Because Yin Hong had made an oath, and if he broke it, his soul would be destroyed, so in the future, his soul would float away.

Suddenly, a strong attraction from the Conferred God Platform pulled his soul away. It was considered that he had obtained the divine position and had a good destination.

Seeing Yin Hong like this, Chi Jingjie also felt emotional in his heart.

No matter what, it’s still a master-disciple relationship!

It's just that there are some things that he can't make the decision.

At this moment, Su Hu saw that Yin Hong could not come back, so he sent someone to inquire.

As a result, Su Hu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news that Yin Hong had been killed.

At this moment, Zheng Lun and the two people accepted by Yin Hong are still here.

Zheng Lun and the others also learned that Yin Hong was dead, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Master Marquis, please report to Chaoge immediately and ask Chaoge to make a decision. It's best to send more people here!"

Zheng Lun said.

Su Hu agreed on the surface, and after they dispersed, Su Hu directly asked Su Quanzhong to shoot an arrow at Xiqi and shoot the letter into it.

After Xiqi got the news, he handed the letter to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya took a look and realized that Su Hu wanted to cooperate with him inside and outside and directly capture Su Hu's men.

Jiang Ziya stood up, today was the day to break Su Hu's camp.

Immediately, the order was given. Huang Feihu and his son led a team, Deng Jiugong led a team, Nangong Shi led a team, and the rest directly intercepted and killed the generals of Su Hu's camp.

After the arrangements were made, Jiang Ziya directly ordered the army to fight out.

Su Hu also arranged for Su Quanzhong to take his trusted men to protect his family and wait for Jiang Ziya to break the camp.

Not long after, Xiqi's army arrived.

The three-pronged army immediately killed the whole army to a great extent.

And because Su Hu was mediating, many people surrendered.

Only Zheng Lun is still fighting hard.

It's a pity that he alone can defeat everyone in Xiqi.

Nezha, Yang Jian, Huang Tianhua, Lei Zhenzi, Tu Xingsun and others captured Zheng Lun directly.

This battle was a complete victory, and everyone on Su Hu's side surrendered.

Jiang Ziya finally felt relieved after getting the news. Then he brought all the civil and military officials to welcome Su Hu into the city.

Su Hu hurriedly stepped forward and saluted Jiang Ziya.

"Thanks to the Marquis this time! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid it would have been a while longer!"

Jiang Ziya said with a smile.

"The Prime Minister is joking, hey, if I had known it was so complicated, I would have led the army directly into Xiqi, and there wouldn't have been so much trouble!"

Su Hu said a little embarrassed.

Jiang Ziya then directly hosted a banquet for Su Hu to welcome him.

Even when he brought Su Hu to meet Ji Fa, Ji Fa valued Su Hu very much and comforted him.

Just as everyone was attending the banquet, Zheng Lun was escorted in.

Today Zheng Lun still refuses to surrender.

Just stood there, refusing to kneel down.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but change his expression when he looked at Zheng Lun.

"Huh, Zheng Lun, are you going to surrender or not?"

Jiang Ziya asked directly.

Zheng Lun also snorted coldly.

"I would rather die than surrender! Give up this idea!"

After Zheng Lun finished speaking, Jiang Ziya laughed loudly.

"Okay, I originally thought of giving you a chance, but now it seems a bit unnecessary. Someone, come here, take down Zheng Lun, pull him out and chop him!"

Jiang Ziya shouted directly.

When Su Hu heard this, he hurried forward.

"Prime Minister, this Zheng Lun is a rare general who will definitely make great contributions to Xiqi. In addition, he has left-handed magic. I think the Prime Minister also knows how powerful it is. Please allow me to persuade you, Prime Minister. If it doesn't work, it's not too late to kill him!" "

After Su Hu finished speaking, Jiang Ziya waved his hand.

"Well, in that case, I just want to give you face. You can persuade me. If that doesn't work, I'll have to kill him!"

Jiang Ziya said.

Su Hu hurriedly thanked him and then led Zheng Lun out of the hall.

"Hey, why are you so stubborn? Now that we have all surrendered to Xiqi, why do you still insist on your mistakes? You know that you will really be killed if you do this!"

Su Hu looked at Zheng Lun and said.

Zheng Lun suddenly sneered.

"Huh, I don't know, but I would rather die than surrender, and I would rather die than become a traitor. You, the majestic Marquis of Jizhou, actually betrayed the king and betrayed the king for glory. It is really abominable. Huh, Zheng Lun is also blind after following you for so many years. "

Zheng Lun scolded Su Hu.

When Su Hu heard this, he smiled bitterly.

"My dear brother, you are really stubborn. Don't you know how King Zhou treats you and me? Back then, Chonghou Hu almost attacked Jizhou. If he had entered, Jizhou would have suffered countless casualties! Also, King Zhou Don't you know how many loyal ministers and good generals have been killed by his perverse behavior?

Also, you have always admired Wucheng King Huang Feihu, but why has he become Xiqi’s general now? Why, tell me, it’s not because of King Zhou’s persecution. Zheng Lun, don’t think that you are loyal, you This is disloyal, disloyal to the people, disloyal to the family! "

After Su Hu finished speaking, he glared at Zheng Lun fiercely.

"Think about it for yourself, after you die, will King Zhou still care about your loyalty? No, he will only get drunk with Daji, and it has nothing to do with him whether you die or not. Now that the world has rebelled, what do you want from such a king? Protect him, haha, ridiculous, ridiculous! You are foolishly loyal!"

After Su Hu finished speaking, he looked at Zheng Lun, and Zheng Lun also looked at him.

After a long time, Zheng Lun sighed.

"Master Marquis, I understand, hey, that's it, just surrender!"

Zheng Lun said.

Su Hu was a little excited and hurriedly took him to find Jiang Ziya. Jiang Ziya also smiled proudly, and then after untying Zheng Lun, they celebrated together.

The entire Xiqi has defeated too many enemies now, and now it is getting more and more powerful, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Many small princes from around came to seek refuge.

Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya are also full of confidence.

And they were full of confidence, but King Zhou was going to be furious.

After the news spread back to Chaoge, King Zhou directly drew his sword and killed several more servants.

Not only was Su Hu defeated, but he surrendered directly!

This made King Zhou even more angry than losing.

This is extremely harmful and insulting for Su Hu to surrender!

My father-in-law, the father-in-law of a great merchant, actually led his whole family to surrender to the enemy!

This shows how King Zhou is viewed by the people of the world and how he is viewed by all civil and military officials.

King Zhou felt extremely depressed and aggrieved at this moment.

There was another person who was also feeling aggrieved, and that was Daji.

No matter what, this Su Hu is her father. Although she occupies Su Daji's body and is a vixen, who cares about these issues.

In the past few days, Daji had heard civil and military officials throughout the dynasty talking about her. He said that since her father had surrendered to Xiqi, she should be deposed. Otherwise it will not be enough to convince the public.

What's even more serious is that King Zhou didn't come to see her for two days!

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