Yuxu Palace.

Master Taiyi was meditating when suddenly a message from Yuanshi Tianzun came over.

"Go down the mountain and break the Immortal Killing Formation!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said something but there was no follow-up.

When Master Taiyi heard this, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Hey, dear, Immortal Killing Formation!"

That is the most powerful leader of Tongtian Cult, and it is also the first killing formation that makes the entire prehistoric world jealous and afraid.

Taiyi Zhenren couldn't help but gave a forced smile. He was able to break the formation with just a few kilograms!

But Yuanshi Tianzun has already issued an order, so it won’t work if you don’t go!

Master Taiyi rolled his eyes and thought of a way.

"Go and call Nezha!"

After Master Taiyi finished speaking, boy Jinxia went to find Nezha.

Since Nezha was injured by Yu Hua's Blood Transforming Sword last time, he was taken back by Taiyi Zhenren for treatment. After Yang Jian deceived Yu Yuan's pill, Nezha had recovered, but he wanted to wait for It was good to be in Yuxu Palace, but I didn't go to help Jiang Ziya anymore.

Hearing that Master Taiyi called him, Nezha knew that nothing good would happen, so he had no choice but to go.

"Master, you are looking for me!"

Nezha looked at Master Taiyi and asked.

Taiyi Zhenren saw Nezha coming and welcomed him in enthusiastically.

"Disciple, you came back this time to recover from your injuries. Now that your injuries have healed, it's time to go down. Jiang Ziya has already arrived at Jiebei Pass, and he has encountered the biggest problem!"

After Master Taiyi finished speaking, Nezha glanced at him.

"Master, what's the problem?"

Nezha asked.

"Hey, the Immortal Killing Formation!"

Master Taiyi did not hide anything.

When Nezha heard this, he couldn't help but feel surprised.

Immortal-killing formation?

The Grand Formation of the Tongtian Cult Leader?

No, are you kidding me? Let him break the Immortal Killing Formation by himself? It would be better to kill him directly.

Nezha looked at Master Taiyi and had the urge to slap him.

"Of course, you are not the only one. Master, I want to go down too, but you go first, and I will be there soon!"

Seeing Nezha doubting his motives, Master Taiyi said again.

When Nezha heard this, he knew that he might not be able to avoid this matter. Instead of talking to Taiyi Zhenren here, he might as well go to his real master Liu Ming to discuss it.

However, Nezha is not that easy to dismiss.

"Master, you know how powerful the Immortal Killing Formation is. I'm afraid I didn't see enough when I went there. After all, now I know exactly how much mana I have!"

After Nezha finished speaking, he looked at Master Taiyi eagerly.

Master Taiyi knew that Nezha wanted to benefit from him!

But it doesn't matter, after all, he is his disciple, and there is nothing good to say to him.

"Haha, Master understands what you mean. Come on, come here. When your uncle Jiang Ziya came down from the mountain to preside over the Conferring God Tribulation, Master once gave you three cups of wine. Now that you are going down the mountain, Master will also give you three cups of wine! "

As Master Taiyi spoke, he poured three glasses of wine for Nezha. When Nezha saw it, he couldn't help but frown a little. Let himself drink?

But Nezha didn't say much and drank the three glasses of wine in one go.

At this time, Master Taiyi took out three jujubes from his sleeve and handed them to Nezha. Nezha thought they were appetizers and ate them all.

Nezha felt something was wrong as soon as he finished eating, because there was a heat wave flowing continuously in his body, as if he was about to burst out of his body.

Master Taiyi stared at Nezha intently. Seeing the pain on Nezha's face, he laughed.

At this moment, Nezha was no longer in the mood to pay attention to Master Taiyi's smile. The current situation in his body made Nezha a little panicked.

He had even thought that his secret relationship with Liu Ming was known to Master Taiyi, so he used this thing to harm him and wanted to poison him to death.

Just as Nezha was thinking wildly, he suddenly felt his body relax, as if the heat wave had disappeared.

But before Nezha could become happy, his expression changed because he found that he had changed.

It has become three-headed and eight-armed.

"Ah, what's going on!"

Nezha couldn't help but exclaimed, it was so scary!

It turned out to be like this, which is too ugly.

"Haha, if that's the case, it seems that you are indeed a talented and intelligent person. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to change like you. Okay, okay! You don't deserve to be my disciple, Master Taiyi. Good disciple, you are so It’s the real body with three heads and eight arms!”

Master Taiyi said excitedly.

But Nezha was not happy at all. How could he meet people like this?

"Master, what on earth did you feed me?"

Nezha asked.

"You don't have to worry about this, it won't harm you anyway. But you know that there are many capable people around Jiang Ziya nowadays. Do you think that Lei Zhenzi was trained by senior brother Yun Zhongzi, and later grew wings and was able to fly? Others People are also more or less peculiar, and now you have three heads and eight arms, and you can still suppress them!"

Master Taiyi said.

After saying that, he didn't forget to look at Nezha carefully.

"It's not just one head, there are two more heads!"

Nezha said angrily.

After hearing this, Master Taiyi burst into laughter.

"Master, there's nothing to say about me becoming like this, because you probably can't change me back. But look at me, these three heads and eight arms are a bit empty. Do you think I should take all the magic weapons? Only in this way can you show your generosity, Master!"

Nezha waved his arm.

Upon hearing this, Master Taiyi seemed to make some sense.

"Come on, take out all your magic weapons and let me see what's missing?"

Master Taiyi said.

Nezha held all his magic weapons in his hands, including the Qiankun Circle in one hand, Huntian Ling in the other, gold bricks in the other, and the fire-tip spear in both hands. Now there were three empty hands dangling in front of Master Taiyi. go.

When Master Taiyi saw it, he smiled, stretched out his hand, and placed his magic weapon, the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield, in Nezha's hand.

Then he took out the Yin Yang Sword and gave it to Nezha's remaining two hands, one in each hand.

Now all eight arms are fully placed.

Nezha took a look and found that he now had so many magic weapons and his strength had increased a lot. As for the ugly appearance of three heads and eight arms, it was not that important anymore.

"Good disciple, you are satisfied this time! Now that you have so many magic weapons, you are naturally more powerful than others. Go down quickly. Now Jiang Ziya must be about to encounter the Immortal Killing Formation. You go and test it first, Master Arrive soon!"

Master Taiyi said.

"Master, are you serious? You really want to come! Otherwise, I really won't be able to cope with the Immortal Killing Formation!"

Nezha looked at Master Taiyi and said, with a somewhat doubtful expression.

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