Besides, after Jiang Ziya returned to the camp, he had not recovered from the shock just now.

This Wanbian chariot is so awesome!

It might be okay for those with cultivation, but for this ordinary soldier, it was a disaster, a unilateral massacre without any resistance.

Jiang Ziya looked at the people below with a gloomy expression.

"Prime Minister!"

Huang Feihu and Li Jing walked in.

"How's it going?"

Jiang Ziya asked hurriedly. He sent these two people to count the casualties.

"Prime Minister, we just counted the army. We have suffered a lot of losses this time. Nearly 8,000 people died, and 10,000 more were injured. I'm afraid we won't be able to go to war!"

Huang Feihu said sadly.

"What? In one encounter, my great Zhou army lost nearly 20,000 troops?"

Jiang Ziya asked in disbelief.

An army of 20,000 people can withstand the garrison of a pass. I think Han Rong only has a few tens of thousands of people.

Jiang Ziya was trembling all over at this moment. Tens of thousands of men and horses were gone in just like this. How could he explain this to Ji Fa?

How to explain to everyone in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Jiang Ziya had a lot of thoughts in his mind. He suddenly thought of what Liu Ming had told him before, and he shuddered all over.

Liu Ming had already told him the situation and made it very clear that Wanren Chao was powerful.

However, because of Yuanshi Tianzun's warning and his dissatisfaction with Liu Ming, Jiang Ziya felt that Liu Ming was dictating things to him, which made him very dissatisfied, so he did not listen to Liu Ming's words and did not make any arrangements.

This is what led to today's tragedy.

Jiang Ziya felt extremely regretful at this moment, regretting that he did not listen to others' advice.

But a moment later, Jiang Ziya's expression changed.

"Hmph, the prince of the demon race clearly knows that this Wanbian chariot is powerful, but he didn't forcefully stop me. It's really abominable!"

Jiang Ziya thought of this instantly.

This is human nature, and even practitioners cannot avoid it!

"Jiang Ziya, I kindly advised you, but you turned a deaf ear to it. Haha, now you have tasted the pain, but you have wasted thousands of lives. You know the cause and effect, that's all. It's really hard to think about all living beings. , I don’t want someone to die in vain, so be careful tonight and prepare in advance, Han Rong is going to rob your camp!"

Suddenly, Liu Ming's voice sounded in Jiang Ziya's mind.

Jiang Ziya's mind was instantly disturbed.

But by the time Jiang Ziya reacted, Liu Ming's voice had disappeared.

It took Jiang Ziya a while to react.

"Hit the camp? No, someone is coming, someone is coming quickly!"

Jiang Ziya didn't dare not listen this time, and Liu Ming's words made it very clear, rob the camp!

Jiang Ziya felt terrible just thinking about more than 30 million bladed vehicles hijacking the camp. He shouted and ran out to ask people to make arrangements in advance.

This time Jiang Ziya didn't dare to gamble anymore, nor did he dare to refuse to listen.

Yang Jian looked at Liu Ming and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Master, didn't you say you had already persuaded Jiang Ziya not to take any more care, so why did you have to warn him again!"

Yang Jian asked.

"Hey, I can't bear it. You saw what happened today. This Wan-blade chariot is actually more powerful than I thought. I originally thought I would lose some people, but when the Wan-blade chariot came out, it was simply a purgatory on earth! Such! Under such circumstances, if Han Rong comes to rob the camp at night, if Jiang Ziya is not prepared, he may suffer heavy losses. No matter what the reason is, since I already know it, I can't ignore it, this is nature!"

Liu Ming sighed after finishing speaking.

"But what if Jiang Ziya still doesn't listen?"

Yang Jian asked.

"Haha, if Jiang Ziya still doesn't listen, then he is seeking death himself. Not to mention anything else, not to mention the karmic punishment of heaven. Ji Fa and everyone in Da Zhou will be dissatisfied with Jiang Ziya, and even resent Jiang Ziya. If this continues He still thinks that taking charge of the Great Zhou Dynasty is just a dream, and his blessings and opportunities have come to an end!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he glanced at the movement of the Great Zhou Camp below and couldn't help but sneer.

Even if he didn't listen once, if Jiang Ziya still didn't listen after he understood what he said, his sin would be serious!

Jiang Ziya must have had his own plan this time, and now he has started a new layout and defense.

As for the effect, Liu Ming didn't know, but Jiang Ziya was not a fool or a mediocre person after all. There must be a way to change this disaster that should have been a catastrophe.

at night!

Gradually nothing could be seen. Near Jiang Ziya's Zhou camp, Han Sheng and Han Bian were quietly ambushing here with their men and horses.

Behind him, 30 million bladed vehicles are gathering momentum.

"Brother, it's almost done, let's do it!"

Han Bian said directly to Han Sheng.

They had been lying in wait for a long time. In order to prevent Jiang Ziya from noticing, they did not dare to move during the day. Only after dark did they slowly approach the Da Zhou camp.

"hold on!"

Han Sheng said cautiously.

After all, this camp robbery is of great significance, so it cannot be taken lightly.

After waiting for what seemed like half an hour, Han Sheng suddenly pulled out his sword.

"The time has come. Everyone in Jiang Ziya's camp has fallen asleep. Let's do it!"

After Han Sheng finished speaking, he took his 30 million-bladed chariot and headed towards Jiang Ziya's camp.

When we arrived at Dazhou Camp Gate, 30,000,000-bladed chariots were ready.

"Kill me and capture Jiang Ziya alive!"

Han Sheng waved his hand, and the thirty-million-bladed chariot started the battle.

Only dark clouds were seen, and the entire camp was pitch black, but the thirty million blade chariot had already fired out nearly tens of thousands of sharp blades.

The sharp blade shot towards Jiang Ziya's camp with the force of wind and fire.

Han Sheng waited a little longer, waiting for Jiang Ziya and the others to run out when they couldn't stand it any longer.

Sure enough, not long after, Jiang Ziya came out, followed by many of his generals.

"Little Han Sheng, if you dare to rob my camp, retreat!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, he ran away directly.

When Han Sheng saw it, he couldn't help but be startled. Jiang Ziya ran away? This is scary!

"Chase me!"

Han Sheng chased after him with his 30 million blade chariot.

And Jiang Ziya ran wildly all the way when he got up. Gradually, the entourage behind Jiang Ziya also quietly left without knowing when.

Only Jiang Ziya was left to escape. This made Han Sheng even more excited. Jiang Ziya was the only one left. Jiang Ziya had to be captured this time no matter what. Now was the best opportunity!

"Chasing them all, don't worry about others. I'm only chasing Jiang Ziya today. I won't give up until I catch up with Jiang Ziya. Come on!"

Han Sheng shouted and went straight to kill him, while Han Bian followed closely with a thirty-million-bladed chariot, targeting only Jiang Ziya.

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