Hongjun looked at Liu Ming and couldn't help but laugh, which made Liu Ming feel a little scared.

"Daozu, by saying this, you agree, right? Oh, thank you, Daozu. Don't worry, Daozu, this disciple will definitely not participate this time. Farewell!"

Liu Ming said and was about to turn around.

And Hongjun stretched out his hand and stopped him.

I saw Hongjun say: "Where are you going! Haha, you destroyed the foundation of Western religion, and you gave birth to the monkey that was supposed to appear now. You said, is it okay if you don't go through this calamity? "

After Hongjun finished speaking. Liu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

He said: "Taozu, no, the important thing is why I went there! This is a Buddhist calamity. As a prince of the demon clan, it is not appropriate for me to participate in it! What do you think?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at Hongjun eagerly.

Hongjun shook his head and said: "No, I think you have to go. Because you are contaminated with cause and effect, Buddhist cause and effect, this monkey's cause and effect, so you must go to overcome the tribulation, otherwise you will always be affected by the cause and effect." If you are entangled, you will not be able to break through your own realm, and you will not be able to achieve enlightenment and become a saint. Do you understand?"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he walked to his futon.

Liu Ming sighed, damn it, he had been plotted against him again.

What kind of bullshit cause and effect are you using to coerce yourself!

Yes, the foundation of Western religion was destroyed by myself, but the problem is that I don’t want to end the cause and effect!

Besides, this spirit monkey was conceived by me when I picked up the spirit stone. Who knew he wouldn't be able to come out, you know!

I didn’t talk about it before, but now there are so many things happening, which is really frustrating.

Liu Ming said: "But Taoist, what are the disciples doing there! I don't know anything about Buddhist practice!"

Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, Hongjun laughed and said: "It's very simple. The reason why you went is to protect them. You have to ensure that they can complete the calamity, that's all!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Liu Ming wanted to tell him that you were not taking off your pants to fart, it was unnecessary!

He is protected by three apprentices, so he is very safe!

Besides, no one dares to really do anything to Tang Seng, it's just an act!

But when Liu Ming saw the determination and unquestioning look in Hongjun's eyes, he knew that he couldn't escape this time and had to go!

Forget it, who told me to be a bitch? I said one more thing.

Liu Ming said helplessly: "Taozu, that disciple can go, but the disciple only needs to ensure that they complete the calamity. As for who I hit or kill, you can't control it! Otherwise, it will be too restrictive, and the disciple will also I’m a little frustrated!”

Liu Ming said.

Hongjun laughed and said: "Okay, you just have to complete this calamity. As for other people's poverty, you can kill whoever you want. However, you have to think clearly about the consequences yourself. You will offend too many people." It’s not a good thing, at least for the demon clan, it’s not appropriate to make too many enemies!”

Hongjun's words made Liu Ming feel a little thumped in his heart. This Hongjun was threatening him!

Forget it, take it one step at a time!

Liu Ming asked: "Taozu, when are you leaving?"

Hongjun glanced at him, raised his hand and turned Sun Wukong into a stream of light and disappeared.

Subsequently. Hongjun said: "The monkey has been reincarnated. After he is reborn, you can go forward. The calamity is coming soon. You should prepare early. Remember Pindao's words and let the calamity be completed. After the calamity is completed, perhaps When I see you again, you will be a saint, haha, if it is not completed, you and your demon clan will be in some danger!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Liu Ming sighed and nodded.

Hongjun is a naked threat, a threat!

But there is no way, they are powerful, and if they want to threaten you, you have nothing to say.

Seeing that Liu Ming had agreed, Hongjun smiled and said, "I want to tell you that this calamity will happen naturally. You want to change its progress, but do you understand? Otherwise, God will not allow it, and I will not allow it." , the demon clan and you will no longer exist!”

After hearing this, Liu Ming nodded and then saluted Hongjun and left Zixiao Palace.

Isn’t it just to stop yourself from meddling in other people’s business?

He didn't want to stay here any longer.

It's too frustrating and too bullying!

After Liu Ming left, Hongjun looked at Liu Ming's back with a thoughtful expression.

As soon as Hongjun raised his hand, Haotian's figure suddenly appeared.

Haotian saluted Hongjun and said, "Taozu, what are your orders?"

Hongjun said: "This calamity is about the prosperity of Buddhism, and your heavenly court is an important role in this calamity. You must be clear, and be careful, don't let the Sanqing harm Buddhism with the help of your heavenly court." Head west!”

After Hongjun finished speaking, Haotian nodded.

However, Haotian hesitated to speak.

Hongjun asked: "What's the matter? Tell me!"

Haotian said directly: "Disciple would like to ask, the prince of the demon clan this time..."

After hearing this, Hongjun glanced at Haotian and said, "He also wants to survive the tribulation, and this time he will go down together!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he didn't see a cold light flash in Haotian's eyes.

After everyone left, Hongjun sat on his futon.

He recalled Liu Ming's every move, including everything before, and Hongjun gradually had a vague understanding.

"Hmph, boy, what you said is full of flaws. I will not expose you and let you do whatever you want. I want to see what kind of ability you will reveal in this calamity. I think you must be so powerful. The secret can predict the future! I must get this ability from you, huh, I will allow you to squander it!"

Hongjun secretly thought in his heart.

From the beginning of the Lich's calamity to the Conferred God's calamity, Hongjun has discovered that Liu Ming can predict the future.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is very precise.

Hongjun felt that he had controlled the way of heaven and could predict the future, but he couldn't predict the details like Liu Ming!

I wonder what kind of magical power Liu Ming has!

That's why Hongjun wanted Liu Ming to participate in measuring the tribulation again and again, so as to further confirm and observe.

Because Hongjun also hopes to get this kind of ability.

In addition, Liu Ming's big lie mentioned Pangu in order to frighten Hongjun, who has now become more convinced.

Because this kind of ability is probably only possessed by Pangu, the founder of the world.

It can be regarded as a mistake that allowed Liu Ming to escape Hongjun's questioning and further pressure.

Otherwise, Liu Ming wouldn't even know what lies he was making up to tell Hongjun!

But how did Hongjun know that this was not an ability at all, nor was it some Pangu dream. This is because Liu Ming came through time travel, so he knows everything.

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