Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 465 Huang Feihu comes to take Qinglong Pass

After Huang Feihu gave the order, the Zhou troops stationed themselves here.

The person guarding Qinglong Pass is Qiu Yin, and his lieutenants include Ma Fang, Gao Gui, Yu Cheng, Sun Bao and others.

At this moment, Qiu Yin got the news that Huang Feihu's army had come to kill him.

This made Qiu Yin feel a little irritable. Who did I offend in Qinglong Pass?

How come someone comes to attack, and it’s the original Wucheng King Huang Feihu!

"Everyone, this is the time to serve the great king and serve the Great Shang. Huang Feihu came to my Qinglong Pass with the intention of seizing the pass. Now please join me and we will guard the Qinglong Pass together. The king will naturally be rich in rewards! "

Qiu Yin looked at everyone and said.

When everyone heard this, they were also in high spirits and wanted to make contributions.

After Huang Feihu settled in the camp, he looked at Qinglong Pass not far away.

"Who is going to test the situation at Qinglong Pass!"

Huang Feihu asked.

"Haha, let me go!"

Deng Jiugong said.

Huang Feihu looked at it and nodded.

This Deng Jiugong is a famous general, and he has been through life and death for many years, so he is naturally safe.

Deng Jiugong got on his horse and killed him.

When Qiu Yin heard the news, he sent Ma Fang out.

"Deng Jiugong, you are the commander-in-chief of the Great Shang Dynasty, but now you have surrendered to the Great Zhou Dynasty, you are actually a traitor. Now that you have met this general, why don't you dismount and be captured!"

Ma Fang looked at Deng Jiugong and said directly.

And Deng Jiugong gave him a cold look. All cats and dogs could show off to him!

Deng Jiugong was too lazy to say anything, so he just clenched the sword in his hand and slashed at it.

As soon as the spear in Ma Ma's hand was thrust out, it was cut off by Deng Jiugong's sword.

This made Ma Fang feel fear and panic.

I didn’t expect that Deng Jiugong was so powerful!

When Ma Fang was panicking, Deng Jiugong clapped his horse and charged forward, with the sword in his hand raised high. Ma Fang was frightened when he saw such a formation.

When the sword light fell, Ma Fang's head also fell to the ground.

Deng Jiugong took his head directly and returned to the camp.

When Huang Feihu saw it, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. A small test was to kill the enemy's lieutenant. This was too easy, and he held a banquet to celebrate Deng Jiugong's success.

It is said that Qiu Yin couldn't help but became furious when he learned that Ma Fang was directly beheaded by Deng Jiugong.

"Get your troops in order, and I will go personally to meet with Huang Feihu tomorrow."

Qiu Yin said directly.

The next day!

Qiu Yin led his troops directly out of Qinglong Pass, and Huang Feihu also led his troops to welcome them out.

"Huang Feihu, you are the king of Shang Wucheng. I didn't expect that you surrendered to Xiqi in the end and became the traitor. Now you dare to attack our Qinglong Pass. You are so shameless!"

Qiu Yin looked at Huang Feihu and cursed.

"Qiu Yin, you are just a small guard general of Dashang. Now that Dashang has exhausted his strength, King Zhou is even more cruel to the people, killing loyal and good people, and is ignorant and immoral. I am forced by him. After going to Xiqi, most of the princes in the world have returned to the Zhou Dynasty. How can you stop me at Qinglong Pass? It’s just one more defeated merchant general who died in the battle!"

Huang Feihu said calmly.

When Qiu Yin heard this, he couldn't help but became furious and waved his hand to kill him.

"Someone got him for me!"

Huang Feihu asked.

Behind him, his son Huang Tianxiang rushed out directly.

Just because a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, the spear in Huang Tianxiang's hand goes straight to Qiu Yin.

And Gao Gui next to Qiu Yinsheng came out to intercept.

And this Gaogui has a nice name, but his strength is no match for Huang Tianxiang. Huang Tianxiang fought with him for several rounds and killed Gao Gui with one shot.

When Qiu Yin saw that another of his generals had died, he couldn't help but became furious and slapped his horse to kill him.

When Huang Tianxiang saw Qiu Yin coming, he couldn't help but be overjoyed. Killing Qiu Yin this time was a great achievement!

He waved his hand and killed him with his spear.

Qiu Yin and Huang Tianxiang felt the pressure as soon as they fought. Huang Tianxiang was so eager to make a contribution at this moment that he had only one purpose, no matter what was superfluous, and that was to keep killing Qiu Yin's vitals.

Qiu Yin was directly suppressed by Huang Tianxiang and was unable to resist.

The two lieutenants on the side, Sun Bao and Yu Cheng, saw it and hurriedly went out to deal with Huang Tianxiang together with Qiu Yin.

Seeing the two people coming to Qiu Yin's side, Deng Jiugong snorted coldly.

"You actually bullied the few by bullying them, and they all died!"

The broadsword struck instantly, and with one blow he dismounted Yu Cheng.

Sun Bao on the side was furious and turned back to find Deng Jiugong.

Deng Jiugong saw that Sun Bao had come just in time, and the two started fighting.

At this moment, Qiu Yin did not wait for his reinforcements. Instead, he heard Yu Cheng's miserable scream just now. At this moment, he was even more distracted.

Huang Tianxiang took the opportunity to stab Qiu Yin in the thigh. Qiu Yin was in pain and immediately turned his horse and ran away.

Huang Tianxiang looked at Qiu Yin escaping, took out his bow and arrow, drew the bow and fired. He originally wanted to hit Qiu Yin in the back of the heart, but Qiu Yin dodged, and the bow and arrow was stuck in Qiu Yin's shoulder.

When Sun Bao saw that Qiu Yin had run away, he couldn't help but panic. In the panic, Deng Jiugong took the opportunity and killed Sun Bao with a single blow.

Qiu Yin ran away, and naturally the soldiers and horses at Qinglong Pass also quickly withdrew.

Huang Feihu was very happy at this moment. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly this time. In two battles, he had killed four deputy generals of Qinglong Pass and injured Qiu Yin. If he hadn't run fast, he might have been killed by himself.

Overjoyed, Huang Feihu directly ordered to return to the camp. After returning to his camp, Huang Feihu ordered to reward the three armies.

The camp was celebrating throughout the Great Week.

But Qiu Yin's Qinglong Pass was completely lifeless.

"Damn Huang Feihu, he actually killed four of my lieutenants in a row. It's really abominable, abominable! I was already a little defeated, but now four people have been killed in a row, and now I have no one left under my command!"

Qiu Yin felt a little angry and helpless at this moment.

However, this Qiu Yin is also a Taoist. He is Qu Eel who has attained Taoism and transformed into a human form. He also knows how to heal his own wounds.

After applying medicine to his wound, he made up his mind to kill Huang Tianxiang tomorrow to avenge himself and his lieutenants.

The next day, Qiu Yin felt that his injury was much better, so he went out to call for help and asked Huang Tianxiang to come out.

And Huang Tianxiang had already made several achievements. He was so excited that he could not be afraid of Qiu Yin and just go out.

Qiu Yin saw that his enemy was right in front of him and killed him.

Huang Tianxiang also wanted to kill Qiu Yin for meritorious service, so when the two met, they were extremely jealous and killed him blindly.

Neither side gave in to the other, both wanted to put the other party to death directly.

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