After the three groups were divided, Hong Jin led a group of troops and headed directly towards Jiameng Pass.

This was the first time he led troops on an expedition after surrendering to Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya also ignored the previous suspicion and let him actually lead the group to Jiameng Pass.

This is a trust in him and a test for him.

Therefore, Hong Jin naturally did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

After all, this is a great opportunity to prove himself.

"General, the Dream Pass is in front of you!"

Ji Kang looked at Hong Jin and said.

Hong Jin nodded and directly ordered the army to set up camp on the spot.

"All generals and our army are a little tired from the march. Let's all set up camp and rest!"

Hong Jin gave the order directly.

They had marched hundreds of miles along the way and were tired. It was indeed not suitable to attack now.

At this moment, in Jiameng Pass, the generals Hu Sheng, Hu Lei, Xu Kun, and Hu Yunpeng were discussing how to repel the men of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"General, Dazhou has set up camp ten miles away from my camp!"

After his men came in and finished talking, Hu Sheng and others couldn't help but change their expressions.

I didn’t expect this big week to come so quickly!

Now we are only ten miles away from them, this charge is coming!

"Humph, now that they are here, we can't let them stay near us like this. You can't allow others to snore under the bed. Who can lead the way for me!"

Hu Sheng asked as he looked at everyone.

Xu Kun walked out directly.

"Let me go and test the strength of this great Zhou!"

Xu Kun said.

Then he led his men and horses to kill them directly.

At this moment, Hong Jin couldn't help but sneered when he learned that someone was coming to kill him.

I originally thought of letting everyone have a rest, but now there are actually people who are really willing to come out and die. In this case, there is nothing to say.

"Who's going to chop off his head for me?"

Hong Jin asked directly.

Ji Kang, as Hong Jin's pioneer officer, naturally did his job and went out in favor.

When he went out to take a look, Ji Kang couldn't help but laugh. The person who came was actually Xu Kun. He had followed Hong Jin to guard Sanshan Pass, so he naturally knew Xu Kun and the others.

"Ji Kang, okay, it turns out that you are the rebels who came to attack our Jiameng Pass. Haha, very good. Now that this is the case, then it is your death!"

Xu Kun looked at Ji Kang and said.

When Ji Kang heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Xu Kun, don't you know how many pounds you have? If you want to kill me, please save it. In addition, today's Da Shang Qi has been exhausted. It's useless even if you say more, Da Zhou. Xing, I advise you to dismount and surrender, maybe you can save your life!"

Ji Kang looked at Xu Kun and said.

When Xu Kun heard this, he directly aimed the spear in his hand at Ji Kang.

Ji Kang raised the sword in his hand and chopped it down.

The two were fighting at this moment, neither giving in to the other, both wanting to cut off the other's horse.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, Ji Kang suddenly muttered something. Then a burst of black air emerged, and a dog's head appeared in the black air. It bit Xu Kun directly. Xu Kun was fighting Ji Kang at the moment. How could he avoid it? He was bitten directly in the face. , and at this moment, the spear in Ji Kang's hand stabbed out instantly.

Only a cry of pain was heard, Xu Kun was stabbed in the chest, and Ji Kang chopped off his head with a wave of his hand.

Ji Kang took Xu Kun's head back to the Hong Jin camp to show his merit.

When Hong Jin saw it, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. This was a great achievement. If nothing else, at least it was a good start!

When Hu Sheng heard that Xu Kun had been killed, he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Hu Yunpeng, go and kill one of them and get this place back to me!"

Hu Sheng said.

Hu Yunpeng nodded and left the camp directly.

As a result, Hong Jin sent Su Hu's son, Su Quanzhong, this time.

Naturally, Hu Yunpeng also knew him.

"Okay, it turns out it's you, Su Quanzhong. Your sister is the queen of Dashang, but you and your father surrendered to Xiqi. Everyone in the world can rebel, but you can't rebel, but you are really It’s really the opposite. It’s really strange and shameful that you are like this! Just wait here for me, and I will capture you!”

Hu Yunpeng went straight to kill Su Quanzhong, but Su Quanzhong could only sneer before firing out his spear.

After the two fought, Hu Yunpeng gradually felt that he was no longer Su Quanzhong's opponent.

If nothing else, Su Quanzhong was at least much stronger than him.

The more Su Quanzhong killed, the more energetic he became. With a loud shout, he shot Hu Yunpeng and threw him off his horse. Hu Yunpeng was about to stand up, but Su Quanzhong killed him with one shot.

After returning to the camp, Hong Jin couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

Now two battles and two victories!

This time I finally felt at peace.

But while he felt at peace, Hu Sheng was about to faint.

I sent out two generals, but they were both killed!

Only Hu Lei and him were left.

"Hey, now that Xu Kun and Hu Yunpeng have been hacked to death, what should we do?"

Hu Sheng said.

Hu Lei also didn't know what to say for a while.

"Brother, now we have lost two generals in a row. It can be seen that this Great Zhou is indeed powerful, and I am afraid that it is indeed destiny! Brother, otherwise you and I will surrender with our troops now. Forget Zhou, it’s a good thing, we surrendered to Great Zhou, what do you think?”

After losing two generals in a row, Hu Sheng no longer had much fighting spirit.

Coupled with the current situation, he also understood that something was wrong with Dashang.

Jiameng Pass originally didn't have many troops, but now it only lost two of the four major generals. How could it deal with Hong Jin's menacing army under such circumstances.

"Brother, how can you have such an idea? You and I should be favored by the great merchants and have high-ranking officials and generous salaries. Now that the great merchants are in trouble, how can you not think about serving the country and sharing the Lord's worries, but actually thinking about surrendering? This is really That shouldn’t be the case! We should die to serve the country. Brother must not have such thoughts again. Tomorrow I will take action personally and I will make great achievements to give brother peace of mind!"

Hu Lei looked at Hu Sheng and said.

After hearing this, Hu Sheng felt helpless.

This Hu Lei is still loyal to Dashang!

Hu Sheng knew that no matter what he said, it would be useless. Hu Lei was now determined. If he said too much, he might make Hu Lei have other ideas!

The key is that the current Dashang has given Hu Sheng no hope.

"Hey, that's all. Since Hu Lei still has hope, let's let him fight tomorrow. Maybe there will be some miraculous effect. If not, the consequences will be serious!"

Hu Sheng shook his head and said.

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