If Taoist Hongjun wanted to obtain this ability, he probably had only one way, and that was to be reborn!

At this moment in Zixiao Palace, Hongjun thought that Liu Ming had fallen into his scheme again, and he laughed, and he saw Tongtian coming back.

"Master, Senior Brother Yuanshi Tianzun has gone into seclusion in Yuxu Palace!"

Leader Tongtian said hurriedly.

After hearing this, Hongjun nodded!

Saints are not allowed to participate in this calamity.

In the Eight Views Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun has arrived.

Tongtian said that he was in seclusion, but how could he stay in seclusion? The current situation is a bit strange. Yuanshi Tianzun is already a saint. Naturally, he has some insights into the way of heaven. He already feels that something is wrong. The way of heaven will be turbulent again. I am afraid there will be another measure. Tribulation.

But he knew nothing about the crucial calamity.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw Taishang Laojun coming out, and hurriedly walked over and said: "Senior brother, the way of heaven is probably going to change, and this time we didn't get any instructions from the Taoist ancestor. It's not normal! In addition, Tongtian comes to you this time and tells Dao Zu to let us all retreat!"

After hearing this, Taishang Laojun nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed the case, but we don't know the specifics, but we must not be allowed to participate in this calamity because we are afraid of causing trouble! Master naturally has him Plan! Think about it, Jie Yin and Zhunti are already in the West, we Sanqing can’t leave, let alone Nuwa, this is how you can understand!”

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and said: "But, senior brother, in this case, we are saints, we cannot know everything!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Taishang Laojun's eyes, and he said: "Master said that we are not allowed to go out, so why are you stubborn? But, haha, what Master said is that if we don't go out, after the poor Taoist energy transforms the three pure states, he will You can go and have a look, you just have to stay in Yuxu Palace, Pindao will tell you if there is any news!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help being a little overjoyed when he heard it, yes! Taishang Laojun still has such methods!

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and said: "Senior brother is so awesome. I didn't even think of such a method. Once I transform into the Three Pure Ones, I won't violate the master's decree that the saints are not allowed to go out. High, I admire you!"

Taishang Laojun just laughed at Yuanshi Tianzun's praise, and then raised his hand, and the lights in his hand flashed, and he left the Eight Views Palace in one breath.

Seeing that his clone had left, Taishang Laojun returned to the Eight Views Palace and stayed behind closed doors!

And one of the incarnations came directly to the heaven, and Haotian couldn't help but be surprised when he looked at Taishang Laojun.

This avatar who transformed into Taishang Laojun said: "The poor Taoist will encounter some troubles when he is newly established in the heaven, so he came to help and asked the Emperor of Heaven for permission!"

When Haotian heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, can you not allow it?

Although it is a clone, there is no difference between the three pure beings transformed into one qi and the original body! I can't afford to offend him. As for why Taishang Laojun is here, Haotian also knows it well.

But he can only pretend that he doesn't know anything, because even if you complain to Hongjun, Hongjun can't do anything to him. He can turn into three pure beings in one breath, but he has not left!

After filing the complaint, his Heavenly Court and Haotian himself completely offended the Supreme Lord!

So Haotian naturally welcomed Taishang Laojun in respectfully.

Since they are willing to be in heaven, it is a good idea to entertain them!

Monster clan!

After Liu Ming came back, he told what happened that he was going to measure the calamity.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taidu were shocked for a moment.

Didn't he just come back from the Conferred God Tribulation?

Why are you going again?

Liu Ming didn't want them to worry, so he lied to them and said that Daozu saw that Liu Ming had good abilities and had the experience of supervising and measuring calamities, so he asked him to go again because he valued his abilities.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi had lived for tens of millions of years. How could they not know that Liu Ming was lying, but they did not expose it. Liu Ming must have had his own plans.

Therefore, Liu Ming must pay attention to safety when settling down, but he didn't ask any questions.

But after Liu Ming left, the two of them showed worried looks on their faces.

Liu Ming left the demon clan and thought for a while that he should say goodbye to Nuwa!

Although the monkey has not been born yet, Liu Ming has decided to go down immediately.

Staying in Honghuang is already a bit depressing. Going down is just waiting for the monkey, and I can relax at the same time. The pressure and coercion given by Hongjun are too great!

After arriving at Wa Palace, Liu Ming spoke to Nu Wa again, but this time except for his garrulous words, he said everything that should be said and should not be said.

There is no need to hide anything with Nuwa. We have the same understanding with each other, so there is no need for you to lie.

After hearing Liu Ming's words, Nuwa didn't speak for a long time, but her brows were furrowed and she didn't know what to think.

After a long time, Nuwa finally said: "You have been deceived. Since the monkey was conceived, it was allowed by heaven and did not violate the will of heaven at all!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming was stunned for a moment, and he soon came to his senses.

"I'll go, damn, this old man is very bad! Yes, God can tolerate his pregnancy, and I didn't force him out, so how could there be cause and effect? ​​But why did he lie to me? ah!"

Liu Ming asked.

Nuwa gradually relaxed her brows and said: "After thinking about it, there is only one reason, that is, Daozu doesn't want the monkey to go down with his memory and strength, and it is estimated that from the beginning, Daozu has decided to let you I'm going to measure the calamity, so I'm afraid that the two of you, the master and the disciple, are so powerful that they will destroy the entire calamity. They will lie to you and then erase the memory of Sun Wukong and let him be reborn as a just-born man with no spiritual strength or memory. They are just creatures of heaven and earth."

After Nuwa's explanation, Liu Ming understood.

Ginger is still spicy!

He has been led away now, but for the sake of the demon clan, and even more for his own enlightenment and becoming a saint, these are not important anymore.

Nuwa saw that Liu Ming had figured it out, and then asked: "Hey, you said you have to go through a lot of trouble, now Daozu has remembered you, I am afraid that I will have to give you this kind of hard work in the future, it is really annoying Helpless, Dao Ancestor’s plan is not something you and I can understand!”

Liu Ming could only remain silent at Nuwa's words.

Seeing that Liu Ming was not very interested, Nuwa asked, "When are you going to leave?"

Liu Ming raised his head and glanced at Nuwa, and said: "I came here this time to talk to you. Another reason is to say goodbye to you. I am going to leave now. If I leave earlier, I can think about it for myself!"

Afterwards, the two chatted for an hour, and Liu Ming turned into a stream of light and left!

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