Princess Long Ji watched Hong Jin run away, waved her hand unhurriedly, and disappeared.

Hong Jin ran all the way to the seaside, preparing to escape from the sea, but Princess Longji also came here.

Seeing Hong Jin entering the water, he couldn't help but sneered and directly summoned the Yellow Turban Warriors to come over.

"Tie this Hong Jin up for me!"

After Princess Long Ji finished speaking, the yellow scarf warrior suddenly descended from the sky, and the dragon-binding rope in his hand tied up Hong Jin.

After the Yellow Turban warriors tied up Hong Jin, they threw him directly in front of Prime Minister Xiqi's mansion.

Jiang Ziya was discussing the military situation with everyone when he suddenly heard a noise outside. When he went out to take a look, it was Hong Jin who was thrown down.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but feel happy, OK, he actually captured Hong Jin.

This Princess Long Ji still has some abilities!

Soon, Princess Longji was back.

"Prime Minister, Hong Jin has been captured. How to deal with it is up to the Prime Minister to decide!"

Princess Long Ji looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

Seeing that Hong Jin had been tied up, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"Thank you so much, princess. Come here, pull this Hong brocade down and chop it down for me. Just give me the Xiqi sacrificial flag!"

Jiang Ziya shouted loudly, and Hong Jin was pulled down instantly.

Just when Jiang Ziya ordered Nangong Shi to prepare for execution, a man suddenly fell from the sky.

"Save someone under the knife!"

The visitor said hurriedly.

When Jiang Ziya heard someone calling, he waved his hand. Let Nangong Shi suspend execution.

"Where does this fellow Taoist come from?"

Jiang Ziya asked.

After this person saluted Jiang Ziya, he said with a smile.

"Pindao is the old man who joins the moon in heaven!"

The old man looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he thought he was from heaven?

"It turns out it's Old Man Tianting Yuehe. I don't know what he can do if he comes here this time!"

Jiang Ziya asked.

"Haha, Prime Minister Jiang, this time Pindao came here because of this Hong Jin. Immortal Fu Yuan once said that Princess Longji and this Hong Jin had a secular marriage, and the matter of the marriage was precisely Pong Jin. Dao has jurisdiction, so Pindao came down for this matter. In addition, the Prime Minister’s troops can be guaranteed to go out of the five passes to help you!"

After Old Yuehe finished speaking, Jiang Ziya looked at him with some confusion.

"Fellow Taoist, this thing is a bit strange. If nothing else, this Hong Jin soldier stopped me from Xiqi and killed King Wu's brother. Now he is captured. How can we go on without killing him! In addition, this Princess Longji is How the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother can marry this mortal, so it’s a bit puzzling to me!”

Jiang Ziya said.

If the person coming is from Yuxu Palace, that's it. If you let him go, you will let him go. But for him, a little married man in heaven, to dare to come like this. It's really a bit too bold!

In addition, Princess Longji has a somewhat noble status, so how could she possibly marry Hong Jin.

And if Hong Jin is not killed, how will Jiang Ziya explain to Ji Fa?

And Yue Lao couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he saw that Jiang Ziya didn't listen to him.

"This is Prime Minister Jiang! The Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother also know about this, and Pindao came down after asking them for instructions!"

Yue Lao said directly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he felt a little embarrassed.

If Jiang Ziya returns to Kunlun Mountain after the Conferred God Tribulation, let alone the Emperor and Queen Mother, he won't care.

But now it is obvious that he will stay in the human world to enjoy the glory and wealth. He must give face to the Emperor of Heaven now, otherwise the Emperor of Heaven will be responsible for taking charge of the human world in the future!

Jiang Ziya looked at Yue Lao and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"I can't make the decision on this matter, so let's go to Princess Longji and explain, and I'll go to King Wu for instructions!"

Jiang Ziya had no choice but to make this arrangement.

After hearing this, Yue Lao nodded and went to find Princess Longji.

Jiang Ziya also found Ji Fa and told him what Yuelao said.

The key is to see what Ji Fa's attitude is towards Hong Jin.

At this moment, Yang Jian also told Liu Ming about the situation.

After Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

Yue Lao?

This is not a very high status in heaven!

It's just a little god.

Just because he holds the red thread, he is a person that no one wants to offend, and he also pulls the red thread for others and achieves marriage, so his popularity is good.

But now he is here and wants to save Hong Jin!

"Did Yue Lao tell you who this Fuyuan Immortal is?"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

Yang Jian shook his head.

"Hmph, why did a Fu Yuan Immortal appear out of thin air? I have been in the prehistoric world for tens of millions of years, and I have never known anyone to be called a Fu Yuan Immortal. Now I actually asked Yue Lao to come down to save Hong Jin. It's a bit interesting!"

Liu Ming couldn't help but talk to himself.

"Master, you said that Yue Lao saved this Hong Jin and gave him a marriage with Princess Longji, the daughter of the Emperor and Queen Mother of Heaven. Could it be that this Hong Jin has some background?"

Yang Jian said.

Liu Ming's eyes lit up after hearing this.

What Yang Jian said makes sense!

But with Hong Jin's three-legged cat skills and his mediocre spells, he probably doesn't look like someone with a big background!

But now it seems that this is the only explanation that can explain this matter clearly!

"There must be something weird about this matter. I'm afraid there is some other conspiracy involved. Okay, I don't know now. Let's wait and see what happens!"

Liu Ming said.

And Yang Jian naturally obeyed the order.

It is said that after Yue Lao met Princess Long Ji, he told the story again.

When Princess Longji heard this, her expression changed.

"What did you say? Let me marry that Hong Jin, haha, I'm afraid you're talking in your sleep!"

Princess Long Ji looked directly at Yue Lao coldly.

"Princess, this matter was ordered by the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother, and the little fairy was also ordered to come here. The princess has been in the human world for a long time because she broke the rules, and now she can use this earthly marriage to settle her fault and return to heaven! In addition, if the princess and Hong Jin assist Jiang Ziya in sending troops, the princess will be indispensable when he becomes successful!"

Yue Lao hurriedly explained.

After hearing this, Princess Longji closed her eyes.

Then suddenly she opened her eyes.

"You think this is what my father and mother meant? Well, in that case, I agree. However, if I can't return to heaven later, don't blame me for causing trouble for you!"

Princess Longji said threateningly.

Naturally, Yue Lao didn't dare to say anything, so he could only accept it.

After Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa finished talking, Ji Fa originally thought about killing Hong Jin, but then he gave up his idea when he heard that someone from heaven was coming. Ji Fa could not afford to offend anyone now.

"In this case, if Princess Longji agrees, then let her do it!"

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