Han Rong was killing with all his strength.

When he learned that the two of him had destroyed Jiang Ziya's camp, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly led his men and horses to kill them.

Originally, Han Rong thought that after the violent bombardment by the Wanren Chariot, the Da Zhou camp would be in chaos at this moment.

But Han Rong went there and found that the situation was not as good as he thought!

It seems that the Dazhou camp did not lose many troops.

But now that he was here and the coach Jiang Ziya was missing, Han Rong started to kill.

But gradually he discovered something was wrong. Because there are scarecrows thrown around.

And the armies of Da Zhou came out one after another, and under the leadership of Huang Feihu and Li Jing, they dealt with him in an orderly manner.

Now Han Rong felt a little bad.

"General, this is bad!"

At this moment, Han Rong suddenly heard his deputy general coming over and yelling.

"What's wrong?"

Han Rong asked.

"General, some of the people from the Ten Thousand Blade Chariot came back just now and said that the two young masters had an inexplicable fight with General Zhou and fell down and were captured!"

After the deputy general finished speaking, Han Rong's expression suddenly changed.

"What did you say? Han Sheng and Han Bian were captured. Oh no, they fell into a trap! This Jiang Ziya has already known that we are coming to rob the camp. Hurry, retreat, retreat!"

Han Rong ordered a retreat, but Huang Feihu and the others saw Jiang Ziya coming back, but did not pursue him.

After Han Rong returned to Sishui Pass, he took stock and found that he had lost several thousand men and horses this time.

In addition, now that his two sons have been captured, their life and death are uncertain!

Han Rong suddenly looked sad.

After Jiang Ziya came back, he went to see Ji Fa.

Report the crime to Ji Fa!

"Prime Minister, the enemy used this powerful thing this time. It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to blame yourself. Now that the Sishui Pass is close at hand, I hope the Prime Minister can break the Sishui Pass as soon as possible!"

Ji Fa said calmly.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he hurriedly saluted Ji Fa.

This time Jiang Ziya knew that he had made a mistake, so he was worried that Ji Fa would be dissatisfied.

But now Ji Fa didn't seem to blame him, but hurriedly went out to count the troops and prepare to take Sishui Pass.

After Jiang Ziya left, Ji Fa's face instantly darkened.

"Father, this Jiang Ziya has caused me to lose so many good men in Zhou Dynasty. He really should be punished!"

Ji Fa looked at Liu Ming who appeared and said.

Liu Ming laughed softly.

"Don't worry, after all, it is still useful to have Jiang Ziya help you attack Dashang. In addition, Jiang Ziya represents Yuxu Palace. If he is punished, it will be a shameless thing for Yuxu Palace. Why bother, when the Conferred God Calamity is over and the Great Zhou Dynasty is established, Jiang Ziya’s affairs will have nothing to do with Yuxu Palace, and you can show your talents."

Liu Ming said.

He had already told Ji Fa that he had told Jiang Ziya that he had the Ten Thousand Blade Chariot and that Jiang Ziya had not taken it seriously, which made Ji Fa furious.

But Ji Fa calmed down quickly, and with Liu Ming's persuasion, Ji Fa understood that Jiang Ziya was still needed now.

That's why Jiang Ziya escaped punishment so easily.

In fact, even punishment is useless, because Jiang Ziya is now the host of the Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation, so naturally he won't care about it.

"Okay, now the Sishui Pass is not a problem. The key is the Jiebei Pass behind. Jiang Ziya should also know about it. Let's see how he responds!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Ji Fa was curious, but he didn't ask any more questions because he couldn't help with this matter, so he left it to Jiang Ziya.

After returning to his tent, Jiang Ziya gathered his troops.

"Tomorrow, we will break through Sishui Pass, everyone, be prepared!"

Jiang Ziya waved his hand and said.

Everyone naturally cheered up after hearing this.

The next day, Jiang Ziya led his men and horses out of the camp and headed towards Han Rongshuiguan.

And Han Rong had been waiting on the tower for a long time.

"Han Rong, whatever means you have now, use them all!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Han Rong and said coldly.

When Han Rong heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. He didn't have any means now. His son was captured. Now he could only pray for Jiang Ziya to be merciful!

"Prime Minister Jiang, Marshal Jiang, I am the commander-in-chief of Dashang, and it is my duty to protect the passes. Naturally, there is nothing to say. Now that my two sons are in your hands, I ask Prime Minister Jiang to be generous and spare their lives." Ah! If you agree, I, Han Rong, will dedicate Sishui Pass!"

Han Rong had no choice but to plead with Jiang Ziya.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he sneered and wanted to let his son go?


He lost tens of thousands of people, all of whom were killed by his son Han Rong!

Besides, there is nothing difficult to break through at Bishui Pass.

"Father, how can you be so low-minded? You are General Shang, a good general of the king, and you are loyal to the king by eating the king's salary. How can you bear infamy because of my two brothers? This will lose the integrity of our Han family! You are now Hold the pass tightly, wait for the king’s reinforcements to arrive, and then kill Jiang Ziya to avenge my two brothers!”

Han Sheng suddenly said loudly to Han Rong.

Jiang Ziya on the side couldn't help but change his expression when he heard this, "Okay, since you want to die, I'll make it happen for you!"

"Come here, chop these two people down!"

After Jiang Ziya gave the order, Nangong Shi waved the sword in his hand, and Han Sheng and Han Bian were immediately beheaded.

Two people have been killed.

Han Rong on the tower witnessed all this and couldn't help but feel anxious and raised his finger to point at Jiang Ziya.

"Jiang Ziya, you are so cruel!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Han Rong coldly.

"You brought all this on yourself, Han Rong. You killed tens of thousands of my troops, and now I'm going to let you have a taste of it!"

Jiang Ziya said calmly.

When Han Rong heard this, a stream of blood spurted out of his mouth, his vision went dark, and he fell down from the tower.

Unexpectedly, Han Rong, the commander-in-chief of Sishui Pass, a great businessman, actually fell to his death because of sadness.

Jiang Ziya was a little surprised when he looked at the dead Han Rong.

But now Han Rong is dead, and the leaderless dragons in Bishui Pass can just take it.

"Those who surrender will be spared, but those who resist will be killed without mercy!"

Jiang Ziya shouted loudly.

With no backbone, everyone in Bishuiguan hurriedly opened the city gate. If they don't surrender at this time, they don't want to live anymore!

Jiang Ziya led the army into Sishui Pass, went out to calm the people, and took inventory of the material treasury.

Then a banquet was set up to entertain the soldiers who had won the third level this time.

As for the deceased Han Rong, father and son, Ji Fa was grateful for their loyalty, and finally they were buried generously.

Now the Eastern Expedition Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty has won three levels.

The next goal is the Boundary Monument Pass.

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