Qiu Yin was looking for opportunities to use his magic at the moment, but although Huang Tianxiang was young, he was not stupid. He knew that Qiu Yin must be capable of becoming the commander-in-chief of Qinglong Pass, so he kept suppressing Qiu Yin and did not give him a chance.

The helpless Qiu Yin suddenly saw Huang Tianxiang's gun falling, and thought this was a good opportunity, so he killed him directly with the spear in his hand.

But Huang Tianxiang deliberately used a flaw. When Qiu Yin came over, he pulled Qiu Yin into his arms, took out a mace in his hand, and hit Qiu Yin directly in the chest.

Qiu Yin was beaten until he vomited blood and almost fell off his horse.

Qiu Yin finally struggled and ran out, with Huang Tianxiang chasing after him. However, Qiu Yin had someone come to pick him up, and he quickly ran back to the camp. Huang Tianxiang had no choice but to return to the camp.

After returning to the camp, Qiu Yin continued to vomit blood. After finally stabilizing his injury, although he hated Huang Tianxiang and gritted his teeth, he had no way to retaliate now.

The only thing I can do is to recover from my injuries first and then just stay behind closed doors.

Huang Feihu had been watching for several days, but no Qiu Yin came to call for formation, so he led his army to attack.

However, the Qinglong Pass was too tall and hitting it several times had no effect, which gave Huang Feihu a headache.

After fighting for three consecutive days, there was still no effect. Huang Feihu had no choice but to order the withdrawal of troops.

Although Qiu Yin could not go out to fight at the moment, he kept commanding the defense on the city wall. Seeing Huang Feihu return without success, he felt a little relaxed.

Qiu Yin was frowning in his camp. Now he was surrounded by Huang Feihu. Although Huang Feihu couldn't get in, he didn't dare to go out.

If this goes on for a long time, I'm afraid there won't be enough food and grass.

Just when he was frowning, his grain officer Chen Qi came back.

This made Qiu Yin feel happy.

Finally we have food and grass!

"General, why do you look like this? What happened?"

Chen Qi asked with some confusion.

Qiu Yin told Chen Qi about the situation. When Chen Qi heard this, he couldn't help but be a little shocked.

"No wonder, I see. I asked why I didn't see the other generals. It turned out they were all killed. Don't be afraid, general. I will go meet the people of Zhou Dynasty tomorrow. I will definitely not benefit them this time!"

Chen Qi said firmly.

"Oh? General Chen, you have a way to subdue the people of Zhou Dynasty. They are very powerful. All four of my lieutenants were killed. Even I was almost killed. You can't be careless!"

Qiu Yin reminded him directly.

"Haha, general, don't worry, I'm sure that this person from Zhou Dynasty is no match for me. Just wait for my good news!"

Chen Qi said confidently.

This Chen Qi is also a person of the wrong way, and he is the Ha among the two generals Heng Ha!

He received advice from an expert and cultivated a stream of yellow energy in his belly. Once it is sprayed out, anyone with three souls and seven souls, or a person raised by essence and blood, will be directly dispersed by the yellow energy, and finally directly Became a confused person.

This is also the confidence that Chen Qi dares to go out to fight tomorrow.

This is also the reason why he has had no opponent for so many years.

The next day, Huang Feihu was still thinking hard about how to break through Qinglong Pass, when he suddenly received news that someone had actually been killed in Qinglong Pass.

This made Huang Feihu very happy. It was probably Qiu Yin who came this time!

As long as he is killed, Qinglong Pass will be broken.

"Who is going to fight!"

Deng Jiugong stepped forward directly.

"I go!"

Huang Feihu nodded.

Deng Jiugong went out to kill him, but when he saw that it was not Qiu Yin, Chen Qi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Who are you and where is Qiu Yin?"

Deng Jiugong asked.

"If you don't need my general to deal with you, I can do it!"

Chen Qi said.

When Deng Jiugong saw that it was not Qiu Yin, he lost much interest and directly went to kill him.

And Chen Qi also killed him.

The two of them fought each other in an instant, and Deng Jiugong's expression instantly became serious. This Chen Qi didn't look like the Sun Bao, Yu Cheng, and others he had killed, who had some strength!

Gradually, Deng Jiugong put away his contempt and directly attacked with all his strength.

Chen Qi was also struggling to hold on. Deng Jiugong used a broadsword to open and close, so Chen Qi was fighting hand to hand. How could he feel better?

Gradually, Chen Qi couldn't hold it any longer. Seeing Deng Jiugong's face darken, he directly mobilized the yellow energy in his body and shouted at Deng Jiugong.

Suddenly the yellow gas spurted out. Deng Jiugong was also nourished by essence and blood. How could a man with three souls and seven souls be immune to the influence of this yellow gas? In an instant, his mind went blank and he fell off his horse.

When Chen Qi saw Deng Jiugong falling, he directly ordered him to be captured.

Qiu Yin heard that Chen Qi had captured Deng Jiugong and hurriedly went out to welcome him.

"Okay, okay, you have made a great contribution this time, and I will definitely let the king reward you. Someone, push Deng Jiugong up to me!"

Qiu Yin shouted, and not long after, Deng Jiugong was pushed out.

"Haha, Deng Jiugong. Now that you have fallen into my hands, how can I let you be so arrogant? Let me ask you, do you accept it?"

Qiu Yin asked.

"Hmph, I am the general of Zhou Dynasty, how can I obey you? Besides, I was captured by these heretics. You are a bit shameless. If you don't fight me openly and honestly, I won't accept it even if you die!"

Deng Jiugong said directly.

"Hmph, it's just a matter of words. I ask you, are you willing to surrender to me! Otherwise, you will have no way to survive!"

Qiu Yin asked.

He also wanted to recruit Deng Jiugong to surrender, so that he would have one more general.

But how could Deng Jiugong surrender? If it weren't for his daughter and because he had given up on King Zhou, he surrendered Xiqi. Now that Xiqi has a tendency to achieve great things, how could Deng Jiugong surrender?

"Kill me, I would rather die than surrender! I just hate that I can't kill all of you King Zhou's minions so that Zhou can achieve great things!"

Deng Jiugong scolded him directly.

When Qiu Yin heard this, he couldn't help but be furious.

"Someone, push it out and chop it!"

Soon someone pulled Deng Jiugong out and then beheaded him.

Qiu Yin still couldn't understand his hatred and hung Deng Jiugong's head on his head in Qinglong Pass.

Poor Deng Jiugong, a famous general of the generation, was killed before he could enjoy the glory, wealth and achievements of the founding of the Zhou Dynasty during this Eastern Expedition.

After the news came back to Huang Feihu's camp, Huang Feihu couldn't help but his vision went dark and he almost fell down.

"Ah, poor General Deng. He was actually killed by this little Qinglong Guanqiu. It hurts and hates him!"

Huang Feihu said sadly.

Others in the camp were also sad when they heard that Deng Jiugong was killed.

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