Afterwards, King Wu Jifa directly ascended the throne, and Jiang Ziya also came up holding his apprenticeship form. .

Ji Fa picked it up and looked at it seriously.

After reading it, Ji Fa's expression became serious.

"The Prime Minister expressed his intention to go out to attack Zhou, but my father told me when he was still alive that he could not attack the king in the name of his ministers. Now I cannot obey!"

Ji Fa said after placing the discharge form.

And Jiang Ziya took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, King Zhou is stupid and unprincipled, and he is the one who should be punished by the big businessmen today. For the sake of the common people in the world, please, Your Majesty, please send your generals to the east!"

Jiang Ziya said.

After hearing this, Ji Fa still shook his head.

Jiang Ziya was not in a hurry, looking at San Yisheng aside and nodded.

San Yisheng stepped forward directly.

"Your Majesty, the late lords indeed said that Xiqi would never attack Chaoge in the name of his subjects, but that was because the late lords respected the great Shang kings. Now King Zhou has committed many crimes, is ignorant and unethical, and has gone against the grain, causing the entire great shang dynasty to suffer. The people are already living in the heat of water, so why are they guilty?

In addition, there are now hundreds of princes, big and small, from the Great Shang. Many of them have surrendered to our Xiqi, and the remaining people have rebelled against King Zhou in their own territories. Now there are rebellions everywhere in the Great Shang. How can the king watch the people suffer? Such a disaster.

Your Majesty, we in Xiqi are now in high demand. All the princes and people are looking forward to your Majesty's sending out troops to rule the world. If your Majesty does not move because of the words of his ancestors, King Zhou will come to deal with us. Secondly, it will chill the whole world!

In this case, I am afraid that I, Xiqi, will only be able to huddle in the ground in the future, and even Xiqi will not be protected. The Xiqi paradise established by the late lord will be ruined. Please think again, my king! "

After San Yisheng finished speaking. He just knelt on the ground and waited for Ji Fa to speak.

"Please, Your Majesty, think twice!"

Afterwards, all the civil and military officials in Xiqi knelt down.

When Ji Fa saw that the civil and military officials were all united, it made no sense for him to block it any more.

"In this case, what the superior officer said is reasonable. That's all. In this way, I naturally cannot harm the world and suffer the people because of my own concerns, let alone chill your hearts. I have made up my mind to march eastward. Chaoge is the beginning!"

Ji Fa stood up and waved.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he smiled slightly!

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Everyone in Xiqi shouted loudly.

Seeing everyone like this, Ji Fa felt a little excited himself.

This means that I may have to achieve unparalleled achievements!

Later, Ji Fa directly ordered to worship Jiang Ziya as Prime Minister Xiqi, General, and Marshal of the Eastern Expedition!

All rights to the Eastern Expedition were given to Jiang Ziya.

The golden platform that had been established long ago was put into use.

Ji Fa offers sacrifices to heaven and earth here!

And all the ceremonial guards and swords that represented Jiang Ziya's highest authority were given to him.

Only now did Jiang Ziya feel what it was like to be a person enjoying glory and wealth in the world.

After Ji Fa arranged everything, he suddenly looked at the sky and said.

"The Eastern Expedition is about to begin. I, the king, would like to ask Yafu to show up!"

After Ji Fa finished speaking, everyone looked at Ji Fa.

Liu Ming in the void showed a wry smile.

I originally didn’t want to get involved, but now I was inspired to name it!

Hey, I originally thought I could just watch this matter secretly. After all, this is a matter of changing dynasties in the human world, and it is inconvenient for me.

But now that Ji Fa has said this, it would be inappropriate not to come out.

Liu Ming appeared directly in front of Ji Fa. He looked at Jiang Ziya and couldn't help but nodded. At this moment, Jiang Ziya was all dressed in formal clothes that represented supreme authority.

The golden crown was shining, and Ji Fa's sword was in his hand.

The guard of honor behind him was also very impressive.

"King Wu!"

Liu Ming withdrew his gaze, looked at Ji Fa and said.

"Yafu, now the Prime Minister is marching eastward, and I have to stay in Xiqi and cannot accompany him. The Eastern Expedition is of great importance and the matter is so big that nothing can go wrong. Therefore, I ask Yafu to accompany the army to the eastward expedition and replace my authority. As a supervisor, everyone who goes to the Eastern Expedition is under the supervision of Yafu. If there is any violation, Yafu can exercise the power of the king. You can beat or kill him as you wish!"

Ji Fa looked directly at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming was also stunned after hearing this.


Let yourself supervise the Eastern Expedition?

No, when it comes to conferring gods to measure tribulations, Daozu Hongjun inexplicably arranged a job for himself to supervise the tribulations.

Now Ji Fa gave himself another task of supervising the Eastern Expedition.

He also allowed himself to represent him, which meant that he could govern and sanction everyone.

Including Jiang Ziya!

This is somewhat interesting.

"This, King Wu!"

As soon as Liu Ming spoke, Ji Fa bowed directly to Liu Ming.

"Yafu, when my father was still alive, he asked me to regard you as him in everything and treat you like him. Now please Yafu, please don't refuse. Thank you Ji Fa!"

Ji Fa said directly.

Seeing what Ji Fa said, Liu Ming was naturally embarrassed to refuse.

"King Wu is being polite, that's all. Since King Wu trusts me, Pindao has agreed. Pindao will definitely be the supervisor of the Eastern Expedition!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Xukong gave Ji Fa a hand.

Ji Fa also laughed with satisfaction.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya no longer had the same passion as before.

I just said that the key to the entire Xiqi is the target of everyone's attention in Xiqi.

But now, the limelight has been stolen by Liu Ming.

He is just a general and marshal who does dirty work. And Liu Ming is the one who is supervising him behind the scenes and enjoys his success.

It was also now that Jiang Ziya understood that Liu Ming was not a human being after all and would not stay in the human world, so he did not say much. If it had been anyone else, Jiang Ziya might have said something.

Just when Jiang Ziya was a little dissatisfied, suddenly there were auspicious clouds in the sky.

Everyone in Xiqi hurriedly looked up. All the twelve golden immortals I saw came down.

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Ziya!"

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Ziya!"

All the Twelve Golden Immortals saluted and congratulated Jiang Ziya!

When Jiang Ziya saw that all his senior brothers were coming, he hurried over.

Only Liu Ming and Ji Fa were left on the stage.

The disciples of the Twelve Golden Immortals like Jin Zha, Mu Zha and others also gathered around.

Nezha and Lei Zhenzi looked at Liu Ming and nodded to them, and then the two of them also passed by.

Yang Jian stood behind Liu Ming.

"Master, congratulations!"

Yang Jian said with a smile.

"Haha, I'm so happy about you! You are so childlike!"

Liu Ming shook his head and said helplessly.

And Yang Jian curled his lips. Of course he was not making fun of Liu Ming, but he couldn't stand Jiang Ziya and his group of Yuxu Palace disciples.

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