After Nezha killed Long Anji and returned to the camp, Jiang Ziya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This Long Anji is so powerful. Now that he has been killed, I am really happy!

The news spread back to Xu Fang's camp, and Xu Fang was shocked.

His right-hand man, Long Anji, was killed!

Now that Ma Zhong was killed and Long Anji was also killed, he had no one available.

The imperial court also sent no one to assist him.

It’s really a bit difficult!

At this moment, Xu Fang already felt that she might not be able to stop Jiang Ziya from marching eastward this time!

Just when Xu Fang was a little confused, a sound suddenly came from outside. He couldn't help but become a little irritated. Who was making such a noise.

Then someone came to report that a Taoist priest had come to see Xu Fang.

After hearing this, Xu Fang went out to see a strange-looking man. After asking, it turned out that it was Lu Yue from Penglai Island.

"What does the Taoist Master want from coming here this time?"

Xu Fang asked hurriedly.

"Haha, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult for General Xu to stop Jiang Ziya this time! I am here to help you this time, and you are welcome!"

Lu Yue asked.

When Xu Fang heard this, she couldn't help but be overjoyed. What's not to welcome? Lu Yue just came to help him. Looking at Lu Yue's expression, he must have some strength!

Xu Fang hurriedly welcomed Lu Yue in.

Lu Yue was also not polite. Later, under Xu Fang's hospitality, Lu Yue had enough to eat and drink.

The next day, he directly told Xu Fang that he wanted to go out to fight Jiang Ziya, and Xu Fang naturally agreed.

Jiang Ziya heard in the tent that someone was coming to provoke him again, so he ordered an attack.

After leaving the camp, Jiang Ziya took a look and realized he was an old friend!

"The truth is, who did you think came and made Xu Fang so confident? It turned out to be Lu Yue, Fellow Daoist Lu. You ran away at first, but I didn't expect you to dare to come. Why, I'm really impatient!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Lu Yue and said.

When Lu Yue was in Xiqi, he fought against Jiang Ziya and was almost killed. Lu Yue ran fast and was not caught. Now I didn't expect that Lu Yue would come again. It's really disgusting. I really thought he was invincible. Yes!

Lu Yue's expression changed when he saw Jiang Ziya. Huh, he almost died in Jiang Ziya's hands back then. He must have come here to take revenge.

Lei Zhenzi on the side looked at Lu Yue and was a little angry. Lu Yue escaped in his hands in the first place, and now he still dares to come. Before Jiang Ziya could give the order, Lei Zhenzi took out his golden stick and hit Lu Yue directly. passed.

Lu Yue was also rude and swung the sword in his hand a few times to kill him instantly.

As soon as the two fought, everyone came to help. Xu Fang didn't have any powerful people here, so naturally he couldn't help Lu Yue. However, Jiang Ziya had many generals under his command at the moment. Li Jing, Wei Hu and others surrounded Lu Yue and fought.

It was a little difficult for Lu Yue to deal with it, and then he shouted loudly and displayed his three heads and six arms.

With three heads and six arms, he threw his Plague Seal directly towards Lei Zhenzi.

Lei Zhenzi was unprepared and was hit in the back and fell down. Muzha, with quick eyes and quick hands, pulled Lei Zhenzi back with Li Jing and others.

Jiang Ziya on the side watched Lei Zhenzi being beaten, and couldn't help but became furious, and hit him with the magic whip in his hand.

Lu Yue was still dealing with Wei Hu and the others at this moment. After being hit by the whip, he fell down.

In desperation, Lu Yue got the chance and ran back directly. This time he went out to fight, but it had no effect and he was injured!

Jiang Ziya's expression changed when he saw Lu Yue running away. This Lu Yue was really hateful, and Lei Zhenzi was also injured after being beaten, which made Jiang Ziya very dissatisfied.

But Lu Yue had already left, and there was no other way but to wait for the next opportunity.

After Lu Yue returned to the camp, he became a little unhappy when he saw Xu Fang.

Xu Fang naturally understood why Lu Yue was acting like this and could only persuade him with kind words.

"Taoist Master, you don't have to be so concerned. Jiang Ziya has so many soldiers, Guang Nai is difficult to deal with. Taoist Master, take a rest first!"

After Xu Fang finished speaking, Lu Yue sighed.

"It's not that Jiang Ziya is great, nor is he incompetent, but he is a little anxious today. I originally thought I would go to Jiang Ziya to test it out first, but in the end, Jiang Ziya sent so many people to beat me. It's hateful. I'm waiting for my brother to come. Give Jiang Ziya a lesson!"

Lu Yue said.

He knew that he was a little reckless today and should wait for his helper to arrive.

Lu Yue couldn't come out at Chuanyunguan, which left Jiang Ziya helpless.

After waiting for several days, a man came from Xu Fang's camp and wanted to see Lu Yue by name.

After his subordinates reported it to Xu Fang, Xu Fang knew that it was Lu Yue's helper who came and went directly outside to invite him in.

Lu Yue also got the news, and when he came out to see, he was indeed the person he was waiting for.

"Haha, fellow Taoist, Lu Yue is a little grateful for coming. General Xu, let me introduce to you. This is my good friend, Chen Geng! If I come to help you today, I can defeat Jiang Ziya, and also Capture Ji Fa!"

After Lu Yue finished speaking, Xu Fang was overjoyed. She didn't expect such a powerful person to come!

Since it can help him deal with Jiang Ziya, that's the best thing!

Xu Fang hurriedly invited the two of them into the camp to entertain them.

After having enough wine and food, Lu Yue looked at Chen Geng and asked hurriedly.

"Fellow Taoist, you succeeded in refining that thing this time!"

After hearing this, Chen Geng nodded.

"It has been successfully refined. If not, I would not have come so late. Brother Tao, don't worry. I will surely capture Jiang Ziya this time!"

Chen Geng said firmly.

When Lu Yue heard this, he felt relieved.

Jiang Ziya was feeling a little depressed in his camp at the moment.

Lu Yue, who had blocked him at the beginning, came again this time. Since he still dared to come, it meant that he must have some powerful means.

I really regretted not killing him at first.

How hateful!

At this moment, Yang Jian also came.

Jiang Ziya saw that his generals had gathered together and started discussing with everyone.

"It is unknown what Lu Yue's methods are now, but he must have come here for revenge. Generals, I am afraid it will be a little difficult to crack this time. Do you have any good plans?"

Jiang Ziya asked as he looked at everyone.

After hearing this, everyone shook their heads.

How could they know what Lu Yue's methods were?

"Prime Minister, you have to reveal what Lu Yue's methods are before you know. Otherwise, no matter how much you say, it will be useless! Why not wait until he comes out and let's go and see what happens!"

Yang Jian looked at Jiang Ziya and said, now that Lu Yue has not used his methods, it is naturally impossible to judge whether he is powerful or not.

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