Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 511 Long Anji captures four generals in a row

The next day, Long Anji went straight out of the camp and killed him.

Jiang Ziya heard that someone was coming and sent Wucheng King Huang Feihu there.

After Huang Feihu came out, he looked at Long Anji and laughed.

"Who are you? Why are you laughing!"

Long Anji asked.

"I am King Wu Cheng, surrender quickly! Otherwise, you will be killed!"

Wucheng King Huang Feihu looked at Long Anji and said.

When Long Anji heard this, he realized it was Huang Feihu!

"Haha, I thought it was who it was, but it turned out to be the famous King Wu Cheng! The biggest traitor of Dashang! Okay, today you fall into my hands, and I will make sure you never come back today!"

Long Anji shouted loudly.

When Huang Feihu saw Long Anji being like this, he didn't say anything more and just waved his weapon to kill him.

Long Anji didn't stop either, and the two started fighting.

Huang Feihu's marksmanship was already quite proficient. After a few swings, Long Anji couldn't catch it anymore.

After the two fought for several rounds, Long Anji knew that he was no longer a match for Huang Feihu, so he took out a circle from his arms and threw it into the sky. Suddenly, there was a clanging sound.

Huang Feihu didn't know what it was. When he looked up, he felt weak and fell down.

When Long Anji saw that Huang Feihu had fallen from his horse, he directly ordered Huang Feihu to be tied up.

After taking back the camp, Xu Fang became a little excited when she saw Huang Feihu. The original King Wu Cheng was the marshal of the imperial army in charge of Dashang!

"Haha, King Wu Cheng, stay safe! I didn't expect you! You would fall into my hands today, you rebellious merchant!"

Xu Fang said directly, and Huang Feihu shook his head after hearing this.

"Stop talking nonsense, King Zhou is stupid and immoral, and the people are miserable, but you are still helping Zhou to do evil. It is really abominable, Xu Fang, you are about to die now and you don't know it yet!"

Huang Feihu has also seen big scenes. In addition, since he went to Dazhou, he has been captured not once or twice in battles, so naturally he is not afraid anymore.

Xu Fang was not angry after hearing this.

"Huang Feihu, that's it. You don't need to say anything more. Just take him down here and escort him back to Dashang together with Xu Gai. Let the king be punished!"

After Xu Fang finished speaking, Huang Feihu and Xu Gai kept company. Xu Gai looked at Huang Feihu guiltily.

"Don't worry, the Prime Minister will be able to save you and me in a few days!"

Huang Feihu said.

But when Jiang Ziya heard that Huang Feihu had been captured, he couldn't help but become furious.

"How to be captured, tell me in detail!"

Jiang Ziya asked hurriedly.

Then someone explained in detail how Jiang Ziya was captured.

After Jiang Ziya heard this, he patted his table.

"It's this damned left-handed technique again! It's really abominable!"

Jiang Ziya said and glanced at everyone.

"Who is going to fight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hong Jin stood up.

"Prime Minister, I'll go meet him for a while!"

Hong Jin came out of the camp and saw that it was Long Anji!

Back then, Long Anji served as a deputy general under Hong Jin.

"What, Long Anji, don't you even recognize me?"

Hong Jin looked at Long Anji and asked.

"Haha, how can I not recognize you? General Hong, you have now taken refuge in Da Zhou. You are a traitor to Da Shang! Tell me, should I capture you?"

Long Anji said with a smile.

"Haha, if you want to capture me, just see if you have the ability!"

Hong Jin slapped his horse and killed him.

And Long Anji also killed him.

The two fought for several rounds. Long Anji took out his circle again and threw it directly. There were two circles in this circle. The two circles complemented each other in the air. This circle was called Limbs Crisp! After hearing his voice, my whole body and limbs felt limp and my whole body was weak!

Hong Jin couldn't resist the power, but he immediately lost his strength and fell down.

Hong Jin was also captured.

After arriving at the camp, Xu Fang took one look and threw him directly into the camp.

Hong Jin was a little helpless when he saw Huang Feihu, because when Long Anji was in his hands, he didn't realize that he had such a magic weapon!

After Jiang Ziya heard the news, he couldn't sit still.

Unexpectedly, the two people he sent out were captured, and Xu Gai didn't even make a sound and couldn't come back!

At this moment, Jiang Ziya's face turned gloomy. Damn it, he always lost his troops and generals!

"Prime Minister, I'll go meet him for a while!"

Nangong Shi didn't believe this, so he stepped forward and said.

Jiang Ziya nodded after hearing this!

After Nangong Shi went out, Long Anji and Nangong Shi fought several times and threw two circles. Nangong Shi, an ordinary man, was knocked off his horse and captured.

After the news was passed to Jiang Ziya again, his face became numb.

Go to every one!

We can’t send any more people!

"Uncle Master, Long Anji's spells are really strange. Let's go and meet him for a while to see what's so powerful about him!"

Nezha looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

Jiang Ziya originally didn't want to send any more people, but looking at Nezha's powerful magic, he might be able to defeat Long Anji.

"You can go, but be careful. If you can't, run quickly. You have Hot Wheels and he can't catch you!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Nezha went out to kill him.

Long Anji looked at Nezha and couldn't help but frown. This Nezha seemed a bit powerful.

"You are the one who captured my great general in a trap! Today I want to see what you are capable of!"

Nezha killed him directly.

When Long Anji saw Nezha coming to kill him, he couldn't help being shocked. Nezha was so powerful that he couldn't fight, so he had to strike first to gain the upper hand!

Long Anji directly threw out two of his rings, but he didn't know that Nezha was the incarnation of a lotus and had no soul at all. How could it have any impact? After waiting for a while, Long Anji's two rings fell directly. Come down.

Now, Long Anji, who was waiting for Nezha to fall, was dumbfounded. How come it had no effect!

I had used this treasure to knock down several of Jiang Ziya's men before, why was it malfunctioning now?

Not only Long Anji was dumbfounded, but Nezha was also a little puzzled. How could it fall so easily?

I haven't done anything yet, I haven't taken action yet! It seems that this is the case with Long Anji's circle.

"Haha, since you can't do it anymore, just look at me!"

After Nezha finished speaking, he took out his Qiankun Circle and threw it out.

Long Anji was unprepared and was directly hit in the head by the Qiankun Circle, and he immediately fell down.

Nezha glanced at it, sneered, took back his Qiankun Circle, stepped forward directly, and stabbed Long Anji's head off with one shot.

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