It was nothing more than destruction, but his plan actually came true for Ji Fa.

In the end, Ji Fa became the wise king in everyone's hearts, and he became a bad guy who killed good generals.

This made Jiang Ziya feel a little angry.

But this anger can only be digested by himself. He can't vent it to Ji Fa, let alone Liu Ming.

Because there is always a guilty conscience.

If I go there, I'm afraid I'll be scolded and insulted by Liu Mingye!

Helpless Jiang Ziya could only sigh in the end.

"Prime Minister!"

"go out!"

Someone just came in to report to Jiang Ziya, and Jiang Ziya shouted loudly.

When the visitor heard this, he couldn't help but feel in a dilemma.

There is important information! This prime minister actually didn't even listen to the information!

Jiang Ziya was stunned when he saw the person coming, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

I'm a little obsessed!

Forget it, the great cause of the Eastern Expedition must be completed, and the Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation must also continue.

I can only move on.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Ziya calmed down and said.

"Prime Minister, the great merchants are here. They are stationed within ten miles of our army!"

The subordinate said hurriedly.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

Why haven't you come out yet? Someone else is here!

"But you know who is coming!"

Jiang Ziya asked hurriedly.

"Prime Minister, look at the flag, it's Kong Xuan, the commander-in-chief of Sanshan Pass!"

When Jiang Ziya heard this, Kong Xuan? Have not heard!

But now that it's here, I can't ignore it.

"Command the army to advance immediately. The truth is, we want to see who this Kong Xuan is?"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, the army marched directly forward.

It didn't take long for the army to see Kong Xuan's army.

Jiang Ziya ordered to stop.

"Who is willing to test this big week!"

Kong Xuan asked when he saw that Zhou Xiqi's army had arrived.

Lieutenant General Chen Geng directly came out and agreed.

Kong Xuan nodded.

After Chen Geng went out to fight, he directly called for formation!

After Jiang Ziya heard about it, he looked at the general below and asked.

"Da Shang has already sent out troops, who is going to fight!"

Jiang Ziya asked.

But everyone looked at it and said nothing.

When Jiang Ziya saw it, he smiled bitterly in his heart. Everyone was already scared about Nangong Shi's matter, and they also didn't trust him!

But Jiang Ziya couldn't explain that the mute couldn't tell the pain after eating coptis!

Huang Tianhua on the side looked at Huang Feihu and nodded towards him.

"Prime Minister, the general is willing!"

Huang Tianhua said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he nodded.

"Okay, be careful. If you lose, don't show off. I, General Zhou, am more noble than the Great Shang. We cannot afford to lose. Go ahead! The truth is waiting for your triumphant return!"

Jiang Ziya said hurriedly.

When everyone heard this, they felt a little better, and they also let go of their worries about each other.

Huang Tianhua directly climbed onto the Yu Qilin and killed him.

Chen Geng couldn't help but become a little nervous when he saw a man riding such a divine beast being killed.

"Whoever is coming, please tell me your name!"

Chen Geng asked directly.

Huang Tianhua snorted coldly.

"It's not necessary. It's useless for a dead person to know my name!"

Huang Tianhua said directly.

When Chen Geng heard this, he said, "Hey, what a loud tone!"

Just shoot the horse and kill it.

The two hammers in Huang Tianhua's hands also swung away.

After the two fought for several rounds, Huang Tianhua turned around and left.

When Chen Geng saw it, he wanted to run away! I just chased him.

Unexpectedly, Huang Tianhua already held the fire dragon mark in his hand.

When he heard that Chen Geng was chasing him, he shot back and hit Chen Geng directly in the heart.

Chen Geng fell off his horse, and Huang Tianhua took his head and returned to the camp.

When Jiang Ziya saw that he had killed the enemy general, he couldn't help but feel a little happy, and he gave Huang Tianhua a credit!

When Kong Xuan heard that Chen Geng had been killed, he didn't care at all.

"Huh, I'm incompetent, and it's not a pity to die. Who else is willing to test it out!"

Kong Xuan said.

When Sun He heard this, he immediately asked for orders!

Kong Xuan waved his hand and let him go to fight.

After Sun He came out, he yelled.

Jiang Ziya heard that someone else came to call for formation.

"Who wants to fight again!"

When Wu Ji heard this, he immediately came out of the queue.

"Master, this disciple is willing to fight!"

Wu Ji knew that the prestige of his master Jiang Ziya had declined. He had just been overtaken by Huang Tianhua. Now he must stand up and support Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya nodded.

"Go ahead and be careful!"

Buji slapped his horse and killed him.

Sun He watched Wu Ji come out with murderous intent in his eyes.

This time I want to use the general of Zhou Dynasty in front of me to ask for credit and reward from Kong Xuan!

"Who is coming!"

Sun He said.

"Prime Minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Grand Marshal, General Jiang Ziya's disciple Wu Ji!"

Wuji said proudly.

My master is now the most powerful person in Dazhou.

How could I not give it a good shout?

Unexpectedly, Sun He burst into laughter upon hearing this.

"You are Jiang Ziya's apprentice! Your master is a fisherman, and you must be a woodcutter! Haha, a fisherman accepted a woodcutter's disciple, you two must be good at work!"

Sun He said directly mockingly.

Wu Ji originally wanted to tell him about the power of his identity, but he ended up making fun of himself.

In a rage, Wu Ji killed Sun He directly.

When Sun He saw it, he couldn't help but sneer and kill him.

The two were inseparable from each other, and their strength was somewhat equal.

But Wu Ji now thinks that he must make meritorious deeds!

So he took advantage of Sun He's opportunity to collect his weapons, turned around and ran away.

When Sun He saw that this guy was trying to run away, he obviously didn't dare to fight him.

Sun He hurriedly chased after him.

When Wu Ji heard the pursuit behind him, he felt happy and suddenly reined in the reins of his horse while running.

The war horse suddenly stopped, but Sun He was unprepared and was sprinting with all his strength to chase Wu Ji. Seeing Wu Ji stop, he could no longer maintain his speed. Hit it directly.

Sun He was knocked dizzy, but he had already seen a spear coming in front of him. Before he had time to react, he was stabbed by the spear and dismounted!

Wuji took the opportunity to chop off his head and returned to the camp with it.

Jiang Ziya couldn't help but get excited when he saw that his disciple also killed an enemy general.

Now my side has won two games in a row!

It’s a huge morale boost!

"Okay, Wuji, good job. I'll give you a credit. This Kong Xuan seems to be a loser, haha. All the lieutenants under his command are like this. How can he be any better?"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, everyone also laughed.

Now that he has won two games in a row, he feels a little more relaxed. Kong Xuan has nothing to fear.

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