The next day, Hu Lei directly volunteered and went to kill Dazhou.

After Hong Jin got the news, he looked at everyone.

"General Nangong Shi, go out and kill him!"

Hong Jin said.

When Nangong Shi heard this, he nodded and went out directly.

Nangong Shi was also filled with anger at this moment. He was a famous general in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but now he became Hong Jin's subordinate.

All of this is Jiang Ziya's fault. If Jiang Ziya hadn't insisted on suppressing him, how could he be in such a mess at this moment.

However, Nangong Shi is now on the battlefield, so naturally he will not be distracted by this.

When he saw Hu Lei coming over, he sneered in his heart.

It's his turn to make a contribution this time!

Hu Lei also wanted to show off at this moment, so he struck at Nangong Shi. Nangong Shi did not hold back, and the two of them started killing each other directly.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, the sword in Nangong Shi's hand was directly pressed down. However, Hu Lei was out of strength and was pressed down instantly.

Nangong Shi knocked him off his horse with a wave of his hand, chopped off his head and turned to Hong Jin.

When Hong Jin saw it, he couldn't help but feel even more happy. Three battles and three victories!

But just after Nangong Shi came back, someone came to report that Hu Lei came to fight, which surprised everyone.

But when I went out and took a look, it turned out to be Hu Lei.

Princess Longji was still well-informed, so she saw that this was just a substitute for a blind trick. After breaking the magic, Hu Lei was naturally killed.

After the news came back to Hu Sheng's camp, Hu Sheng was immediately shocked.

"Hey, my brother didn't listen to me, so he was killed! It can be seen from this that this Dazhou is really powerful, that's all. Come, fix a letter and send it to Dazhou's camp!"

Hu Sheng said directly.

Now that they can't defeat him, and Hu Sheng originally planned to surrender to Dazhou, this time Hu Lei was killed, there was no way out, and he didn't have much strength to fight again.

Soon, Hong Jin received a letter sent by Hu Sheng.

When I opened it, I couldn't help but be surprised. Hu Lei actually wanted to surrender!

Hong Jin arranged for his troops to tell Hu Sheng that he would bring people into the camp to receive his troops tomorrow.

Hu Sheng was overjoyed when he received the news. After everything was prepared, he was waiting for Hong Jin's army tomorrow.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly blew, and Hu Sheng hurriedly went out to check, and saw that a nun had appeared.

Hu Sheng took a look and hurried over.

"May I ask where you are from?"

Hu Sheng asked hurriedly.

"I am the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit. Your brother Hu Lei worshiped me as his disciple. Now he has been killed. I didn't expect you to actually want to surrender to the enemy. Huh, you really don't care about brotherhood and the righteousness between king and subject. , but you are ready to join in the same evil with the enemy, you make even this poor man look a little impressed!"

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit said directly.

When Hu Sheng heard this, his expression turned ugly. What the Fire Spirit Mother said made him feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, it turns out he is Hu Lei's master! This Taoist priest is really unjust. It's not that I don't want to avenge my brother. It's just that I'm a little unwilling and weak! Now I, Jiamengguan Major General, have few soldiers, and I am also I don’t have much ability, and now all three of my generals are dead, so how can I resist! So I can only surrender and find a way out for my brothers!”

Hu Sheng said hurriedly.

After hearing this, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit couldn't help but sneer.

"Hmph, since you said you have no ability, then it doesn't matter. I came down today to avenge Hu Lei. You just need to do as I say, and I will definitely destroy the Zhou people for you! "

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit said very firmly.

This made Hu Sheng a little helpless, so he had no choice but to comply with her request.

Otherwise, if the Fire Spirit Madonna shows her power, he might not be able to stop her, and she will inevitably be affected in the end.

The next day, Hong Jin led his troops out of the camp. As a result, it turned out that Hu Sheng’s camp was still flying the banner of Dashang.

This made Hong Jin a little angry. He was not kidding himself!

He clearly told me to come to receive him, and he also wrote a letter saying that he wanted to surrender, but now he is actually indifferent.

"The army obeys the order and kill me!"

Angry, Hong Jin directly ordered Su Hu, Su Quanzhong and others to kill them with their army.

Since you don't surrender, we will beat you until you surrender!

But just after they killed him, Hu Sheng's camp was tightly closed, heavily defended, and a no-war card was also displayed.

Hong Jin had no choice but to retreat first.

At this moment, in Hu Sheng's camp, Our Lady of Fire Spirit was training an army. Three thousand elites were selected from the army and were practicing according to the instructions of Our Lady of Fire Spirit.

It took seven full days before the no-war card was removed.

When Hong Jin saw it, he led his army to kill them.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit asked Hu Sheng to go out and challenge.

Hu Sheng was helpless. He had no choice but to come out with his troops.

"You are a capricious traitor. You promised to surrender, but in the end you deceived me. Now you dare to come out, you must die!"

Hong Jin was furious and swung his sword to kill him.

And the army behind them also came out together.

When Hu Sheng saw how powerful Hong Jin was, he wanted to fight him desperately, so he couldn't help but retreat hurriedly.

As soon as Hu Sheng stepped back, Our Lady of Fire Spirit came out.

Hong Jin was horrified when he saw Our Lady of Fire Spirit, who looked like a ball of flame all over her body.

So awesome!

Hong Jin had no choice but to go forward. He was going to use his flag to lure the Fire Spirit Madonna into his formation and kill her.

But he underestimated the power of the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits. As soon as the sword in his hand was drawn out, the magic weapon on his body was immediately exposed, and Hong Jin's formation instantly lost its effect.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit stabbed directly with her sword, and Hong Jin was stabbed immediately.

Hong Jin, in pain, hurriedly ran back.

After the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit injured Hong Jin, she directly ordered the three thousand troops behind her to attack.

These three thousand people have been trained by the Fire Spirit Madonna and have become extremely powerful.

Three thousand of them were fire dragon soldiers, and they killed them directly according to the directions of the spells and formations.

Hong Jin had already run away, but the morale of the army was somewhat shaken. Although Ji Kang and others were still fighting, the fire dragon soldiers were so powerful that they directly killed Hong Jin's army and made it miserable.

In addition, the army was in a panic at the moment, and the tramplers also suffered numerous casualties.

When Ji Kangge Su Hu, Su Quanzhong and others saw that the three thousand Fire Dragon Soldiers had attacked their army, they couldn't help but become furious and immediately gathered their troops to prepare for revenge against the Fire Dragon Soldiers.

At this moment, Princess Long Ji was holding the battle in the camp. When she heard that the army encountered such a situation, she hurried out to check. When she saw the result, her face changed drastically.

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