know the power of Tai Chi diagram. Today I want you to see it, red sperm, start the formation!"

Taoist Cihang said directly.

Upon hearing this, Chi Jingzheng recited a few spells, and Yin Hong suddenly found that he was trapped!

He couldn't even take out his magic weapon, the Yin-Yang Mirror.

Yin Hong is scared at this moment!

"Help! Master, uncle, uncle, help! I was wrong, wrong!"

Yin Hong suddenly shouted, his voice a bit miserable.

However, Taoist Cihang and Manjushri Guangfa waved their hands directly, and in just a moment, Yin Hong fell to the ground without moving.

The Tai Chi diagram is all-encompassing, and Yin Hong has been surrendered.

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