Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 484: The Power of the Ten Thousand Blade Chariot

In Han Rong's camp, Han Sheng and Han Bian had already walked in. They looked at Han Rong and smiled.

"Father, everything is ready. Now these 30 million blade chariots are ready for use. Please make your decision, father!"

Han Sheng said directly.

Han Rong couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

"Okay, in that case, we don't have to wait any longer. Tomorrow we will go directly towards Jiang Ziya. I want to see what Jiang Ziya can do to resist the attack of this Wanblade Chariot. Haha, hurry up and prepare. Tomorrow Attack!"

Han Rong waved directly and said.

the next day!

Han Rong took his two sons and killed them directly, followed by thirty million bladed chariots.

"Jiang Ziya, Marshal Jiang of Great Zhou, please come out and fight!"

Han Rong shouted loudly while sitting on his horse.

After Jiang Ziya heard the news. I couldn't help but feel a little confused. This Han Rong really dared to come out and fight with him!

This is a bit unbelievable. Could it be that what Liu Ming said was true?

But even I am not afraid. There are many generals on my side, not to mention Nezha, Lei Zhenzi and the other disciples of Yuxu Palace. Their magic power and strength are very powerful. Han Rong's son is just a few mortals. They can What can they do?

Jiang Ziya laughed disdainfully and directly ordered him to go out and meet Han Rong for a while.

After the two sides met directly in the middle, Jiang Ziya looked at Han Rong with a cold look on his face.

"Han Rong, you really don't know how to live or die. Now only your Bishui Pass is blocking my progress. Your subordinates who helped me, Yu Hua and Yu Yuan, are already dead. What capital do you have to fight with me on Monday? I advise you to surrender as soon as possible, otherwise you will be seeking your own death!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Han Rong swept away the depression and worry he had felt before. This time Jiang Ziya was definitely no match for him. He was still so arrogant. It was really ridiculous!

"Jiang Ziya, you relied on your large number of soldiers to act like a hero at Sishui Pass and forced me. Now I can't bear you anymore. You want me to surrender? Haha, I still want you to surrender, because you won't surrender. , I will kill you!"

After Han Rong finished speaking, Jiang Ziya's expression changed.

"Who will take down this Han Rong for me!"

As soon as Jiang Ziya finished speaking, a person rushed out, it was Wei Ben from Dazhou.

Wei Ben held a spear in his hand and killed him directly, but Han Rong did not make a move. Behind him, his two sons, Han Sheng and Han Bian, killed him and stopped Wei Ben.

The three of them started fighting. Wei Ben saw that Han Sheng and Han Sheng were so young, so he knew that these two were not veterans on the battlefield, so he kept forcing the two of them.

The two of them ignored it and introduced Wei Ben into their arrangement step by step.

Seeing that Wei Bi had been involved in their plan, Han Sheng and the others waved their hands and the two of them vacated the place.

Wei Ben was a little surprised. When he looked up, there was a densely packed windmill-like thing in front of him.

"Kill me!"

Han Sheng waved his hand, and in an instant all 30 million blade chariots released their sharp blades.

This sharp blade is so powerful. There is a gray sky and a strong wind. There is something inside this strong wind. Sharp blades and flames have been shot out.

The flags of earth, fire, water, and wind on the Wanren chariot are already waving.

Suddenly the sharp blade that covered the sky and sun was shot out.

Wei Ben was shot into a pile of meat before he could react.

Wuji was about to step forward, but he didn't expect that he underestimated the power of the sharp blade and was knocked off his horse.

It can be considered that he escaped and ended up with Wei Ben.

Jiang Ziya's army was already in disaster. There were nearly tens of thousands of sharp blades coming towards them. Jiang Ziya was protected in the middle, but the soldiers could not avoid them and were all shot dead.

Suddenly, there were corpses everywhere in Dazhou and rivers of blood!

Jiang Ziya's face turned pale. Although he was protected in the middle, the guards around Jiang Ziya and the soldiers of Da Zhou kept falling. Jiang Ziya also retreated step by step. Even though Nezha and the others had magic power, they also used it. No, there are too many sharp knives.

In desperation, he could only step back step by step. Jiang Ziya was about to collapse. He didn't expect that he would be in this situation.

Han Rong saw that the Wanbian Chao on his side was so powerful, it was simply a killing machine!

Although Dazhou's side had been defeated step by step, Han Rong suddenly had a plan in mind and directly ordered the withdrawal of troops.

After the sound of withdrawing troops, the 30-million-bladed chariot stopped directly. Although Jiang Ziya didn't know why Han Rong withdrew his troops, now was a good opportunity and he hurriedly ordered the withdrawal of his camp.

After Han Rong returned to the camp, the smile on his face could not be concealed. This time it was so relieved! He actually beat Jiang Ziya until he couldn't fight back at all. It was so enjoyable!

Thinking about Jiang Ziya who was so arrogant before and now so embarrassed, Han Rong felt very happy.

"Father, why did you give the order to withdraw your troops? Our 30,000,000-bladed chariots are constantly attacking. This is a good opportunity to take action. Only by pursuing the victory can we capture Jiang Ziya!"

After Han Sheng returned to the camp, he looked at Han Rong with some displeasure.

"Haha, I know what you are saying, but I have my own reasons. Don't be anxious, just listen to me slowly!"

Han Rong waved his hand and said.

Han Sheng had no choice but to sit down with Han Bian.

"Today is a small test of my skills. This Ten Thousand Blade Chariot is so powerful, but you have also seen that the sky is extremely clear today. The power of our Ten Thousand Blade Chariot cannot be exerted to its maximum. Some of Jiang Ziya's disciples can use magic to resist, but it is nothing more than It’s just with the help of the Five Elements Technique, plus now everything can be seen clearly, so some people can escape, so I withdraw my troops!”

Han Rong said calmly.

"Father, what do you mean?"

Han Sheng asked.

After listening to Han Rong's words, Han Sheng knew that his father must have some good ideas.

"Haha, it's very simple. I thought why don't we use the night to sneak attack Jiang Ziya. Think about it, under the dim night, Jiang Ziya's men and horses can't be seen, how can they escape? And after dark, many people's spells can't Let’s put it into full play! Isn’t this our best chance?”

After Han Rong finished speaking, Han Sheng and Han Bian understood instantly.

It turns out that this was what Han Rong had in mind!

But Han Rong had a good idea. When night fell, Jiang Ziya didn't take precautions. Even if he took precautions, it was useless. The power of his Wanbian Chao was beyond their ability to guard against.

Han Rong and his son made a plan directly in the big tent, and planned the hijacking of the camp at night carefully.

They wanted to capture Jiang Ziya directly.

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