Princess Longji looked around and saw the flames rising into the sky. Feeling anxious in his heart, he waved his hand and muttered words, preparing to put out the fire.

Just as she was about to take action, a golden light suddenly hit her.

Princess Long Ji hurriedly avoided, but the golden light was so powerful that she almost knocked her to the ground. The Fire Spirit Madonna soon appeared in front of her.

He directly raised the sword in his hand and chopped it down. Princess Long Ji was so frightened that she couldn't avoid it and was directly hit in the chest.

He yelled and ran towards the northwest.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirits chased after him for nearly dozens of miles.

Finally, Our Lady of Fire Spirit watched her run away before returning to the camp.

At this moment, the Fire Dragon Soldiers had killed every single one of Hong Jin's army, leaving nearly 10,000 people dead.

Hu Sheng didn't have much hope at first, but now that he saw that this battle had caused such great losses to Da Zhou, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. Now he finally felt relieved.

It seems that there is hope for defeating Dazhou this time.

Just in time to see Our Lady of Fire Spirit coming back, I hurriedly ran to welcome her back.

Hu Sheng won a great victory, but Hong Jin suffered a great defeat.

After he reunited with Princess Longji, he gathered the remaining defeated generals and set up camp a hundred miles away from Hu Sheng.

Both husband and wife were injured, and they couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

This battle was fought too fiercely, and so many people were lost in vain.

"General, this Taoist girl is so powerful now that we may not be able to defeat her. If she goes through this a few times, the entire army may be lost!"

Nangong Shi said hurriedly.

"Hey, is there any good solution now?"

Hong Jin said helplessly.

"General, the only plan now is to ask the Prime Minister for help. The Prime Minister is a disciple of Yuxu Palace, so he naturally has the means. In addition, the Prime Minister also has a lot of experience with this heretical person."

Nangong Shi said.

When Hong Jin heard this, he nodded, what he said made sense.

He wrote a letter personally and sent it to Jiang Ziya's camp.

Jiang Ziya was studying how to break through Han Rong's defense at Sishui Pass when he suddenly received a letter from Hong Jin.

Jiang Ziya was a little confused, so he opened it and took a look, and his expression changed drastically.

"It's such a thing. Not long after we sent out troops, so many people have been lost now. It's really abominable. It seems that this Hong Jin must have no real ability. Hey, that's all. I have to go there in person. , otherwise Hong Jin’s side of the Three Route Army will be doomed!”

After Jiang Ziya read it. I couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

Later, Jiang Ziya called Li Jing.

This Li Jing was previously the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, a great merchant, and he was also a general in charge of the army.

"I'm going to go to Hong Jin. Hong Jin was defeated and lost a lot of troops. Remember, you must guard the army. Before I come back, you must not send troops easily, let alone fight with Han Rong. , you just need to hold the camp, you understand!"

Jiang Ziya said.

When Li Jing heard this, he nodded. Fighting was a bit difficult, but defending the camp was easy!

Jiang Ziya took Wei Hu, Nezha and three thousand troops and hurried over.

When he went to the vicinity of Jiameng Pass, he found no trace of Hong Jin and others.

So they sent people out to look for it, and they actually saw it hundreds of miles away.

Jiang Ziya went to the Hongjin Camp and felt angry when he saw the current state of the army.

"Hong Jin, as a general in charge of the army, you need to assess the situation. Why are you so defeated now? These soldiers seem to have no intention to fight!"

Jiang Ziya found Hong Jin and asked.

Upon hearing this, Hong Jin hurriedly told Jiang Ziya the situation.

"Prime Minister, it's not that I used the ice improperly, but I was really deceived by Hu Sheng! This guy actually lied to me about surrendering, but turned around and invited such a powerful Taoist nun. We are really no match!"

Hong Jin said helplessly.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he also frowned. Hong Jin really couldn't be blamed for this, because there was another person with deviant magic!

"Okay, we've already been defeated. There's no point in saying more. Let's settle down first, and then the prime minister will personally lead his troops to see who is so wanton here!"

Jiang Ziya said.

By the way, the Fire Spirit Madonna saw that after she defeated Hong Jin, Hong Jin was no longer near Jiameng Pass, which made her a little surprised.

How did she know that Hong Jin had already run away for hundreds of miles, so she didn't dare to get close!

Just when Our Lady of Fire Spirit felt strange, someone suddenly came to report that Jiang Ziya was here.

When the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit heard this, she couldn't help but look happy, "Okay, Jiang Ziya is here, now not only Hong Jin, but also Jiang Ziya will be taken care of!"

Afterwards, the Fire Spirit Madonna climbed directly onto her mount, a golden-eyed camel, and secretly led three thousand fire dragon soldiers out of the camp.

And soon Jiang Ziya came over with his troops.

"Are you Jiang Ziya?"

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirit asked looking at Jiang Ziya who looked very disgraceful.

Jiang Ziya nodded.

"Fellow Taoist, since you are a cultivator, you must know the destiny. Now that the Great Shang Qi has been exhausted, the Great Zhou Dynasty is about to emerge. If there were still people who couldn't see clearly before, that's all. But can you still be unclear now, fellow Taoist?" Friend, doing this is against the laws of heaven, and will be punished by the law of heaven. In addition, I came here according to the decree of Yuxu Palace, and fellow daoist must also know it. After going back and forth like this, fellow daoist still wants to stop my army, which is a bit puzzling. ah!"

Jiang Ziya looked directly at the Fire Spirit Madonna and said.

"Hmph, Jiang Ziya, you are very sharp-tongued. You are just relying on your having the will of Yuxu Palace, and you are here to fool everyone. You are just a fisherman, greedy for fame and fortune, and you dare to say that you are following the will of the people. God's will, it's really ridiculous! Today I just want to see how good you Jiang Ziya is!"

After the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit finished speaking, she waved the Tai'a Sword in her hand and urged the golden-eyed hunchback she sat down to kill.

Jiang Ziya directly raised his sword and faced him.

Nezha, who was on the right side of Jiang Ziya, boarded the Hot Wheels with the fire-pointed spear in his hand and charged directly. The target was naturally the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits.

Wei Hu, on the left, holds the demon-conquering pestle in his hand and flies up, also thinking about the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits.

The Holy Mother of Fire Spirits was facing the attack of three people, and her expression changed. However, she refused to give up and directly used all her strength.

The fire-tipped spear in Nezha's hand kept stabbing at them, Jiang Ziya also waved his sword, and Wei Hu even smashed down the demon pestle, but the Fire Spirit Madonna walked with ease.

Then she turned around and used her sword to lift the golden crown on top of her head, and the golden crown immediately emitted bursts of light.

Nearly ten feet of golden light shot out directly.

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