Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 441: King Zhou was seriously ill and sought medical treatment


After Weizi saw the message sent by Han Rong, his expression changed drastically.

He hurriedly went to see King Zhou.

King Zhou looked at Wei Zi's expression and knew that there must be nothing good going on!

"Tell me, what's wrong!"

King Zhou said listlessly that he had just been drinking and having fun with Daji and Hu Ximei, but he still had no energy at the moment.

Wei Zi directly called up Han Rong's letter.

King Zhou couldn't help being furious when he saw it.

"What a Ji Fa, what a Jiang Ziya. He has killed so many people in succession, and now he is actually a general at the Golden Platform. What is he going to do, ah, what is he going to do? Ah!"

King Zhou looked at Wei Zi and asked.

Wei Zi sighed.

"Your Majesty, what can Ji Fa and Jiang Ziya do as generals? They probably have nothing else to do but send troops!"

Wei Zi said angrily.

Wei Zi was very dissatisfied with King Zhou's current appearance. He smelled of alcohol and his hair was disheveled. He didn't have the majesty of an emperor at all.

This big business is really in crisis now!

"Send troops? What is he going to do? What is he doing! Send troops to attack me? How courageous, what a rebellious traitor! I am so angry that I am so angry. Go and summon all the civil and military officials to come to Jiujie Hall to discuss the matter! "

King Zhou waved his hand and said.

When Wei Zi heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless. The civil and military officials of the entire dynasty might not be able to do anything at this moment.

But King Zhou had already spoken, so Wei Zi had to go and gather everyone.

Soon, everyone gathered in the Jiujie Palace.

Today's great businessmen, civil and military officials have become insensitive to the point of being unkind.

It's just that you will come anyway if you call, but they don't care about anything, you can figure it out yourself!

This is the attitude of today's great Shang Dynasty's civil and military officials.

Aren’t you, King Zhou, a great person?

Don’t you like Daji?

Don't you like roasting, gouging out hearts, and killing people?

You are awesome. Now that Xiqi is open, you have burned Ji Fa with a cannon!

The current officials look like they are watching the excitement.

King Zhou soon came to the main hall.

"You all know it! Ji Fa Jintai has paid homage to the general, and Chaoge is about to kill him. Please tell me how to deal with it!"

King Zhou looked directly at everyone and said.

After hearing this, everyone fell silent, and the whole hall was silent.

King Zhou waited for a long time and no one said anything, but he suddenly became angry.

"Trash, they are all rubbish. What do I want from you? Now that Dashang has reached such a stage, you should tell me how to deal with it!"

King Zhou looked at the civil and military officials and said.

Seeing King Zhou furious, everyone was indifferent.

King Zhou had nowhere to vent his anger at this moment. Looking at the ministers in the entire hall, he felt a little depressed.

Are you still the king of Dashang?

Today's civil and military officials are just decorations!

"Your Majesty, this Jiang Ziya is a heretic. Even if our generals are gone, it will be useless. If we want to fight against this Jiang Ziya now, we can only use people who also practice the Five Elements heresy to subdue him!"

Fei Lian, the middle doctor, came out and said.

When King Zhou heard this, he couldn't help but relax a little. Finally someone spoke, and he was no longer a one-man show alone!

"Fei Lian, tell me who can send troops!"

King Zhou asked hurriedly.

He is very satisfied with Fei Lian now.

At least I can share my worries.

Since Fei Zhong and You Hun died, King Zhou felt that he lacked close ministers who could share his worries!

"Your Majesty, I think Kong Xuan is qualified for the job. Kong Xuan is a practitioner of the Five Elements. I think he will definitely cause Jiang Ziya to suffer heavy losses. It will not be a problem to capture Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa in the end!"

Fei Lian said hurriedly.

When King Zhou heard this, he asked Kong Xuan?

Who is this person?

"Your Majesty, Kong Xuan is now the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass. With your Majesty's order, Kong Xuan can send out troops!"

Fei Lian said.

Others were a little surprised after hearing this. Kong Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass, seemed to have no impression at all!

"Chief Soldier of Sanshan Pass? These Three Mountain Passes are among the top ten passes of Great Shang Dynasty. Why don't I know that there is such a person? Who has appointed him as the Chief Soldier?"

King Zhou asked with some confusion.

"Your Majesty, the commander-in-chief of Sanshanguan, Deng Jiugong surrendered to Xiqi after his expedition, Zhang Shan took over, Zhang Shan died, Hong Jin took over, and also surrendered, so in the end Kong Xuan is now acting as the agent for the military and political affairs of Sanshanguan!"

Fei Lian hurriedly explained.

When King Zhou heard this, he had a headache. That's it!

These three mountain passes are poisonous!

The three chief military officers either surrendered or died.

This Kong Xuan probably has no one to use, so he came here to make up for it!

Could it be that he really has some strength!

"Your Majesty, although this Kong Xuan is not as famous as the others, he is very powerful. He practices the Five Elements and doesn't like to appear in public, so no one knows how powerful he is!"

Fei Lian said.

When King Zhou heard this, it didn’t matter whether it was a black or white cat, as long as it could catch mice, it was a good cat.

Anyway, no one is available now, so Kong Xuan will be Kong Xuan!

We can't let Xiqi march straight into Chaoge!

"Okay, in that case, I order Kong Xuan to send out troops and destroy Xiqi's army for me!"

King Zhou said directly.

Then he looked at Wei Zi beside him and signaled him to give the order immediately.

As soon as Wei Zi heard this, he went out to announce the decree.

Sanshan Guanzhong.

Kong Xuan sat alone in his study.

Looking at the sky outside, his face became a little excited.

"Haha, it's finally my turn this time. This method of conferring gods to measure calamity is really interesting!"

Kong Xuan said curiously.

Soon, King Zhou's decree was issued.

After Kong Xuan read it, he couldn't help but nodded.

Now that he is allowed to go on an expedition, it is time for him to perform well.

Kong Xuan directly ordered the gathering of troops. Today, there are only 100,000 people in Sanshan Pass, but Kong Xuan does not care about this.

After the army was gathered, they headed directly towards Xiqi.

And Han Rong also got the news and hurried over.

After Kong Xuan met Han Rong, Han Rong hurriedly told what he had found out.

When Kong Xuan heard this, it turned out that Xiqi Jintai had already left Xiqi after paying homage to the general!

"Hmph, you're good to go. It saved me the trouble of looking for them. Where are they now!"

Kong Xuan asked.

"I'm afraid I'm at Jinji Ridge now!"

Han Rong said.

Kong Xuan nodded after hearing this.

"Order the army to speed up and garrison Jinjiling. This time I will tell Jiang Ziya that he will not come back. Go quickly!"

After Kong Xuan gave the order, the army headed directly towards Jinji Ridge.

At this moment, the Zhou army was still reorganizing at Jinji Ridge.

Mainly Jiang Ziya was trying to calm down his inner anger and unwillingness.

That's why he hasn't left yet.

This time he wanted to use Nangong Shi's incident to establish his prestige.

And Liu Ming's analysis was absolutely correct. This was Jiang Ziya's idea.

It's a pity that Liu Ming and Ji Fa teamed up to destroy it.

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