After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Guangchengzi was also puzzled.

"Master, you said that Uncle Tongtian wants revenge. But why didn't he take action against me?"

Guang Chengzi asked.

"That's because he thinks you're not worthy of him yet, and his target is me!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Guangchengzi was a little unbelievable.

"I'm afraid it might be a little difficult this time. You go back and I'll go to the Eight Views Palace!"

Yuanshi Tianzun hurriedly left Yuxu Palace and headed towards Bajing Palace.

After arriving at the Bajing Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun walked in without the boy's announcement.

"Senior brother, something serious has happened!"

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Taishang Laojun and said hurriedly.

Taishang Laojun got off his wind and fire futon and was surprised to see Yuanshi Tianzun, who had always been steady, a little anxious at the moment.

"What's wrong! Why are you so rude!"

Taishang Laojun asked.

"Brother, this is what happened..."

Yuanshi Tianzun told the story of sending Guangchengzi to test the leader of Tongtian.

When Taishang Laojun heard this, his expression changed drastically.

"Confused, you are really confused! If you hadn't asked Guangchengzi to go and do this, I'm afraid Tongtian wouldn't have such thoughts. You are forcing him to take action! Originally, he has never been in Biyou Palace now. No big move, he is already a little dissatisfied, but he can only endure it when photographed by Tiandao and Daozu, but now you have allowed him to find a place to vent!"

Taishang Laojun couldn't help but shook his head as he spoke.

"Senior Brother, do you mean that Tongtian will take action personally?"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"Hey, why bother taking action personally? I think Tongtian will probably use his own Zhuxian Sword and Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

Taishang Laojun said angrily.

"What? So, Tongtian wants to fight us!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said with some shock.

I originally wanted to let Guangchengzi go test it out and see Biyou Palace's attitude at the moment.

Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating and actually aroused the anger of the leader of Tongtian.

If the Zhuxian Sword and Zhuxian Sword Formation were used, the consequences would be serious!

"Hey, I'm afraid that's the case! You should make plans early, Junior Brother Yuanshi, cleverness will lead to mistakes. You should wake up early. Not everyone is a fool. Your temptations and calculations can only make people feel a little dissatisfied. You But do you understand?"

Taishang Laojun said lightly.

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, he understood that this was a nod to himself!

The last time he dealt with Fan Tianyin in Yin Jiao, he found an excuse to involve Taishang Laojun and Dongfang Ersheng. It seems that Taishang Laojun was dissatisfied!

"Yes, senior brother is right. I was a little too eager. Senior brother, this matter is of great importance and cannot be delayed. I am going to find Jie Yin and Zhunti now. If the Zhuxian Sword takes action, only the four of us can do it. It’s broken!”

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Taishang Laojun waved his hand.

"Go, sooner rather than later!"

Yuanshi Tianzun directly transformed into a stream of light and disappeared.

"Hey, you really treat everyone as a fool. Yuanshi, Yuanshi, you are a little too arrogant. I am afraid that Tongtian will really take action this time, and I, Sanqing, will be separated from now on! We are no longer one. , we are no longer brothers!"

Taishang Laojun said, shaking his floating dust.

Jiang Ziya didn't know about the affairs between the Three Purities, and he didn't care.

After he returned to Jiameng Pass, he met the people who were looking for him.

Went directly back to the camp.

Hong Jin and the others were waiting for Jiang Ziya.

"Don't worry, this time the Fire Spirit Madonna has been killed. There is no obstacle for us. Let's rest for a day. Tomorrow we will break through the Dream Pass and continue moving forward!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, everyone felt relieved, and a stone weighing on their hearts finally fell to the ground.

The damage this Fire Spirit Madonna has brought to them is too great!

Jiang Ziya organized his troops and waited for his attack tomorrow.

And Hu Sheng couldn't help but feel a little thumped in his heart after waiting for so long without seeing the return of Our Lady of the Fire Spirit.

I'm afraid it's broken. The Fire Spirit Madonna must have been surrendered!

"General, our three thousand fire dragon soldiers no longer have the blessing of the talisman and cannot use their abilities!"

The deputy general came and said.

Just now, he discovered that the Fire Dragon Soldier was unable to set fire. Moreover, the previous formation also lost its effect.

When Hu Sheng heard this, he became even more certain that the Fire Spirit Madonna was dead.

Otherwise, this Fire Dragon Soldier would not be in the current situation.

It's over, how can he keep an eye on Jiang Ziya's army without the Holy Mother of Fire Spirits!

If I had known that she would not listen to the words of Our Lady of the Fire Spirit and surrender directly, but now she is dead, but what should I do with myself and this group of people!

But Hu Sheng never thought that if he didn't agree to the Fire Spirit Holy Mother, he might be dead by now.

"General, since we failed to surrender last time, we can just surrender this time!"

The deputy general said.

After hearing this, Hu Sheng also felt that this was the only way.

So he wrote a letter again and sent it to Jiang Ziya.

After Jiang Ziya looked at it, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Hmph, this Hu Sheng is a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He will surrender if he can't beat us. If he has helpers, he will become our enemy again. Now that he knows that the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit is unreliable, he will surrender again. Haha, what a loser. What a villain!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he threw his letter aside.

"Prime Minister, you are right. This Hu Sheng is nothing. We can't let him surrender this time. We will directly attack the border with our army and defeat him completely!"

Hong Jin said angrily.

Last time Hu Sheng wanted to surrender, and he went to accept it with full hope, but was almost beaten to death by the Fire Spirit Madonna, and lost so many people. Now that he wants to surrender again, he will not give him a chance.

"No, since Hu Sheng is willing to surrender, just agree to him. Otherwise, if we attack them, we will lose some troops. Now we can take Jiameng Pass without spending a single soldier, why not? As for Hu Sheng, hehe , when it comes, just pull it out and chop it!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Hong Jin finally understood. As expected, Jiang Ziya was very clever!

After receiving the news, Hu Sheng immediately released Jiameng Pass, and the Zhou army soon garrisoned in.

Jiameng Pass has become the territory of Da Zhou.

"Prime Minister, I will hand over Jiameng Pass in the end to pave the way for the Eastern Expedition of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Please forgive me for the previous offense!"

Hu Sheng looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

"Hu Sheng, you have gone back on your word over and over again. In addition, the Fire Spirit Madonna has also brought losses to our army. As for you, you are capricious, greedy for life and afraid of death. Do you think the true nature will keep you in the camp? ? Come here, take me out and chop him down!"

Jiang Ziya waved his hand, and someone pulled Hu Sheng out.

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