Although Hu Sheng yelled, no one paid attention to him, and his head was soon beheaded.

Jiang Ziya packed up his troops, leaving behind those who guarded Jiameng Pass, and returned to Sishui Pass.

After telling Ji Fa about the situation, Ji Fa also congratulated Jiang Ziya.

At this moment, Liu Ming was watching the sky.

Suddenly his expression became a little shocked.

Because at this moment, the celestial phenomena representing Biyou Palace are actually turbulent, and they are getting stronger and stronger, and the aura is getting more and more fierce.

"This Biyou Palace actually suppresses Yuxu Palace now, which is rare!"

Liu Ming secretly said.

Then suddenly a clear understanding appeared on his face.

I'm afraid that Biyou Palace is going to take action. It's not like before where one or two disciples come in privately.

I'm afraid I'm going to get serious this time!

What makes Biyou Palace truly fearful is none other than the Immortal Killing Sword Formation of Master Tongtian!

Could it be that the Tongtian Sect took action this time?

Liu Ming thought about it and got an impression. It seemed like it was about this time!

"The most exciting moment of Conferring God's Tribulation is here. Haha, I want to mediate it this time. I can't make Yuanshi Tianzun suffer easily!"

Liu Ming secretly said.

But how to determine this?

After Liu Ming thought for a while, a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

He directly communicated with the God-killing Spear. Taotie was sleeping at the moment and woke up when he felt Liu Ming's call.

"Master, is something wrong?"

Taotie asked.

"Go and ask that mosquito what's going on in the west recently!"

Liu Ming said.

He still has a chess piece in the West, that is, the mosquito Taoist.

Now that Kong Xuan was tricked into becoming Zhunti's mount, his power is probably not as powerful as before.

The current Mosquito Taoist is probably somewhat powerful!

Taotie directly communicated with Taoist Mosquito, but Taotie still had a soul in Taotie's hands.

Mount Sumeru in the West.

Taoist Mosquito is waiting outside, because Yuanshi Tianzun has arrived, so he is asked to wait and stay outside.

Suddenly he felt Taotie's call.

However, this aura was not obvious, so even though Taoist Mosquito knew in his heart who was calling him, he did not respond.

It didn't take long for the mosquito Taoist native to feel a trance all over his body and become increasingly weak.

The whole person became a little confused and almost fainted.

"Taotie, stop, stop!"

Taoist Mosquito begged weakly.

It turned out that the mosquito Taoist ignored Taotie, and Taotie directly pulled his soul in Taotie's hands fiercely. If the strength was stronger, the soul would be torn off.

Taotie stopped because of Taotie's plea.

Then Taotie asked again.

Daoist Mosquito dared not hide anything, so he directly told what he knew.

Only then did Taotie let him go with satisfaction.

Feeling that his soul had calmed down, Taoist Mosquito felt relieved.

He couldn't help but sigh, he was really being coerced now!

I have no freedom at all.

He regretted very much and regretted why he wanted to provoke Liu Ming.

If we had not taken action against Sun Wukong, we would not be in this situation now, but there is no regret medicine!

Yuanshi Tianzun came out soon, accompanied by Jie Yin and Zhunti.

The mosquito Taoist hurriedly cheered up.

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Taoist Mosquito casually.

"Who is this!"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked.

"Senior brother, this is my disciple from the West, Master Mosquito!"

Jie Yin said.

"Mr. Mosquito? What is the true body!"

Yuanshi Tianzun asked curiously.

"Mr. Mosquito, you still haven't answered the question from Senior Brother Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Jie Yin said.

"The Saint of Yuanshi, the little immortal was transformed into the Hongmeng blood-winged black mosquito!"

The mosquito Taoist said hurriedly.

"Oh? It's also rare, Hongmeng ferocious beast! You have an incomplete soul but you can still practice to such an extent. It's rare!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said that he could tell at a glance that Master Mosquito was missing a soul.

"During the Hongmeng period, there were many ferocious beasts and powerful beings, so it was inevitable that the little immortal would be attacked. Later, he lost a soul, but managed to save his life, and that's how he achieved his current level of cultivation!"

Taoist Mosquito stabilized his expression and said.

He, Zhunti, and Jieyin also said the same thing.

After all, for a saint, his talents and flaws can be seen at a glance.

After hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun ignored him.

"Okay, two junior brothers, Pindao will leave first. As we just said, when needed, we ask you two to help us! Pindao thanks you first!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

"Senior brother, don't worry. It's a blessing to be able to join forces with you. I, the West, will give you my fullest help. If necessary, senior brother can just send the message directly."

Jie Yin said.

Afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun got into his Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot and left.

Jie Yin and Zhunti also returned to their main hall.

Only the Mosquito Taoist was trembling all over. Yuanshi Tianzun's fluttering glance just now almost made him lose his mind!

Horrible, too terrifying!

The saint is really powerful!

But Liu Ming, who was at Sishui Pass at the moment, confirmed his suspicion after hearing Taotie's words.

Because Taotie said that Master Mosquito only said one sentence, and he didn't know the rest.

Yuanshi Tianzun has arrived in the West!

That's it, but it's enough, because apart from dealing with the Immortal Killing Sword of Master Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun has nothing else to do that requires him to go to the West in person.

From this, it can be seen that my judgment is correct, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is coming soon.

Biyou Palace's counterattack also came.

Liu Ming himself was secretly thinking about how to deal with this situation now, how to get benefits from it and attack Biyou Palace, and even Sanqing and the West.

As long as their forces decline, our own demon clan will surely rise!

Although the current situation of the Monster Clan is not in any danger and they are capable of defending their base camp, after all, the Monster Clan was the largest sect in the past. Liu Ming’s goal is to restore the Monster Clan to its former glory. Even if it cannot be restored, there is still hope. The demon clan is the same as the Sanqing and the West. Stamping their feet in the ancient world is the existence that makes the entire ancient world tremble.

I have to say that Liu Ming’s idea was bold and terrifying.

At this moment, no one down there knows the key, and no one understands this great change. Their idea is very simple, that is to defeat King Zhou and establish the Great Zhou Dynasty, so that they can enjoy the glory, wealth and supreme merit.

Jiang Ziya solved Hong Jin's danger, but Huang Feihu's army, which was running along the way, has now arrived at Qinglong Pass.

"King Wu Cheng, less than thirty miles ahead is Qinglong Pass!"

Deng Jiugong looked at Huang Feihu and said.

"Okay, after traveling for so long, we are finally here. Send us the order to set up camp here. Let's take a rest first!"

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