After Ji Fa finished speaking, Jiang Ziya nodded. In this case, he couldn't stop him.

The affairs between Princess Long Ji and Hong Jin have been arranged. Then came the marriage.

Hong Jin saved his life and got the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven as his wife. Naturally, he was very happy. When he left the city, he brought all his troops into Xiqi!

All surrendered to Xiqi.

Jiang Ziya saw that the time was ripe, and the catastrophe he faced and the thirty-six conquests were over, so he made arrangements and prepared to worship the general at Jintai.

Yue Lao was about to leave when he suddenly felt a strong aura enveloping him.

How could Yue Lao resist with his little cultivation, so he was taken directly over.

He looked up and saw a young man standing in front of him.

"I am an immortal with the moon in heaven. I dare to ask where my friend is from!"

Yue Lao hurriedly introduced himself to his home and said.

"Haha, don't you know me?"

Liu Ming looked at him and asked.

"Well, Xiaoxian is really blind. I wonder who this fellow Taoist is?"

Yue Lao said.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me. I am the prince of the demon clan, but you know it!"

Liu Ming said.

When Yue Lao heard this, his expression changed drastically.

Although he had not yet gone to Heaven when Liu Ming served Emperor Haotian in Heaven, he had heard many legends about Liu Ming.

This is a cruel person!

He actually dared to ask Haotian Emperor whether he wanted to die or live in broad daylight.

With such an outstanding person in front of him, no one would believe Yue Lao even if he said he was not afraid.

Even the Emperor of Heaven is talking about beating and killing, how can I, a little Yue Lao, take him seriously?

"Your Majesty, Your Highness the Crown Prince! The little fairy has blind eyes but does not recognize Mount Tai. I didn't expect it to be His Highness the Crown Prince. How polite is the little fairy!"

Yuelao hurriedly saluted Liu Ming.

And Liu Ming laughed!

"Yue Lao, you don't have to be afraid, I have something to ask you, just tell me the truth!"

Liu Ming asked.

When Yue Lao heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised. The dignified prince of the demon clan actually wanted to ask himself something he didn't know!

"Prince, please tell me. If Xiaoxian knows, he will answer truthfully!"

Yue Lao said hurriedly.

"Okay, let me ask you who this Fuyuan Immortal is!"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

When Yue Lao heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Prince, this little immortal really doesn't know!"

Yue Lao shook his head and said.

"Don't know? Haha, Yuelao, although you are a person who leads the red line and can be regarded as a person of merit, but do you think I dare not do anything to you?"

Liu Ming said with a serious expression.

Upon hearing this, Yue Lao hurriedly saluted Liu Ming again.

"Prince, this little fairy really doesn't know! Prince, you must be asking this question because of Princess Longji. The fairy is also acting according to the will of the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven just told the little fairy that there is something wrong with Princess Longji. Fuyuan Immortal told me to come down and facilitate this marriage, firstly to agree to Fuyuan Immortal, and secondly so that Princess Longji can get the chance to return to heaven!"

Yue Lao hurriedly explained to Liu Ming.

After Liu Ming heard this, he looked at Yue Lao as if he was lying. Besides, Yue Lao didn't dare to lie to himself!

So in this case, only Emperor Haotian and Queen Mother Yaochi know who this Fuyuan Immortal is.

"In that case, that's it. You can go and return to Haotian!"

Liu Ming waved his hand directly.

When Yue Lao heard this, he nodded hurriedly and headed towards the heaven.

Watching Yue Lao leave, Liu Ming's face became a little solemn.

Who is this Fuyuan Immortal?

Yuelao was ordered to come here, and the purpose was said to be for Princess Longji, but why did Liu Ming feel that Heavenly Court's intervention in this matter was for Hong Jin.

Because in the end, the biggest beneficiary of this incident was Hong Jin. Not only did he survive, he also married the princess of Heaven.

No matter how you look at it, you are the biggest winner!

Now that he has surrendered to Xiqi, he can achieve a few more achievements. Finally, Liu Ming vaguely remembers that this guy has been made a god!

Not simple!

The more Liu Ming thought about it, the more he felt that the origin of Hong Jin was a bit mysterious. Although now he only knew that he was the person who intercepted the teaching, Zhao Gongming and the others were all dead and had not seen what this Fuyuan Immortal said. Now an unknown Hong Jin actually asked Tianting to come forward.

Could it be that this guy is the illegitimate son of Lord Tongtian?

Liu Ming was immediately stunned by his thoughts.

However, it is impossible to think about it. If he is the son of Master Tongtian, I am afraid that Master Tongtian will slap him to death, because Hong Jin’s foundation is so shallow, and his magic power is not good. According to Master Tongtian’s temper, he would have Just kill.

In addition, he is really someone close to him. Leader Tongtian always walks alone, so he would not have such a frivolous heart, and he would have come directly to kill him.

Since he was not someone close to the leader of Tongtian Cult, and he had secretly asked Heavenly Court to come to help him, Liu Ming suddenly felt that although Hong Jin was a member of the Jie Cult, he might have something to do with the Chan Cult.

Because there is no one but Yuanshi Tianzun who can use this conspiracy and plan so carefully.

But why is Yuanshi Tianzun like this?

Liu Ming felt that he was in a difficult situation again.

"Master, why are you here!"

Yang Jian suddenly appeared next to Liu Ming.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Master, Jiang Ziya asked me to come look for you. He said that he will be worshiping the general at the Golden Platform soon. As the person who supervises the conferring of gods and calamities, please go and watch the ceremony!"

Yang Jian said.

Liu Ming nodded upon hearing this.

This Fuyuan Immortal must have been stranded right away!

Let’s wait until the opportunity comes. Now it’s time for Jiang Ziya to worship the general at the Golden Platform, and it’s also the climax of the Conferring God’s Tribulation!

Liu Ming and Yang Jian came directly to Prime Minister Xiqi's Mansion.

Yang Jian went directly into the Prime Minister's Mansion, while Liu Ming watched all this in the void because of some inconvenience.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya has taken care of everything, including money, food, people and horses, everything is ready.

After Jiang Ziya arranged for everyone, he accompanied King Wu Jifa and walked out.

"It's such a big deal, I wonder why Ya's father didn't come!"

Ji Fa couldn't help but ask when he saw that Jiang Ziya was the only one beside him.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he felt a little sour in his heart. It was Liu Ming who held an important position in Ji Fa's heart!

I had already fought for him on the battlefield and repelled thirty-six conquests, but I was still thinking about Liu Ming.

However, Jiang Ziya did not dare to say anything. After all, he would enjoy the glory and wealth of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the future, so naturally he could not offend the king.

"King Wu, just now Yang Jian said that the Taoist priest is already above. It is inconvenient for him to show up due to his status, so he is watching us there!"

Jiang Ziya pointed to the sky and said.

After hearing this, Ji Fa nodded and bowed to where Liuzhou was, and Jiang Ziya also bowed.

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